Chapter 56
Harrys P.O.V
I've been sitting here in front of my dad's tombstone for I don't know maybe 3 hours. It was dark but I just didn't seem to care. I know I looked dumb talking to a tombstone but I know my dad is listening, I know he's here listening to every word I'm saying. I closed my eyes and sigh, I felt a tear ran down my cheek but suddenly I felt something on my cheek. I opened my eyes and looked beside me, Louis was next to me looking at me with a smile on his face.
"L-Louis?" I whispered backing away from his touch. He put his hand on his lap and looked down.
"Hi" My eyes found there way to the tombstone in front of me. It was dark but Harry had his phone light facing the tombstone.
"Is this your dad?" he pointed to the grave and I nodded.
"What are you doing here?"I asked moving his head to look at me.
"Well you see you decided to disappear and Olivia called me telling me what happened. We looked everywhere for you but didn't find you until I thought of coming here" He looked at me and smiled.
"What made you think I was here?" I asked him confused.
"Well you see Niall and Olivia looked everywhere and I knew they were both dumb enough not to look for you here. Plus I knew because this is the only place you would probably like to be since your dad is here" He was playing with is fingers while looking down. I stayed quite and I saw him witha small smile.
"You told everyone we kissed?" I whispered. Louis snapped his head towards me and frowned.
"W-what no" He answered. He looked scared and I let out a fake small laugh.
"Louis don't lie, Ashton told me in front of everyone. I'm I some kind of game to you?" I whispered. Louis nodded looking down.
"Harry-" I cut him off by talking.
"Louis I know what your gonna say so please just don't. I was really stupid for actually thinking that those kisses meant something but no they were part of some game or I don't know what it is Louis" I wanted to slap him again but no I couldn't I couldn't dare to.
"I'm sorry I slapped you earlier I didn't mean to its just that you were being rude about Josh and I dating and it really hurt me" I got up and patted my jeans getting good the dirt off.
"I deserved it though, you shouldn't be sorry Harry. I was a dick to say those stuff to you it's just that knowing you and Josh are together is making me jealo- mad because he's probably using you" He stuttered the last few words. I raised a brow and looked at the tombstone.
"You might wanna leave, it's late Louis" I whispered and Louis rolled his blue eyes.
"I should be saying that to you Hazza" He smiled and I frowned. I love when he calls me that but it just sounds different coming out of his mouth for some reason. I nodded and grabbed my backpack beside my dad's tombstone.
"Well I'll see you um.. tomorrow" I started walking but felt a pair of arms grabbing me from my elbows. I turned around and Louis Nad his car keys in his hands shaking them.
"Need a lift?" He asked looking at me. I looked down and nodded a no.
"No thanks I'll walk" I smiled and turned around.
"Harry come on, it's really dark something bad can happen" He yelled for me to hear I smiled and turned around.
"Your gonna wake up the dead and they are gonna hunt you for waking them up Louis" I laughed and Louis did too.
"I don't mind as long as I take you home" Louis looked around and I saw him shiver. I laughed and he looked confused.
"That sounded wrong Louis" I was still laughing and Louis got the joke.
"Oh shit I didn't mean it like that I swear" He looked sacred and I nodded.
"I know what you mean I'm just playing with you Louis" I rolled my eyes playfully and Louis blushed. Louis fucking Tomlinson blushed. Louis started walking and I followed him. He unlocked his car and I got in the passengers car. He turned on the engine and drove out the cemetery.
Louis P.O.V.
The car ride was quite the only thing going in in the car was The Fray in the background. Harry was singing very quietly so I can't hear him but I've heard his voice before and it is amazing. I turned his house block and saw a car parked in front of his house.
"Shoot! Why!?" Harry groaned and unbuckled his seat belt. I stopped my car behind the car that was parked. Harry opened his door and got out rushing inside his house. I got outlet and rushed next to him. We stood in front of the front door and I was confused. He took a deep breath before walking in. We were both greeted with yelling and screaming. Harry looked at me and frowned.
"You might wanna leave it's gonna get crazy here" Harry whispered looking inside his house.
"Nah it's fine" Harry turned around and looked at the girl that was walking towards us.
"Where were you Harry!" The girl yelled. Harry flinched and he backed away.
"I went to dad's grave" He whispered and the girl huffed.
"Dads grave are you serious?" She rolled her eyes and turned around. Harry walked behind her and into the living room I stood next to him and I see Damien sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. I'm guessing they are mad at Harry for disappearing.
"Where the hell were you Harry!?" A lady stood up from the couch walking towards Harry and us.
"Dads grave, why is everyone so upset!?" Harry raised his voice. The lady raised her hand and slapped on his right cheek. Harry gasped and so did the girl that was standing in the corner if the living room.
"Mum!" The girl yelled rushing towards Harry.
"Gemma you shut the hell up!" The lady yelled. Harry looked at me and ran upstairs up to his room. I looked at the family with a glare and they catched me. I rolled my eyes and ran after Harry. I knocked on his room door but he didn't open it.
"Hazza open the door please" I put my forehead on the door and I heard shuffling. Harry opened the door and he quickly hugged me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his head was on neck. I felt tears falling on my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.
Hello my beautiful ppl on this planet. cx
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