Chapter 31
Louis' P.O.V
I went to my dresser and got out my dark blue button up shirt with my black pants. I went to the bathroom and opened the cabinet taking out my eyeliner. As I was gonna put some one I heard my phone ring. I ran to my room and answeref seen the I.D. name Ed.
"Hello?" I walked back to the bathroom and grabbed the eyeliner.
"Louis are you ready for the party?" Ed asked on the other line. I put my phone on speaker and set it down on the bathroom counter.
"Yeah just gotta put on my shoes and i'll head over to your hotel okay" I said putting the eyeliner on. I accidentally blink and it smeared making me curse under my breath. I grabbed a wet towel and cleaned it before fixing it.
"Okay dont take long im not trying to miss all the fun" Ed laughed and hanged up. I looked at me hair and decided to leave it how it was quiffed. I walked towards my bed and got my black vans from under my bed. I slid on my shoes and walked towards the bathroom again I looked at my lip piercing and took it off. I wasnt in the mood for my piercing. I grabbed my phone and slid in into my back pocket. I quietly walked downstairs and got my car keys from then key holder. I checked the time on the stove 10:28 P.M. I opened the front door and ran towards my car I turned it on and quickly drove away from the house. It took me about 15 minutes to drive to Ed's hotel, he was standing in front of the door with his hands in his front pocket. He rushed towards the passengers seat and got in shivering. I laughed and turned the heater on.
"Ah I see you went back to putting on your bad boy makeup" Ed laughed looking at me.
"Yeah jealous?" I joked
"Nah dude but your eye color pop out more" Ed looked at the road and I smiled.
"Thanks I know im irresistible but doesnt mean you have to keep your eyes away" I laughed not taking my eyes off the road. The whole way to the party was quiet none of us speaking, I parked my car in the driveway of the house and got out. The street was full of cars and drunk people walking across. Just as I opened the front door the smell of alcohol and mixed drugs filled my nose. I smiled and instantly knew it was a fraternity house. We walked more inside and found myself in the kitchen, I saw familiar people but I wouldnt talk to them.
"Louis!" I turned around and found Ashton standing there with a red cup in his hands.
"Ash" I hugged him patting his back. Ed stood there glaring at Ashton.
"Here have a drink" He passed me the red cup and I tilted my head drinking the strong drink.
"What is this?" I asked Ashton. I never had this drink before it was good but strong.
"Devil Springs Vodka" He lauged and I passed the cup to Ed so he can taste it. He gaged and I lauged Ed really doesnt drink all he does is get high or drink beer thats all. Ashton told me to follow him and he lead us to the living room. Olivia, Luke, Nick, Jake, Josh, Cody, Chris and other random people were here. I sat down next to Olivia and Ed next to Jake. Olivia got up and stood in front of me her ass in my face. She sat down on my lap and giggled, I raised an brow and she kissed my neck.
"Now that everyone is here we should play truth or dare!" Olivia yelled turning around. I took Nick's cup ftom his hand and drank some of the strong alcohol. People started to to sit on the floor and made a circle Olivia got off my lap and sat in the circle. I got up and walked to were Ed was sitting at sat next to him. A girl brought a bottle and put it in the middle of the circle she sqeaked and sat down quickly.
"Who's first?" Josh asked. Olivia raised her hand and spinned the bottle. The bottle started to slow down and everyone started yelling as it landed on a boy with black hair.
"Truth or dare Tyler?" Olivia smirked. He smirked back at her.
"Dare" Tyler looked at her.
"I dare you to take off your shirt and pants and grid on some random girl" Olivia lauged. Tyler quickly stood up and took off his pants and shirt. He ran towards a blonde chick and started rubbing his crotch on her ass. Everyone started laughing as they saw the girls' expression. Tyler ran back and put on his cloths before sitting down on the same spot. Tyler spinned the bottle and landed on some red head chick.
"Okay Mollie choose wisely okay sweetheart" Tyler joked and she flipped him off.
"Its a dare for me Tyler" She took out her tounge at him and Tyler laughed.
"Okay I dare you to... Take off your shirt and and bra for the whole game" Tyler smirked and Mollie rolled her eyes.
