Chapter 65
Louis' P.O.V
The loud music was blasting through the two story house. I looked beside me and gave Ashton a small fake smile. While he barged into the house, I looked around and reconized some samiliar faces from school. A girl was laughing while dancing alone and it looked funny beacuse she looked like some physco. As I walked more into the house I found myself standing in the kitchen it wasnt as full as the rest of the house. I walked towards a stool looking around, I saw Josh dancing with some guy while he was whispering in his ear making the inkown guy laugh. I turned the stool around so I can face the kitchen. I sight knowing this party was nothing but boring, I got a red cup from the counter and filled it up with water. Yes water I wasnt feeling the alcohol vibe right now. I quickly turned around when I heard a familiar irish accent. My eyes landed on Niall who was drunk trying to balance himself onto dome random girl.
"Hey Niall" I yelled over the music that was blasting through the speakers. Nialls eyes landed on me and smiled.
"L-Louis yoo how you been bro" He walked drunkly towards me tripping over his own feet.
"Ive been great, you?" I dtood up and grabbed his hand trying to help him. The girl looked annoyed but then she walked away.
"I doing just fine... Have have you seen Harry around?" Niall looked around so quick that he fell. Harrys here! He's here at this party! With out Niall!? God, something can happen to him! I got Niall from the floor and he laughed.
"Shit, i need to piss" Niall stumbled as he took a step. I walked behind him making sure he wont fall.
"Where was the last time you've seen Harry?" I asked. Niall didnt answer and I groaned. I walked away from Niall and started walking around the house. I was about to give up but then I decided to go upstairs, Im waisting my time beacuse what if Harry isnt here he probably left early. I was wrong though when I opened the door on the left I see a big group of people and my eyes landed on the green emerald curly haired boy. Everyone looked up and I froze.
"Louis the person i've been waiting for the entire night" I looked towards the voice and I see Jason sitting on the circle. I raised a brow and looked around I noticed a bottle was in the small cirlce and I huffed.
"Spin the bottle eh, classic" I walked towards the group and sat not to far away from Harry in fact I was kinda close to him. I noticed everyone that fucks around at school is here but what I don't understand is why Harry is in here. Jason was explaining the rules and I was zoned out as I see Harrys face expressions. He looked like a cute lost puppy that is out in the rain. When Jason stopped explaining a girl with light pink hair spinned the bottle. We had to chose a paper from the hat and what ever that paper had on it you had to do with the person that it landed on. Some are truth and some are dares which makes the game more interesting but if you dont do them you have to makeout with a person the same sex as you. The light pink haired girl groaned when she got the paper she read it out loud making almost every guy wolf whistle.
"Take your pants off for the rest of the game" Her squeaky girly voice said. Her and another girl stood up and both took their tight jeans off. Both girls sat down and the other girl spinned it. It landed on Mike and the girl smirked getting a paper out of the hat. Her smirk grew wider when she saw what it said.
"Put your hand inside the persons pants" She smirked and Mike quickly unbuttoned his jeans.
"Come on baby touch this cøck" Mike winked making the girl turn red. The girl walked towards him sliding her hand into his pants, Mike closed his eyes with a small groan. It was now Mikes turn to spin everyone watched the bottle spin as it landed on Harry. Looked at Harrys reaction and he looked scared, I then looked at Mike and he was smirking he took out a paper and he bust out laughing.
"Suck on the nipples of the person on your left to you" Mike laughed and everyone joined in. Harry was now nervous, he had girls on both side of him. Harry looked around then at the blonde chick who was bitting her lip.
"Mate go easy on him" I spoke up, every head turned to see me and I felt smaller than I already was. I saw Jason laugh lowly making my eyes roll.
"Yeah Louis is right, go easy on Harry. Give him an easier one like, Harry kissing Louis" My eyes widen and I looked around nervously. Everyone hummed in agreement, I started playing with my shoelace feeling uncomfortable.
"N-no its fine ill just uh do the first one" Harry stutter looking back at the blondie. I got a weird feeling on my stomach that wouldnt go away.
