Chapter 4
"Yes Harry my boyfriend anything wrong with it?" She said giving me a death glare.
"U-hh n-nno" I stuttered looking away. Did she really get over my dad? Yeah it been 11 years since he passed away but she can't forget about him can she?
"Harry?" She snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"Uh yeah what was that? S-orry" I looked down with a frown in my face.
"I said go to your room and don't come out!" She got in front of me and squeezed my wrist in her hand. I winced and tried to pull away.
"Anne he's not worth our dinner time leave him alone" Damien spitted out. My mom nodded and let go of my hand. She pointed to the stairs and I knew what she meant by that. Just this morning she was being so nice to me I thought she had extra hours to work? I made my way to the stairs and into my room. I sat on the floor with the laptop on my lap I logged into it and opened my Skype app. I saw that Gemma was on. Gemma was my sister but she doesn't live here in England with us she moved to California to get her degree. I pressed the call button and it started ringing she answered on the 4th ring
"Harry!" She yelled on the other side with a wide smile on her face.
"Hey Gem" I said waving at the camera
"Everything okay over there?" She asked looking at me without blinking.
"Y-yeah of c-course" I lied. I hate lying to her, but she couldnt know how mom was treating me.
"Harry what's going on? Is mom okay?!"
"N-nothing Gemma mom is f-fine" Why do I have to stutter?
"You sure Harry?" She looked like she was ready to cry
"Yes Gemma, I miss you" I said wiping my tear with my jumper sleeve
"I miss you too Harry, please don't cry" Gemma said looking at something in her apartment.
"Uh, Harry I have to go okay, talk to me tomorrow." She kept looking at something.
"Okay I will" I bit my finger nails before ending the call. I heard my mum giggle and her door room shut. I got up from the floor and walked to my closet and grabbed my pajamas. I walked to the bathroom and washed my teeth. I went straight to my bed and covered myself in my sheets. Before drifting off to sleep.
Louis P.O.V
After reading the messages that kept coming in it stopped. His mum sounded so pissed off, I walked downstairs and found my sister Lottie watching TV.
"Hey Louis" My sister Lottie said from the couch.
"Hey" I walked to the kitchen straight to the cabinet to get a cup for water. The door bell rang.
"I'll get it!" Lottie beamed in. I heard her talking to the person on the other side of the door.
"Louis!" She yelled my name with annoyance in her voice. I groaned and walked to the front door. Once I was there I was greeted to a beautiful girl.
"Sorry for the bother but I'm new around the neighborhood and I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Eleanor Calder" She took out her hand for me to shake.
"Louis-Louis Tomlinson" I shook her hand and she gave me a beautiful smile.
"Lou mommy said to read me a bed time story" Phoebe said tugging at my sweats.
"I'll go right now okay I'm busy" I said pointing to Eleanor and Eleanor just gave me another one of her sweet smiles. I didn't notice I was staring at her.
"I have to go, it was nice meeting you Louis" she gave me a quick hug and I returned it.
"It was nice meet you too Eleanor". I gave her a smile and she waved walking down the driveway. I closed my door and made my way to Phoebe's room.
"You should really get that silly smile off your face, Lou" Lottie said poking my cheek.
"Fuck off " I groweld and Lottie just laughed
"Where's mom and dad?" I said walking into Phoebe's and Daisy's room.
"Went to grandma's house " Lottie told me walking behind me.
"Who was that?" She asked when there was silent.
"Who?" I turned around to face her
"That girl in the door" She grabbed her hair and put it into a pony-tail.
"New neighbor, why?" I turned back around and saw Phoebe sleeping all tucked in her blankets.
"No just asking because in Doncaster you would bring girls home and sleep with them so I thought it was just some random girl." She confessed looking down. I just stared at her and didn't say a word. I checked the time and it was late.
"You should get to bed Lottie are your other sisters in their rooms?" I said turning off the lamp my my sisters bed.
"Yeah" she turned around and walked out the room. I walked out behind her and closed the door slowly.
"Goodnight" I said.
"Night" she hugged me and went to her room.
I walked to my room and closed my door behind. I got my phone and texted my mom.
"When are you coming home!?" I texted her and sent it to her. I didnt get a quick reply. I put my phone down on my bed and went to the bathroom to change into my pj's. I heard my phone so I unlocked my bathroom door and ran (not really i was lazy) to my bed. I noticed it wasnt my phone it was Harry's.
"Stupid faggot stop acting like your not reading my messages answer!" The message read. WOW people really do hate this freak. I put Harry's phone in my desk and got into bed i turned off my light that was beside my bed and drifted off to sleep.
Sorry I Couldnt Update Ealier I Was Out Of Town
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