Chapter 51
Harrys P.O.V
I got home and saw Damien's car parked on the driveway. I opened the front door and saw Damien on the couch with his feet on the coffee table. I walked upstairs to my room setting down my bag. I walked over to my bathroom locking it behind me. I am so tired of all this. I hate my life! Whats the point on living when you have no one by your side. I slid down to the floor with my back on the door. My knees were up to my face and my hands were wrapped around my knees. A sob left my mouth my hands were running through my curly hair. I took off my glasses and slowly put them on top of the counter. My vision was blurry and my hands were shaking as I reached to the drawer that was at the very bottom of the counter. Tears fell down to the floor when I reached the black all box. I took it in my hands, I opened it and started getting the razor that had blood. I cried not caring about the small knocks going on, on my door. I put my flannel sleeve up and connected the razor with my wrist. I started slicing new red bloody lines on my pale wrists. Sobs came out each time I made a new cut. Each cut had a meaning to it. I went over to the white faded marks on my upper wrist. The knocking finally stopped and I let go of the razor. I saw my wrist and saw 7 new cuts with blood dripping on the white bathroom tiles. I got the a towel and wet just the corner, I ran it across my cuts with a hiss. I put everything away making sure to hide the box in the very back of the drawer. I put my sleeve down and walked out the bathroom. I walked to my room and slowly crawled under the sheets.
I woke up the same day but later in the afternoon. I saw a figure at the corner of my room making mu head snap towards it. Niall was standing there on his phone.
"Niall?" I said making his head snap up looking away from his phone.
"What are you doing here?" I asked looking around.
"Well I called you a billion times but you didnt answer so I got worried and came" Niall smiled and walked towards my bed sitting on the edge.
"Calum texted me telling me that he left back to Australia" Niall frowned and looked at me. I didn't say anything he mostly did all the talking.
"I heard Louis got kicked off the team today" Niall sight and my eyes widen.
"What? Why?" I knew why but I wasnt sure if it was because of me.
"He was being rude to someone and Principal Marz thought it was a good idea to kick him out. Everyone was upset about it because he was basically the good player on the team. Josh seemed pretty happy about it beacuse he clapped his hands and was yelling yes" Niall laughed and patted my legs. I frown as Joshs name left Nialls mouth. Josh hasnt even talked to me since they went celebrating on their victory. He probably got tired of me and decide to leave me alone. It was completely quiet and Niall sight again.
"Sooo.. How is your wrist?" Niall whispered my eyes shot up to look at him.
"Wha- fine?- why you asking?" I stumbled my words. Niall frowned again.
"Im not stupid Harry I saw your wrists when I came in" Niall pointed towards my hand that was on top of the bed sheet. I gave him a look and he frowed once again.
"Louis made you do this?" Niall asked as he stood up from my bed looking angry. I didn't answer I just looked at him as he paced back and fourth in my room.
"Harry, did Louis made you do this?" Niall asked once more I still didnt answer. He groaned and walked out my room. I heard him stomping down the stairs. I stayed on my bed just looking at my wall. Niall found out about my cuts, and he probably doesn't want to be friends with a gay boy who cuts himself.
Niall's P.O.V
He is so fucking dead! I swear when I see that douchebag he is fucking dead! I got out of my car slamming my door hard. I walked up Louis' steps and knocked on his door rough. A lady with brown light hair answered the door looking all confused.
"Can I help you darling?" She asked nicley.
"Is Louis here?" I asked looking behind her. She smiled and
walked aside letting walk in.
"Upstairs down the hall fourth door on the left." She pointed to the stairs. I gave her a fake smile and walked up to his room. I got in his room and slammed the door making Louis turn around from where he was sitting down.
"Niall? what are you-" I cut Louis by grabbing his collar.
"Man what the fuck is your dam problem!" He yelled trying to push me back.
"My fucking problem!? What is yours Tomlinson! You are such a suck up prick!" I yelled pushing him off his chair and slamming him hard onto his wall.
"Get off me!" He yelled.
"How does it feel to be in this position! Huh! This is what Harry always has to deal with ever single fucking day but worse! This is nothing comparing to what you or your worthless gang do to him Louis!" My face was just inches away from him and I wanted to punch him so fucking badly.
"What are you catching feelings for that desperate mutherfucker! Cos' if you are then man I feel bad for you!" Louis said rolling his eyes.
"No I fucking ain't but I stand up for people who I care about dumbshit, and let me tell you this once if I ever and I mean ever again see a cut on Harry's wrist all because of your coldhearted arse you will fucking regret you ever met me Tomlinson!" I growled letting go of him and walking out his room, I saw his mum and dad looking at me with widen eyes. I got out the house and into my car and drove off.
Im soo sorry Ik its a very small chapter but I might update another one today just cos it was a small chapter. Love you all xx
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