First Day!
Me: Hello, and welcome to your first day at Insult and Roast Academy! I'm your teacher, Ms. Cinnabun 👩🏫 . And today-
CrybabyWolf_Broppy : 🏃♀️💨 . Sorry I'm LATE!
Me: Ah. Ms. Ali-Ann. Care to explain your excuse?
Ali: Yes! I got stuck in traffic!
Me: Hm. Very well. Since it's the first day I'll excuse you. However I don't expect this to happen again! Now let's look at the attendance sheet. Ali is here.... uh. Rain?
JustSing410 : Here 🙋
Me: Robyn?
smuggries : Yo ✌️
Me: Thea?
Heyitzthea : Ello.
Me: Mia?
babytrollmia : Wassup?
Me: Jojo?
Josjos4everBroppy : I'm here :D
Me: Bea?
Scrappeuse : Je suis professeur présent!
Me: Annie?
artsyannierose : Hey.
Me: Nikki?
MyWorldOfTrolls7 : Hola.
Me: Alright that's everyone. Let's start with a simple math problem. If someone hits you with a classic yo mama joke, what is the probability you are likely to come up with a good comeback? Anyone?
Ali: I think I know the answer 🙋
Me: Alright then. What is it?
Ali: According to my notes, you first use the formula, which is seconds divided by words equals roasts, and the answer I got was 71%.
Me: Correct! Here are some side notes about this month's unit. Take them all in.
Everyone: 📓✏️
Me: Alright time's up! Time for English! Correct this sentence: Did i ask for your opinion? Well I did! Thank you!
Robyn: 🙋
Me: Robyn?
Robyn: You aren't supposed to be nice and say thank you. It's actually, "Did I ask for your opinion? I didn't think so bitch."
Me: Very good! You get 2 extra points for the bitch.
Robyn: U^U
Nikki: 🙋
Me: Yes Nikki?
Nikki: I need to release some yellow liquid from my vagina.
Me: .............. please just say you need to use the bathroom. Now go.
Nikki: *leaves*
Me: Anyways, next sentence: Yo mama is _______ . Be creative!
Everyone: 📓✏️📓✏️📓✏️📓✏️📓✏️📓✏️📓✏️
Me: Times up! Who wants to go first?
Annie: ME ME MEEE!!!!
Me: Alright then Annie, come on up!
Annie: *goes to the front* AHEM. Yo mama is so ugly, she makes blind kids cry!
Me: oooo a classic! Very good! A+
Annie: Yes u-u
Nikki: MY TURN!! Yo mama so fat, she caused the Tōhoku earthquake of 2011!!
Me: bringing body weight AND history? Very impressive! A+
Robyn: Ok um. Here's mine. Yo mama's so broke she can't afford free stuff.
Me: Oh man! That's sad because free stuff don't cost nothing. However try to be a bit more creative. B+
Robyn: Aw man...
Bea: ok I got one. Yo mama so dumb when you said your computer has a virus she poured cough syrup and chicken soup all over it!
Me: C'était un bon! A +
Ali: Yo Mama so homeless, she lived in a box!
Me: Not very good, but still you made an effort. B-.
Ali: ..... i'll cut your head off when you sleep-
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