"Just cant get enough of this huh" She flipped him off again and took off her shirt and bra. I took a sip out of the cup stopping me from gasping like the other guys even Ed. She smiled and spinned the bottle the whole game was interesting. People got naked, people kissed, people went upstairs it was pretty interesting. When the bottle landed in me Ed, Ashton and Nick all looked at me. Jake looked at me and smiled.
"Truth or dare Louis?" Jake asked laughing. I wanted to say truth but then people would start calling me 'pusssy' and all that shit.
"Dare" Ed raised a brow and looked at Jake.
"I dare you to take someones virginity and I have to choose who it has to be" Jake smiled and I smirked. This can be easy Tomlinson just fuck and your done.
"Okay" I answered everyone started to mumble names but Jake ignored them.
"I'll show you your victim tomorrow at school" He raised a brow and I nodded. Everyone groaned and Ed gave me a glare.
Harry's P.O.V
I woke up at 2 in the morning. I couldnt go to sleep I would wake up almost every 15 minutes. My room stared getting hot so I opened my window. I checked my phone and saw 2 unread messages from Josh.
Answer me love
I furrowed my brows and check when he sent them. He sent the messgaes 41 mins ago. Why is he calling me love? I decided I should ignore it plus imma meet him at school in like less than 7 hours. I got up from my bed and walked to my bathroom turning on the light. My phone kepy going off and I groaned and walked out to my phone.
Heaarryy you should have came to the party its was fun
I decided I should respond.
Nah studying for our test was way better Joshy xx
Your so lame Hearryy but thats what makes you interesting
My name is Harry Josh not Hearryy ha are you drunk? xx
Whaaa no I just drank like 15 shot of vodka thats all
Just 15 ha well get somey sleep you'll need it xx
No im not tired
Okay well I need sleep so I have to go okay i'll see you later xx
With that I turned off my phone and went back to sleep.
I woke up to a huge headache I grabbed my pillow and covered my face with it.
"Louis!" My sister Lottie yelled banging my door. I shut my eyes trying to block the noise but it didnt work.
"Im up now fuck off!" I yelled throwing my pillow at my door. I got up and took a quick shower I changed into a grey 'drop dead' shirt and black pants im surprised I own alot of black pants. I ran my fingers through my now dried hair and brushed my teeth. I put on my shoes on and grabbed my phone, I walked downstairs and grabbed my bag.
"Good morning Louis" My dad said sipping his coffee. Fizzy walked downstairs with her head down. I grabbed an apple and left the house I parked my car on the empty parking lot. I got out putting my hand over my head covering the sun from my eyes. I walked inside the building and found Ashton walking towards me.
"Oh your here Jake found your victim" Ashton laughed I groaned I totally forgot about the dare from the party last night, I followed Ashton to Jake's locker.
"Louis guess what" Jake smiled patting shoulder. I put my head on the locker next to him and closed my eyes.
"Mmhm" I waited for Jake to speak but it got quiet.
"Okay im changing your victim" I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"Okay and that is..?" I saw the smirk playing on his lips. He raised his finger and pointed to the boy walking with Josh.
"Him. Harry Styles" Jake laughed he closed his locker and looked at me. Harry! Why Harry!? I groaned and looked at Jake.
"Why a guy Jake why cant it be a girl?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"Cause Lewis it makes it more interesting" Jake bit his lip.
"Interesting? I should get paid since he's a guy" I snapped making some people stare at us.
"Okay fine I bet you wouldnt get in his pants in less than 4 weeks and if you win i'll give you £350 but if you loose you have to pay me those £350 also you need to give me proof" Jake extended his hand out for me to shake on it.
"Okay" I smiled and shook his hand. This is easy Louis all ypu have to do is take his virginity away in less than 4 weeks you can win this bet. Jake started walking away but then turned around half way.
"Oh and you cant fall for him!" He yelled smirking.
Hello my sugarplums! Its 2:38 a.m. I couldnt sleep so I wrote this chapter. This is were everything basically begins. Anyway im watchin Good Luck Charlie bored af. Thank you so fucken much for all they love! I love you all byee xx
-Hugs & Kisses-
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