Chapter 66
Louis' P.O.V
"Come in!" My mum yelled from the other side of the door. I opened her room door and was greeted with her sitting on a stool in front of the mirror doing her makeup.
"Imma go out" I kept my eyes glued to the mirror watching her put on her eyesshadow.
"With who?" She mumbled I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest.
"Some friends" I answered in annoyance. She always wants to know ever my thing about my life. It took her a while to answer and it was getting me mad.
"Okay go" She started applying her lip stick and I closed the door walking down the stairs. My sisters werent home they stayed over my grandmas house and my parent are going on some lame ass date. I grabbed me jacket that was in the couch and started walking out the house. I walked down the street passing the familiar houses. I was making my way to Rickys house for a small gather up with the soccer team even though I wasnt in it I was still invited. I passed through Harrys house and I heard some yelling and I knew it was the Damien ass hole guy.
"Shut the fuck up gay ass prick!" I heard the voice get louder I looked around to see if and neighbors were out side hearing but there was no one. I noticed that the window curtains were open and you can see the whole living room. I looked through the window and I can see Harrys' curls
"Faggots dont deserve to have respect on their lives! You do everything I tell you to say!" I saw Harry stumble a little and I knew that someone pushed him. I couldnt hear Harry because he wasnt yelling but I knew he was scared I can see the fright on his face. Harry was nodding and pulled his sleeves down. I felt a small ache on my chest for some odd reason. Was he still self harming? I didnt want to think he still was, I kept my eyes glued to the two people in front of me. I saw Damien grab Harry from his wrist and I heard Harry yell.
"No! No! Please dont hurt me, I- I will do everything you tell me but please let go" Harry tried to tug his hand away but he failed. I felt a huge wave of anger rise. I walked towards the porch and knocked hard. I waited for an answer and I was about to punch the living shit out of Damien but I noticed that Harry was the one who opened the door.
"Louis?" Harry looked confused, I saw tear stains on his cheek and I wanted to hug him so badly but my fists were ready to punch that asshole of Damien.
"What are- what are you doing here?" Harry asked, he looked scared and I pushed my way into the house.
"Wheres the drunk ass fucker!" I yelled so Damien can hear me. Harry walked towards me and grabbed me hand.
"Louis you should go, its not a very good idea please" Harry tried tugging me out kf the house and I jerked my hamd away.
"No Haz, where the hell his this piece of shit at!" I yelled looking around. I was so off the edge that I couldnt handle my anger. I punched the door but nothing happened.
"Louis!" Harry gasped and grabbed my hand. He looked at my hand and say that my skin was peeled off.
"Are you crazy Louis! You could have broken your hand!" Harry was shaking and fuck I wanted to kiss him. Yes kiss him. I dont know what was going on with me but I cant control my thoughts when im around him. Damien came out of the kitchen with a laugh.
"Awh pretty boy you decided to come" I turned my head and Damien was standing by the door frame by the kitchen. I was about to run towards him and punch him but Hary grabbed me by my wrist.
"Louis just leave" Harry whispered I turned around to face him.
"No are you fucking crazy I saw the way this dick was treating you Harry" I raised my voice, Harry flinched and I quickly regreted it.
"Im sorry, I didnt mean to get you scared, but Harry Im not gonna leave you expecially with him!" I rolled my eyes. Harry had pleading eyes and I groaned.
"Fine I would leave if you leave with me" Harry let go of my hand and looked over where Damien was standing.
"I-I cant Louis" Harry stuttered and I crossed my hands above my chest. I rasied a brow and huffed.
"So you prefer to stay with this dipshit then go with me? Harry this asshole can kill you for all I know! Im not fucking leave!" I raised my voice and Harry looked terrified.
"Louis- please I dont want you getting hurt or anything just- just go please" Harry pointed to the door and I looked between Harry and Damien. An idea popped into my head and I wuickly grabbed Harry putting him over my shoulder. Harry let out a loud suprise sound and started hitting my back.
"Louis! Put me down!" He was thtowing his hands and legs everywhere and I started walking out the door. I heard Damien throw the glass of beer he hand in his hand and I smirk at the idea if him getting mad that I just took Harry. Once I got out the house and onto the side walk I let Harry down.
"Are you crazy Louis!" Harry whispered yelled I laughed and poked his nose.
"Nope, now lets go to my house" I grabbed his wrists and Harrys didnt move a muscle. I knew I should be going to the gather up at Rickys but right now I didnt give a dam flying fuck about any of that shit, right now the only thing that was running through my head was Harry, Harry and Harry.
"Your house?" Harry looked scared and I laughed lowly.
"Yes love my house now lets go" I pulled him alone with me and Harry looked like a kid that was being dragged to church by his mother which I found quite adorable. We walked down the side walk with no one speaking, it wasn't awkward at all I just wanted to have a conversation with him.
We got to my house and Harry stood by the door not knowing what to do. I rolled my eyes playfully and stood in front of Harry.
"Make yourself at home I wont bite...hard" I winked at Harry and he choked on his own saliva. I laughed loudly making Harrys cheek turn a shade of pink.
Harrys P.O.V
I laid on Louis bed trying so hard not to look at him. I kept my hands in my stomach making sure my sleeves were covering my wrists. Louis was laying next to me tapping his finger in his stomach. I felt his eyes stare at my side of my face and I blushed a little.
"Haz Im not stupid" Louis whispered and my head quickly turned yo fave him. Louis jand a frown on his face and I looked down.
"W-What?" My heart was racing and I didnt know what to say.
"Show me your wrists" Louis whispered and stood up in his bed. I stood up beside him and nodded.
"Why?" I rushed the words out, Louis sigh and I bite the inside of my cheek.
"I know your still self harming Haz... Im not stupid for god sakes" Louis tugged his hair and I quickly grabbed his hands.
"Dont" Is all I said, Louis looked at me with sadness written onto his blue eyes.
"Harry your... your perfect, why cant you understand that" Louis grabbed my hands and I felt my heart racing.
"M' not perfect" I mumbled.
"Your right, your not perfect. Your far from perfect your beautiful Harry" Louis grabbed my chin pulling my face closer to his. I was lost of words I was speechless. Louis lifted my sleeve up and gasped running his finger slowly over my new open cuts. He brought his lips to my wrists and started kissing every single cute, he was mumbling 'beautiful' , 'amazing' , 'cute' , and the one that hit me the most 'worth everything on this earth' I tried my best not to cry but my vision started to get blurry. I moved my hand away from Louis and he looked up at me.
"Let me take you out to dinner tonight" and my heart felt like it stopped beating.
"Out? To dinner?" I sounded do dumb that I wanted to facepalm myself.
"Yeah dinner just you and I" Louis waved his finger between us and the motion made my breath hitch. My throat felt so dry, my mouth was completely opened I was shocked Louis Tomlinson wants to take me to dinner! Deep inside I was screaming but on the outside I was calm.
"Of course i'll love to go to dinner with you" I sat there with my legs crossed, Louis smiled and leaned in pecking my lips. I swear I think I just died. When he pulled away we both looked down trying to hide our fond. This was wrong I was going out to dinner with Louis Tomlinson but yet its good he saved me from Damien. I could have been laying on the floor unconscious but instead im here in Louis Tomlinsons house to be specific his room trying to hide my fond for this guy.
Shitty ass ending😒 Its been a while hasnt it. I havent had the motivation to go in wattpad in a while. But if it wasnt for you guys ir my annoying as cousin I think I would have just given up on this book lol. Anyways how have you guys been? Ive been great ig you can say that😊 I love you allllllll soooo soooo much thank you my beautiful amazing people❤️😘
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