Otherwise known as after "Girl of Steel!"
barkandbite: Hoss
barkandbite: Why do you have the most badass girlfriend ever
oliverking: I still ask myself that question every day
oliverking: I'm still lucky, though
angelpuppydanvers: Love you, too, Oliver <3
barkandbite: Again
barkandbite: Flirting
barkandbite: Don't
allfairplay: To be fair
allfairplay: You started it
alwaysawinner: You totally did
spartacus: ^^^
barkandbite: I hate all of you
moralcompass: You realize you work for two people in this chat, don't you, Rene?
oliverking: Twice for me?
rushsawyer: I'd change your opinion on them if I were you, Rene
barkandbite: Feeling the love, everyone
barkandbite: Feeling the love
smoakandmirrors: On to more pressing concerns
smoakandmirrors: LENA
smoakandmirrors: ARE YOU OK
queenoftheboard: I'm fine, Felicity
thirdtimesthecharm: That's it?
queenoftheboard: It wasn't my quarterly assassination attempt, of course that's it
queenoftheboard: And Morgan Edge is just a sick son of a bitch
queenoftheboard: Thanks for scaring him, guys
oliverking: No problem
merlynthemagician: Quarterly assassination attempt
fast&furious: Wow
secondisthebest: You have those?
queenoftheboard: You are aware my last name is Luthor, yes?
spacepapabear: Do you have the Luthor family on your Earth?
angelpuppydanvers: Good point
angelpuppydanvers: Why did I never think of that?
oliverking: I don't think we do
smoakandmirrors: We don't
promiseskept: You just looked, didn't you
smoakandmirrors: Of course I did
smoakandmirrors: A member of the team has quarterly assassination attempts
smoakandmirrors: Why wouldn't I try and find her on our Earth
merlynthemagician: Who knew you could be such a mother hen
smoakandmirrors: I care, OK?!
agentdamnvers: Felicity
agentdamnvers: Are you implying some of us don't
smoakandmirrors: No!
smoakandmirrors: She's on your Earth, of course you guys care!
promiseskept: Did you imply those of us on Earth-1 don't
smoakandmirrors: NO
smoakandmirrors: WE ALL CARE OK
smoakandmirrors has left the group
secondisthebest: She is such a mother hen
spartacus: She probably gets it from being in the bunker worrying about everyone being in the field
alwaysawinner: I totally sympathize
supersfriend: Same
alwaysawinner: Dude
alwaysawinner: You go in the field
supersfriend: Not recently
queenoftheboard: And I have complete confidence in National City's superhero
angelpuppydanvers: Aww
queenoftheboard: Love you, Kara
angelpuppydanvers: <3
oliverking: Should I be worried about my girlfriend cheating on me with her CEO best friend
agentdamnvers: Trust me, you should not
agentdamnvers: I stand by what Siren said earlier
agentdamnvers: Lovesick puppy
angelpuppydanvers: Alex!!!
spacepapabear: She's not wrong
rushsawyer: ^^^
supersfriend: Definitely not
angelpuppydanvers: Thanks, guys
angelpuppydanvers: Way to be supportive
barkandbite: Now you know how I felt
oliverking: I can still fire you
oliverking: Just in case you forgot
barkandbite: Good to know
Most of these will be post-episode chats
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