Chapter 47
Louis P.O.V
Once I got home the very next day my mum started yelling at me.
"What has gotten into you Louis you were never like this!" My mum threw her purse on the table.
"You are so lucky that boy didnt press charges against your ass!" She made her way towards the livingroom making me follow her.
"For the fucking billion time it wasn't me who hurt Harry! Can you understand that!" I pulled my hair frustrated.
"Watch your language! I am getting sick and tired of you saying what ever the fuck you want Louis! Its either you get your ass back on track and stop being the 'bad boy' or else i'll have to send you to boarding school you man!" My mum started pacing across the livingroom. We heard the front door open making both our heads turn. 'My dad' walked in with his folders in his hands with a smile on his face. I felt myself getting angrier when I saw his smile turn into a smirk.
"Ah I see they didn't press charges against you Louis what a shame, you could have learned your lesson on jail" My father said walking towards my mum kissing her forehead.
"Shut the fuck up prick the person that needs to learn their lesson in jail is your fucking ass!" I got close to him shoving him harshly. My mum got my wrist pulling me away from him.
"Louis William Tomlinson!" Ny mum yelled slapping me across my cheek. I winced as I felt the pain on my right cheek.
"You are my mother but dont you fucking raise you hand on me! You dont know shit about this asshole!" I yelled pointing to Troy.
"I know him more than you do Louis we have been married for 8 years!" My mum had a tear running down her cheeks.
"Actually you don't and thats a fucking shame!" I whispered but she heard me.
"What are you talking about Louis!" My mum looked between me and Troy.
"Tell her, come on!" I yelled at Troy. I laughed loudly making him looked down at the floor.
"I knew you didnt have the dick to tell my mum you been sexually abusing my fucking sister for weeks!" I shoved Troy making him stumble and fall to the ground. I heard my mum gasp and felt two pair of arms grabbing my shoulder.
"Louis leave him alone" My mum pushed me away from him. What the actual fuck I just told her he sexually abused my sister and shes protecting this bastard!
"What!?" I seriously wanted to cry because she was actually protecting him.
"Louis just because you had a bad past doesnt mean you can lie and say these thing about your father!" She was now sobbing. My mouth was wide open. She didnt belive me!? Troy hasnt said a word but just stood up and hugged my mother.
"Mum you have to belive me! Tell Fizzy!" Tears started to run down my face. This is bullshit!
"How can I ever belive you Louis?" My mum whispered. My heart broke into millions of pieces. I know im a dickface but I would never lie to her about something so serious like this.
"Wha- Oh okay, Imma be upstairs is you need anything" I whispered. I closed my eyes trying to make the tears stop falling from my cheeks. I walked up to my room closing the door behind me slowly. I walked towards my bed laying down with my face on my pillow. The stupid tears running down my face. I took my phone out and texted the person I know I can talk to, but he probably doesnt want to get near me.
Harry's P.O.V
It was now 5:36 in the afternoon and Calum left along with Niall. I told rhem to go get some good sleep that i'll be perfectly fine. At first the both denied but I kept telling them to leave. So now im here laying in this stupid bed all by myself just listening to the beeping sound that is driving me insane. The nurse hasnt came in the room in like 2 hrs which was weird because they came in to check up on me like every 30 minutes. I was soo bored in this room that I started to watch the news on tv. About 20 minutes I heard my phone go off. Which meant I got a message from either Niall or Calum saying they are coming. I unlocked my phone and saw the message. It wasnt from Niall or Calum but from Louis. My eyes furrowed I clicked the message and read it
Louis Tomlinson
Hey Harry I know you dont want to talk to me or even worst see me but I really need to talk, and if you dont want to its fine really I understand you hate me. xx
Wait... What im so confused. Louis Tomlinson wants to talk to me? I pressed the text box making my keyboard appear.
Harry Styles
Uh yeah sure, but im still in the hospital if you wanna come of course.
It would be really rude to say no. Yes he picks at me during school but when someone needs to talk you have to be there no matter what. It took Louis almost 10 minutes to reply back.
Louis Tomlinson
Okay, I'll be there in like 10 minutes :) xx
I didnt respond back to him. I turned off my phone putting it on the tray that was next to me. I sat up sitting down on the bed tired of laying down for two days. I just wanted to go home and lay on my own bed. I zoned out for god knows how long but I heard a knock snapping me to reality.
"Come in" I yelled to to loud just for the person to hear me. The foor opened and Louis appeared he looked different. He closed the door behind him slowly and walked towards the chair far from my bed.
"Im sorry, I didnt know Nick and Ashton were planing on doing this to you, fuck im so sorry Harry" Louis put his hands on his eyes. I started to frown at the image in front of me.
"Its okay" The words left my mouth. Louis looked up at me and wiped his tear.
"Its not okay Harry, Im fucked up in the head! I pushed you around without knowing who you are! I judged you quickly! And its because of Zayn and his stupid crew! Im just so stupid!" Louis tugged at his hair. What has gotten into him? Hes not like this! Usually he makes rude comments and doesnt give a dam about people feelings!
"Your not stupid Louis, you just dont know yourself yet. Everyone makes mistakes in their lifes dont they? And your not fucked up in the head you just have a low self-esteem and take it towards other people. And really its fine, im use to the name calling, pushing around and all that stuff" I gave Louis a small smile.
"Thats just making me feel worse Harry" Louis let out a deep breath.
"Good" I smiled at him and he quickly looked down he started playing with his fingers.
"But im truly sorry Harry" Louis whispered.
"I know" I whispered back. In reality i didn't know if it was true if he was sorry or not. I just didnt want him to feel bad about this. I dont even think he really feels bad. His mum probably told him to come and apologize to me. Louis opened his mouth to say something but the door opened quickly. Josh walked in with flowers in his hands and chocolates in the other.
"Babe your okay? How you feeling?" Josh saw Louis but chose to ignore him. He mad his way towards me and kissed my forehead.
"Im great thanks" I smiled at him. If your asking No Josh and I arent dating but he's always calling me those cute sweet names or just giving small kisses on my forhead. I find it quite adorable that he cares about me.
"You sure?" He smiled down and me and I nodded. Louis cleared his throat making both of us look at him.
"Imma head out" He pointed to the door and quickly walked out. I couldnt miss the frown he had on his face. Josh curiously looked at me and I just nodded telling him to just let it go.
Hello!!!!!!!!! Ugh my arm hurts so fucking bad! There is this bitch at my school that started shit with me and I was like Nuh-uh stupid ass bitch dont fucking start drama with my ass tf. Anyaways I love you alll soooo freaking much!
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