Chapter 62
Zayn's P.O.V (Surprise)
I laid on my bed with the music blasting through my speakers. I drummed my finger into the beat of the music trying to think of this problem so much. I wanted to text Liam but I think it wouldn't be a good idea. Liam's right I never seemed to care about his feelings at all I acted like I hated him in front of everyone. I didn't want to seem weak and text him telling him how sorry I am. I miss him. I really do, but it's my fault, my fault he left me. I heard the front door open but I could care less. As the song was coming to an end my room door opened. I raised a brow at my mum who was standing by my door frame. I turned off my music with an eye roll.
"There's was boy standing in front of the house, i let him in, he asked to see you" My mum pointed her thumb towards the staircase. I groaned lifting my head from my pillow.
"Who is it?" I asked not really wanting to see the person.
"He didn't say his name Zayn just go downstairs" My mum said. She closed the door lightly and I got up. I lazily walked towards my door opening it not really in a mood to walk or even see the person. As I stomped on the last step on the staircase I looked up, my eyes widen at the person infront of me. I stood there not moving a muscle Liam turned around and he smiled.
"Hi Zayn" He whispered making me zone out. I looked around to see if my mum was anywhere in sight before answering.
"L-Liam" I wanted to slap myself for stuttering just by his name. Liam wipes his eyes and looked away from me. It was queit for a moment, I wanted to hug him when I saw a tear running down his soft cheek.
"Liam... please dont cry" I walked towards him standing right in front of him.
"I'm sorry" He whispered looking down at his feet. I nodded putting my finger under his chin.
"Don't be sorry Liam, I should be the one saying sorry. I was a fucking complete dickhead for kissing Perrie" I looked right into Liam's eyes trying to see what emotions he had. He was broken. I hate seen him like this. Liam didnt say anything he just let tear run down his cheeks.
"Its been almost a fucking month Liam. A month since we've talked, I was so lost without you Li you know how I get when I dont I have you" I whispered I had to bit my lip from letting a tears come out.
"Zayn... your doing drugs again!?" Liam pushed my arm away making me flinch.
"What...what no" I had to lie. Liam hated when I would use drugs to let my stress out. Thats why I was gonna go to a party today with Ashton. I stood there looking at Liam and Liam glared.
"I know your lying" Liam whipsered poking my chest. I had to back away since it was starting to bother me.
"No baby, I swear... fuck im sorry I called you that" I ran a hand though my dark black hair tugging the ends. I saw Liams small smile but I know it bothered him.
"I came to talk to you about something" Liam sat down on the couch keeping eye contact with everything around up but me. I sat down on the couch next to him putting my elbows on my knees. Liam closed his eyes before letting out a shaky breath.
"My dad found a job in London, they are paying him the double that they pay him here. My mum and him have been planning some things with out me. So i found out today that next month im moving" Liam played with his finger and my world seriously stopped for one whole quick second. I stood up my eyes still on him.
"Moving! To London!? Liam are you serious?" I started to pace back and fourth not wanting to lose it.
"Its not that far Zayn, I just came to tell you fae to face I didnt want to wait till the last minute" Liam was now standing up grabbing his bag that was by the small couch.
"Liam...please dont leave me" I looked at his way and Liam frowned.
"Zayn I dont think its a good idea" Liam whispered bending down to grab his bag.
"Why!? Why huh! Are you to busy fucking that Neil boy or what! You dont love me no more!? How many times do I have to say im sorry Liam, I love you and you sure a hell know I do!" I lost it, the tears were now escaping and I couldnt help it.
"Zayn! What the hell? Niall is just a friend he's been there for me when you weren't! And you know he's not the problem Zayn! You slept with Perrie Zayn how am I suppose to accept your apology so quick! Do you know how bad it felt to now my boyfriend was cheating in me for a girl! A girl for fuck sakes Zayn" Liam started yelling with his eyes bursting into tears. I wanted to get in my knees and beg him to stay and tell him how sorry I was but I just couldnt.
"Its been almost a month Liam, how could you not accept my apology?" I whispered knowing he'll have a comeback.
