Chapter 36
Louis P.O.V
Damien! What the fuck is Harry's dad doing here in Doncaster! Especially around the hospital was he just wondering around? I knew those words were so dam familiar! I sat down on the cold stone seat whatever the fuck its called. I called my mum a while ago and she yelled at me for being stupid and blah blah. She said she was gonna came and bail me out. My face was hurting as fuck probable all bruised and shit. Damien was in the next cell beside me laughing thinking all this is some stupid joke. We have been here since 9 forty something and it's now 11. I put my knees up to my face closing my eyes.
"Never expected someone so attractive as you to be in a place like this" I heard a rough voice say. I looked to my right and saw a guy all tatted up with piercings all over his face right next to my cell. He had a stupid silly smirk on his lips making my gag. I rolled my eyes putting my head between my legs. He ran a hand through my hair making me move inches away from him.
"Fuck off!" I looked straight at him.
"Oh feisty huh I love that" He laughed. I got up on my feet and walked in the middle and sat down. I was tired really tired I just want to go home and see my friends and Harry. Wait.. Why the hell would I wanna see the nerd freak! I groaned and spread my legs out in front of me. Ever since I told Ed about me having these weird feelings about Harry I havent bothered on saying anything. I wonder if him and Niall are still friends, Niall is cool and all but I dont like him hanging around Harry. It just gets me so pissed off when I see them laughing in the hallway or at soccer practice.
"Tomlinson?" The security or cop I dont know nor i do not care, said looking towards me.
"Yeah?" I asked confused.
"Your free to go" He started unlocking my cell and I quickly stood up.
"I can imagen what I can do to that round ass of yours" The guy smirked. Damien started laughing making me roll my eyes and flipping them off. It was late and my mum said she wasnt gonna pick me up till tomorrow. I started following the security out I stood next to a desk getting my phone and my other things.
"Right this way" The security moved his hand to the door in front of me. I nodded and opened it, I saw my mum standing in front a desk and talking to a lady. She didnt seem to notice me but when the door closed they both looked up.
"Louis Tomlinson what on earth were you thinking!" My mum put the pen down harshly giving me a death glare. I ignored her and stood next to her. The front door opened revealing a mop of curls. My eyes widen as Harry walked in carring a lady purse looking down.
"Here" He mumble giving the purse to the lady my mum was talking to. He kept his head down not bothering on looking up. I cleared my throat making him take his eyes off the floor and up at me. His mouth opened with his green eyes almost popping out.
"L-Louis? What are you doing here" He backed away from me almost bumping into his mum.
"Nothing that concerns you twat" I raised a brow as I saw fear in his eyes.
"Well Anne it was great meeting you, you should come over sometime for dinner" My mum smiled kissing her cheek in a friendly way.
"I will just give me a call yeah?" Anne smiled showing her teeth. My mum nodded before walking out the door I followed behind her turning back around and checking Harry out. He looked cute in his pajamas with his big nerdy glasses. I laughed and walked out closing the door behind me.
Harry's P.O.V
We got a call from Damien telling us to bail him out. Of course my mum being all lovey dovey drove almost 4 hours to Doncaster just to pick him up. Now im here im my pajamas and glasses looking like a total freak. A lady walked in almost as if she was going to explode, she started talking to the lady at the front desk literally fisting her hands.
"Harry go get my purse from the car" My mum pasted me the keys and I turned walking out the door. Why the heck did Damien even get arrested? I was really tired and I have school tomorrow. I walked to the small parking lot waklking towards my mums black car. I unlocked it getting her purse from the passenger seat I locked the door behind me and made my way inside. It was much warmer in here than out there. I put my head down handing my mum her purse and keys, I heard her talking to some lady but I didnt look up. Someome cleared their throat making my look up. My legs got weak when my eyes met the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. His long eyelashes making his eyes look gorgeous. I started to realized I was staring making ny mouth open anf my eyes widen.
"Louis? What are you doing here?" I backed away scared if he would hurt me in front of my mum.
"Nothing that concerns you twat!" I was getting more scared now his voice kinda raised. He reminded me of Zayn for some reason. My mum and his started saying their goodbyes and walking out the door. When I heard the door closed I let out a deep breath i didnt knoe I was holding. I walked towards the chair and sitting down.
The whole way home my mum was arguing about how stupid I was for fighting an older guy and that im so lucky that dad is on a trip and blah blah blah. I got out the car slamming the door making my mum taking a deep breath. She got out and walked behind me into the house.
"Phone now!" She raised her voice taking her hand out. I huffed and rolled my eyes walking way.
"Louis William Tomlinson! Your phone and laptop now!" She walked towards me gripping my hair.
"What the fuck dont you ever touch me like that!" I yelled back.
"I am your mother Louis if you dont like getting treated how I treat you the door is right there! It isnt so hard to walk out!" He pointed to the door behind her. Her face was red of how angry she was.
"Like you would live a day without me!" I pointed my index finger at her.
"Oh Louis you really think imma miss you! You dont do shit around the house and you dont work! So im pretty sure I'll live the rest of my life without you! Your just worthless Louis all you do is lay around this house doing nothing! Your like your him exactly like him! You treat me like shit Louis and I am your own mother! Your won mother for god sakes!" Tears ran down her cheeks looking right at me.
"Im worthless to you?" My voice cracked i looked down to the ground not hearing my mum answer.
"Louis honey I didnt mean it like that" She whispered.
"No its exactly how you mean it, my worthless to you" My eyes got watery making my version look blurry. I turned around and walked up to my room closing the door behind me. I put my back to my door and slid down my bum hitting the floor. I put my knees up to my chest tears falling down my cheeks. I know im rude to my mum but knowing that im worthless to her makes me feel like I shouldnt even be here. I love my mum she's my everything, I just never show it. Yes im rufe to her but I still love her, shes my mum. But what really hurt me the most is that she said I was exactly like him drugatic I am not into drugs! I am nothing close to the heartless asshole Im not! She knows how much I hate him but she still brings him up! I heard a small knock on my door.
"Louis can we please talk im really sorry" I heard my mums soft voice. I got up from the floor wiping my tears from my cheeks. I opened the door letting her walk in. I walked to my bed and sat down.
"Louis im sorry I didnt mean to say none of that especially about him" She sat down and rubbed her hand on my thigh.
"Why? You know I hate him so much mum, why do you always tell me im like him, im not like him" I whispered trying so hard for my voice not to break.
"I know Louis Im just so mad that I just said that" I felt her eyes on me.
"But its not the first time! You know how I feel when you bring him up! You just dont get it do you?" I gripped my hair sobs falling out of my mouth.
"Louis I do understand, just calm down" My mum got my wrists taking my hands off my hair.
"No you dont understand! If you would have understand you would never ever bring him up to our conversations! Sobs were still leaving my mouth. I started gasping as I couldn't breath.
"Louis, Louis? Honey breath" My mum's eyes were filled with worry. It felt like my throat haf something trapped as I could breath I stood up and paced around the room.
"Louis sit down and breath from you nose calm down" My mum quickly got up and grabbed the water bottle next to my drawer. I walked back to my bed and sat down breathing from my nose. My mum passed me my water bottle and and I denied it. I started calming down and laid down on my bed looking up at my roof feeling my eyes suddenly feeling heavy.
Hello! So you guys might be very confused on who the person Jay and Louis are talking about but you'll understand soon when I write about it. I know my book is getting very very boring but Im not forcing you to read it and Im sorry if im disappointing you guys I really am. Well thank you for all the love. Love you byeee xx
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