Thanks to a wonderful reader whom I absolutely adore sharing a conversation with, I have been convinced to dig this book out of its grave, and bring it back to life through dark Satanic rituals. I am going to be starting this from where I left off and maybe once this thing is completed I'll go back and edit it so I'm less ashamed of it.
But yeah, I think this will be good for me, re-igniting my spark for this book
Sparks: Speaking of spark, I'll be back in it with my wonderful commentary!
Blitz: I will also be there to keep Sparks under control.
You two will be lucky if you make it into the A/N at the end of a chapter.
So yeah, this book will be coming back. I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible and we'll see where it goes from there. Thank you all for staying with me and thank you to the reader who gave me my inspiration back.
See you all in the next one!
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