"Okay fine I accept your apology but as friends, from now on you and I will not be more than just friends. So I dont wanna hear you saying your sorry Zayn cause I think its time for us to move on." Liam swung his bag over his shoulder ready to leave.
"You dont love me no more?" My heart was aching so bad I didnt know how to handle it.
"Zayn its not that I dont love you. Its that you cheated on me, and I had to find out by reading your messages. You know I love you Zayn and always will" Liam wiped his eyes.
"Then if you love me why wont you give me a second chance?" I walked towards him satnding a few inches away from him.
"You dont understand Zayn! I dont wanna get hurt again, do you know what I've been through?" Liam raised his arms showing how upset he was. I stayed quiet and Liam laughed lowly.
"Exactly you dont beacuse you were to busy smoking your weed and picking on Harry, which I dont understand because you gay too. You dated a guy Zayn face it" Liam rolled his eyes making me want to punch a wall. I closed my eyes and started to breath through my nose.
"Bye Zayn" Liam hugged me lutting one of his arms above my shoulder and the other below my armpit. I hugged him back tightly letting my tear fall down onto his jumper.
"I love you" Liam mumbled onto my chest.
"I love you too Liam" I whispered in his ear before Liam pulled away and got out my house without looking back.
Harry's P.O.V
I sat on the kitchen table all alone. My mum and Damien went out to dinner leaving me alone. I picked at my food not wanting to eat it since I wasnt hungry anymore. I got off my chair grabbing the plate and throwing it into the sink. I walked into the livingroom and wrapped myself under my blankets. I started clicking through some random channels and landed on a movie The Fault In Our Stars I've never watched this movie but the title sound good. I was into half the movie when I heard a knock at my front door. I glanced at the tv and at the door letting out a groan as another knock echoed through the empty house. I looked at the time and it was 6:53 p.m. I was kinda scared to open the door until I heard a very familiar voice that made a smile appear on my face.
"Harry open this door before my irish power breaks it down!" Niall yelled banging on the door.
"Coming!" I yelled
"Whoa! Mate I dont need that information" Niall teased makinge laugh. I opened the door and Niall jumped up wrapping his arms around me. He pulled away and walked towards the kitchen.
"Okay so what are you doing?" Niall pulled out some chips from the cabinets making giggle.
"Watching a movie" I said pointing yo the movie Niall smile and pointed to the tv.
"Oh I love this movie, by the way the guy dies not her" Niall said putting a chip in his mouth.
"Niall! You just ruined the ending!" I whined throwing the couch pillow at him he laughed and almost choked in his chip.
"Okay now that you know the end can we go somewhere" Niall got his car keyes out hos pockets and wiggled his brows.
"I say beach" Niall threw the chips on the counter and sat on the couch.
"But its late to go to the beach" I pointed at the clock and Niall laughed.
"Mate its never late for long walks at the beach, now go get changed" Niall pointed at the staircase. I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs. I walked straight into my drawer and pulled out a ling grey jumper with a black ripped pants. I decided to leave my hair naturally curly since I was lazy to put gel on it. I looked in the mirror and for the first time in forever I smiled at my reflection. I stared up and down at myself and smile. I grabbed my phoen and walked downstairs as I got to the last one I hear Niall wolf whistle.
"Dam Harry we are going for a walk at the beach not going to a frat party to fuck" Niall teased. I poked my tounge out at him and Niall laughed. I turned off all the lughts before walking out the house behind Niall. I locked the house doors and smiled when I see Niall in his car turning the engine on. I rushed towards the car opening the door, as I got in I heard the song Same Old Love by Selena Gomez. Niall is obsessed with her that he has all her albums. I looked out the window a looked as all the houses pasted by so quickly. I couldnt help but smile I had my best friend here next to me while were on our way to the beach blasting the music, I wouldnt ask for anything else.
Hellllllo my beautiful peeps! How have you been? I doing great atm. So im sorry if this chapter wasnt Larry but I thought I should out some different characters P.O.V. What did tou think about the whole Ziam thing? I love you so fricken much thank you sooo sooo much.
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