"No if Jason wants you and I to kiss then we will give him a show, that what this game is all about entertainment" I stood up and walked towards Harry I sat across from him and everyone had their eyes glued on us. I wasnt that nerveous but I was a little. I moved closer to Harry with a smil towards Harry and he returned it back. I saw him shake making me laugh in the inside, he looks so cute when he's nerveous. I raised my hand up putting it on him cheek the other one was on his knee. A shiver ran down my spine when I felt his large hand on top of my hand. For a second I forgot where we were but then I heard Jason groan.
"Its just a dam kiss, fucking do it already!" Jason sounded annoyed and I ignored him. I leaned in closer but Harry seemed to be frozen, my lips brushed over his pink plumped ones making me get turned on alittle. I crashed my lips onto his and I heard everyone gasp, I tugged on Harrys shirt telling him to get closer to me. Harrys large hands were on both sides of my cheeks while mine were on his shirt and on knee. The kiss turned out into a make out session our mouths moving slow. Harry was now on my lap with on if his hands under my shirt, I was trying my hardest nit to move my hips upwards but I couldnt stay still. A small moan escaped out if Harrys mouth as my hard on was rubbing on his ass.
"We said kiss not fuck each other" I heard someone say I quickly pulled away moving Harry off my lap. Jason was smirking looking back at Harry and I.
* * * *
The rest of the game wasnt as bad as the other games. Everyone got up and went downstairs except for two girls, Harry and I. Harry and I sat on the room quietly waiting for the girls to leave the brunette left the room pulling the other girls hand closing the door behind her. The room was now quiet except for the music that was blasting from downstairs. Harry got up and looked at me before walking towards the door. I quickly stood up and grabbed his elbow making him stay behind. He turned around and I frowned.
"Where are your glasses?" I asked looking into his eyes Harry pinched the bridge of his nose with a sight.
"Home" He whispered. I looked at him confused.
"But I thought you need them?" I asked running my hand through his curly hair.
"Im wearing contacts" Harry mumbled. I smiled at him grabbing his hand I intertwined our fingers together, my eyes not leaving his. I leaned forward smoothly kissing his lips. Harry kissed back making my stomach twist. I tugged his soft curls making Harry groan lowly. I started teasing him by rubbing my hand slowly over his bulge.
"Lou, stop teasing" Harry whined. I bite his bottom lip making him whimper. Harry unbottoned my pants so fast that I didn't feel his fingers were messing with the hem of my underwears. In one swift motion Harry put his hand inside my pants, I gasped at the sudden feeling. My growing bulge was aching so bad that I started to rub myself onto Harrys hand. Harry 'tsk' and moved his hand away making whined.
"How does it feel to be teased?" Harry mumbled and i grabbed is shirt taking it off. I took off my pants and shirt leaving me in my underwear. I looked down at Harry's pants and he smile m, he slowly took them off looking straight at me. I moaned as I saw his tatoos, and his nice fit body. I grabbed his wrist walking him towards the bed. I pushed him so he can fall onto the bed, I crawled onto him my arse on his bulge. I started kissing his chest all the way up to his neck, I stucked on the sensitive skin that was below his earlobe. I moved my hip upward and Harry moved his hand over his eyes while the other one was holding his other hand. I put one hand on his hip while the other was on his growing cøck. Harry laughed as heard me groan I grabbed his wrists pinning them above his head.
"Funny huh" I moved my hips harder onto him and Harrys hands gripped the pillow above him.
"Fuck" I panted as I saw Harry's figure under me. His curly hair was messy going every direction and his lips...god I dont wanna start talking about those. I bit my lip and bent down I leaned close to him pecking his lips. Harry smiled and grabbed my face. He crashed our lips together and I couldnt help but smile into it I felt sparks lighting up like if it was the fourth if July. I pulled back putting my arms on his chest.
"Your suck a dork" I whispered Harry nodded sticking his tounge out putting his hands on my thighs.
"Theres a party out there with so many girls yet your here with me" Harry whispered looking straight into my eyes. He had a point there were plenty of girls out there yet im here with him. I smiled kissing his chest
"Well as long as im with you, I dont have to worry about anyone who isnt you" I mumbled into his chest
Yoooo wassup hello how you been! Ive been great 💗 Im doing my biology homework atm which sucks. Thank you ssoooo sooo sooo sooo much for reading/voting/commenting I love you all so much💗❤️😭🍑
Hugs&Kisses my munchkinss🍑
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