Chapter 43
Harry's P.O.V
I woke up to something hitting my nose. I stood up grabbing my nose as the pain grew.
"Ow! Calum what was that for?" I looked at Calum the room filled with his laugh. I turned around and walked to the bathroom turning on the light checking my nose out in the mirror.
"Im ugly enough I dont need a broken nose" I mumbled earning a smile from Calum.
"Oh come on Harry your not ugly, If i was gay I would fuck that flat ass of yours" Calum laughed loud making me make a disgusting face.
"Your nasty" I walked passed him and out the room.
"I know, can we go out and eat im hungry?" Calum whined walking down the stairs behind me.
"We dont have to go out there is ceral and milk in the kitchen" I smiled at my comeback.
"Thats not funny Harry, we should go to this cafe I passed by when I came over last night" Calum jumped in front of me. He reminded me of Niall but in a Australian accent and with balck hair and brown eyes.
"Okay but your paying" I said pointing at him. I was expecting him to say no but he just nodded and clapped.
"Okay lets go just put some shoes on" He slid his vans on and walked out the house. I looked at myself and sigh. I was wearing a white plane shirt with black sweats and my glasses. I put on my converse and locked the door behind me running towards Calum's car. We got to the small cafe in like 10 minutes I was nice, small and fancy looking, it had paints on the walls with a small light hanging from above every table.
"What time is it?" I asked Calum since I forgot my phone at home.
"9:13 a.m." I nodded and looked around. Calum ordered the drinks which I got Hot Chocolate and he got a plain coffee. We sat at a table next to the big window looking out.
"You have alot of tattoos" Calum broke the silence.
"Yeah people don't really know that my body is linked except for like 5 people who have seen them" I took a sip of my drink. We heard the bell of the door wjen someone walks in and my eyes widen when Louid walks in with a girl, she looks younger than him. Louis had a frown on his face along with the girl. I quickly looked down when Louis' eyes were scanning the small cafe and landed on our table. Out of all the cafe he comes here! Calum kicked my foot under the table making me make a high pitch moan. Everyone looked at us and I turned red of embarrassment.
"Harry your staring at that boy" Calum whispered looking out the window.
"No im not, im thinking" I lied looking at Calum. Calum laughed unexpectedly making me frown.
"Thinking of what you can do to that ass of his huh" Calum poked my cheek making me smile.
"Your so nasty Calum how am I gonna last a week with you" I put my hands inside of my sweats pocket looking at my drink. Calum just laughed grtting up from his seat.
"I'll be back I need to pee" He whimpered doing the pee pee dance. I smiled with a nod and grabbed a napkin.
"Who's that?" I heard a soft voice say. I looked up and saw Louis looking at me.
"Someone" I answered playing with the napkin.
"Is he your date?" Louis curiously asked. Why does he care? Its none of his business if im on a date or not.
"Actually it doesnt concern you Louis" I harshly said standing up from my chair.
"It does Harry we kissed yesterday but trust me that kiss did not mean shit to me!" Louis threw his hands in the air.
"If it doesnt mean anything why'd you bring it up? And why did you kiss me in the first place huh!?" I pointed my finger down at the floor. People were looking at us is disgust knowing that two guys kissed.
"Cos i was so stupid! You should have stopped me and you should know that you nor that shitty kiss mean shit to me!" Louis kept his voice very loud.
"Really!? didnt fucken seem like it when you were fucken rocking your hips to mine or when you moaned into the kiss! Yeah that kiss was pure shit!" I yelled. I looked at him and walked past him shoving him. Im actually standing up for myself! Calum got out of the bathroom with a smile on his face.
"Can we go?" I mostly had a begging tone.
"Yeah sure" He opened the door for me walking behind me.
"What was all that about?" Calum looked suprised as he patted my back.
"I am so getting picked on tommorrow" I groaned putting my head low.
Louis' P.O.V
I fist my hand to balls when I saw that guy leaving with Harry. I wanted to yell and hit something so bad.
"Louis?" Fizzy tapped my shoulder. Shit shit shit! She heard everything, she knows I kissed a boy!
"Yeah?" I turned around facing her. She had a small smile on her lips.
"Who was that?" She asked pointing to the door Harry and that annoying guy walked out.
"Some nerdy asshole thats all" I saw that was she flinched when I said that. Both of our drinks were in her all hands, I took my coffee from her hands and sat down on the table Harry and the guy were sitting on.
"Fizzy who was in your room yesterday? I heard whispering but I just didnt want to get on your last nerve nor get in your bussniess" I slouched on the chair I was sitting one. Fizzy's movements stopped and she looked up.
"I was um.. On the phone with my friend" She played with her jacket buttons.
"Really? It sounded like if it was a very recognizable voice, Fiz are you hiding things frome again?" I sat up straight putting my hands next to hers. I got no answer but just a simple nod. I decided yo let it go but I know she was hidibg things from me. She finished our drinks in silence not bothering on speaking to one another.
Sorry this chapter is boring but I had to update bc i havent updated in like 11 days. Love to Infinity and beyond! Byeexx
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