Chapter 6
Louis' P.O.V
Harry had his eyes closed which made Eleanor panic, I noticed that there was a crowd around us. Eleanor was getting up from where Zayn pushed her and ran towards Harry.
"Hey wake up!" Eleanor shook the cury haired boy trying to get him to open his eyes.
"Are you just gonna stand there Louis!?" Eleanor yelled with her watery eyes. I rolled my eyes and walked towards her and Harry. I heard whispers from the crowd. Is he dead?
"Do you fucking mind! Get to class stupid assholes!" I yelled to the crowd. I got down on my knees and just stared at Harry. His lips look so kis- wait why im i thinking about his lips been kissable!
"We have to take him to the nurse" Eleanor whispered putting her hand on my shoulder.
"What do you mean by "we" im not taking him no where!" I almost yelled.
"Those were your friends Louis! So your gonna help me take him to the nurse!" She started yelling.
"Yeah but i didnt lay a stupid hand on him!" I stood up from my spot and stared at Eleanor. I heard her laugh lowly.
"Your such a jerk Louis, I was expecting you to be different from the other boys" She looked up at me.
"Well you thought wrong" Is all i said i coudnt manage to say anything else.
"You know it was better to know who you really are right now than later on" She admitted. I heard the school bell ring which meant first period has began. Eleanor was still in her same spot.
"Arent you gonna go to class?" I said to her
"No, im not leaving this boy here, im not like that Louis" She bent down trying to get Harry up but he was heavy for her. I just stared at her and looked around and noticed the hallways were empty. I walked towards Harry moving Eleanor to the side and bent down pulling Harrys arm around my shoulder. I stood up with Harry around my shoulder, and walked towards the nurse office. I heard Eleanor say something before she came running next to me with Harry's books in her hands. We were in front of the nurse office, Eleanor opened the door for me and I saw a nurse rush towards me.
"Oh my" I heard the nurse whisper.
"Can you please lay him on the bed" The nurse pointed to the bed behind the curtains. I walked towards the bed and Eleanor stayed behind. I layed Harry on the hard black uncomfortable bed. The nurse came back in and started asking me the most randomest questions.
"What happened to him?" She took out a clipboard and a pencil.
"I dont know we found him on the floor by the locker" I lied
"What grade is he in?" She asked writting everything i was answering on her clipboard.
"10th" I answered
"Whats his name?" She pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Harry" I didnt know his last name.
"Harry what?" She pushed her glasses up her nose.
"I dont know his last name, are you fucking expecting me to know everything about him!" I started yelling at her. She kept quiet and didnt say a word to me. She got up and checked Harry's pulse.
Harry's P.O.V
The last thing I knew was that my eyes were slowly closing when Zayn was punching me. I woke up in a white room on a black bed with a curtain closed. I closed my eyes trying to adjust to the light. I heard the curtain slide and i opened my eyes.
"How you feeling?" Im guessing was the school nurse who asked.
"A bit of dizzy" I said she came up to me and grabbed my wrist. She checked my pulse and I heard her counting slowly.
"Alright Harry can you please tell me what happened?" She got a chair and grabbed a clipboard.
"As much as i would like to tell you i cant remember ma'ma" She looked down at her clipboard and wrote something. She looked back at me and smiled.
"Okay i'll be back i'll bring you an icepack" she stood up and walked out the room. I tried sitting up but gave up on my 6th time. I rubbed my face with my hands and groaned.
"Oh my thank god your fine!" A girl with long brown hair said. She came up to where i was and sat on the chair where the nurse was at.
"Are you feeling okay?" She asked with concern in her voice.
"Uh y-yeah" I furrowed my eyebrows confused. Who is she? What is she doing here?
"Um not trying to be mean but who are you?" I asked playing with my fingers.
"Oh right im Eleanor Calder Im new here, I saw how um Zayn im guessing is his name was beating you up I tried to stop him but he pushed me away, I brought you here when you passed out, well not me exacly Louis brought you here." She talked fast way too fast as she picked at her fingers nails and bit her lip
"Oh t-thanks" I smiled and she returned one. The nurse came back with an icepack and a water bottle. She gave me both and i drank some water.
"So Harry you'll be going home in a bit called your mom" The nurse said getting some papers.
"You called my mom!" I nearly yelled at her. Both Eleanor and the nurse looked at me confused.
"I dont wanna go home" I corrected myself
"Harry you need rest and right now your not in a good condition" The nurse looked at me without moving.
"I dont care. I just dont wanna go home please" I begged the nurse
"Harry is everything going fine in your house? Is there any problems?" She looked at Eleanor and back at me.
"Everything is okay at home, I just dont wanna go home" I layed back on the bed and i heard her sigh.
"Harry the nurse is right you need rest" Eleanor said standing up
"No you dont know anything im fine i dont need to go home!" I yelled. I felt bad because Eleanor looked upset when i sat up again and winced. The nurse got out of the room and left me and Eleanor alone which was awkward.
We heard the door opened and we turned around facing the door.
Well im sorry i didnt update i had school. Wtf is wrong with Zayn he changed alot ever since he went solo with that greasy burrito NB. I cant belive he said that to Louis on twitter. Anyywayyy sorry i couldnt update. Love You Lots xx
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