Chapter 73
Niall's P.O.V
His eyes were blood shot red, I noticed the bags under his eyes but kept my mouth shut. I've never seen Harry look this bad ever since I came here, I stopped the car in front of the school and turned my way over to Harry.
"Whats wrong?" I asked trying to get his attention, but he kept his eyes looking forward.
"Harry?" I said getting tired of his silence. Harry looked at me and I gasped at the purple bruised cheek.
"Harry what the fuck happened to-" Harry cut me off by getting out the car and walking out towards the school building. My mind quickly went to Louis. I left Louis and Harry alone yesterday, what if Louis did this? I got out the car and joked towards the building with my hand balled into fist. I opened the school doors and there was no sign of Harry, I walked to the locker that I knew was Louis. I saw him standing there with Zayn laughing about god knows what. I tapped into Louis shoulder and right whwn he turned around I swung hitting him on his cheek.
"What the fuck man!" I heard Zayn yell. I turned to where Zayn was and he was already taking off his backpack.
"You stay out of it fucking prick!" I yelled Zayn got close to me and swung but missed. Louis quickly grabbed Zayn and pulled him away from me.
"Why the fuck did you do that for!?" Louis asked grabbing his swollen cheek.
"Are you fucking kidding me Louis! You're an asshole! A fucking jerk who plays with people's feelings then beats them up! When no one is looking!" I yelled, I saw half the school crowding around us with phones in their hands.
"What the fuck are you talking about Niall?" Louis asked trying to act all confused. I made my way towards Louis poking my finger harshly onto his chest.
"Don't play dumb with me Louis, you know exactly what i'm talking about" I growled harshly poking his chest again.
"I actually don't know Niall, I haven't laid a single finger on Harry" He pushed my hand away looking at me dead in the eyes.
"Really? Why don't you see it for yourself" I turned around and pushed myself through the large crowd I heard the bell rang and I rolled my eyes rushing my way to class.
Harry's P.O.V
8: 52 a.m. I let out a loud sigh when I saw the large bruise formed on my cheek from the mirror reflection. I decided not to go to first period since Louis was there, but not only because of what I just don't wanna go to class which isn't me since I'm always the 'goodie goodie' and get to class early. I heard someone outside the restrooms and I quickly rushed into the biggest stall. I heard the restroom door open and I heard someone sigh.
"Harry I know you are in here, can we talk?" The strong british accent bounced off the restroom walls. I stayed quiet waiting for the person to get out but the footsteps just got louder. Louis lightly knocked in the bathroom stall and I swallowed loudly.
"Harry, I'm just here to ask why you're ditching first period" Louis asked, i saw him leaning onto the wall from the small crack of the stall door.
"M' not feeling good today" I mumbled. Louis pushed himself off the wall and stood right in front of the door.
"May I ask why?" Louis said almost as a whisper.
"I'm just not feeling it, I just don't wanna be here" I said deciding on whether to unlock the restroom stall or not.
"Then go home Harry" Louis let out a loud sigh and I quickly answered.
"No!" I almost yelled there was from fright in my voice and I think Louis noticed because he tried pulling the door to open.
"Why not?" Louis voice seemed to get a bit more harsher.
"I...uh, I just dont wanna be home" I started playing with my finger nails as I heard Louis stay quiet.
"Harry I know there's something going on at home, Niall came up to me this morning swinging at me for supposedly 'beating you up' yesterday! I didn't lay a hand on you Harry so it's either you tell me right now what the fuck is going on or I'll show up at your house after school to see it for myself" Louis raises his voice and my mouth was wide open. Niall thought Louis did this to me? I stood there not doing anything, I stayed quiet, I didn't move. I didn't know what to do. I slowly opened the door and stood there, Louis looked a bit tired and he had a busted lip.
"Harry's for fuck sake! Just tell me what's going on!" Louis raised his voice making me flinch.
"Shit, fuck, im sorry I didn't mean for you to get scared. I just wanna know whats going on Harry, I didn't give you that bruise. Please Hazza I wanna know if you are okay" Louis spoke quietly, he walked towards me and he started to caress my arm.
"I-uh, it's uh nothing. I actually hit myself thats all" I stuttered, I saw the frustration in Louis' eyes and for some reason I wanted to spill everything out, it just seems like he actually cares but i know he doesn't.
"Har- Look I may look or even act dumb but im not Harry" Louis turned around and walked towards the sink putting his each of his hands beside the sink. His head was hung low with his eyes closed.
"It was Damien" The words slipped out my lips without me even thinking about it. Louis head turned towards me so damn quick that I think he almost broke his neck.
"What!?" He pulled himself off the sink and walked towards me, he had anger written all over him and it frightened me.
"It was Damien, thats why I told you to leave. He came home" I whispered, Louis ran a hand through his hair and his fist quickly punched the bathroom stall making a loud echo.
"!" Louis spit every word out slowly from that sentence and to be honest angry Louis quiet a turn on not that it mattered or anything.
"You're fucking lying Harry! I know you well enough! Fuck! Why cant you just tell me what that sick bastard did to you!" Louis started pacing the room and I bit my lip.
"Uh, imma go to class" I grabbed my bag from the floor and quickly tried to get out but I was just being slammed onto the wall.
"Are you fucking serious? You aren't going anywhere till you tell me!" Louis was inches away from my face and for some reason tears started running down my cheek. Louis let go of me and he backed away.
"I cant tell you" I said between a small cry.
"Yes you can, I'm fucking worried about you Harry. I care about you" Louis wiped my tear away with his dumb and I just nodded a no.
"You don't understand" I moved myself away from him and Louis looked at me with sadness.
"Then help me understand Harry" Louis pulled the tips of his hair showing how frustrated he was. I stayed quiet at his response.
"Baby please" Louis whispered. My heart started racing and my pale white hands ran down my jeans my palms were sweating.
"Please don't call me that" I mumbled. The word baby made me feel discussed. I think Louis got the hint on something because he whispered something underneath his breath and ran out the restrooms with his fist balled.
Shitty ass ending but fuck it.❤❤❤ xxx
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