Chapter 29
Niall's P.O.V
Oh god what have I done!? Harry was right I gave Louis better access to beat him up! Im so stupid! I turned around and looked at Ed and Louis.
"I have to go" I said quietly looking down at my pizza. I wasnt hungry anymore. I walked away and I heard Liam call my name I ignored him. I kept my head down walking down the quiet empty hallway.
"Niall?" I turned around and saw Liam standing there. His smile disappeared when I just waved at him.
"Are you okay?" Liam asked walking closer to me. I nodded and he quickly made his way towards me to hug me.
"Whats wrong?" Liam curiously asked. I hugged him tightly and let out a sigh.
"Nothing really that important" I lied to him. I felt him mummble something and then pulled away.
"You wanna go get something to eat or drink?" Liam asked.
"No thamks I want to be alone" I walked out the school building and saw only about 10 cars parked. I walked towards my car and saw Harry crying on the bench he was alone. But I thought he was gonna meet up with Josh? Why isnt Josh with him? I wanted to go hug him so bad I wanted to apologize but for some reason my feet werent working. The cold air made me flinch and saw Harry put his knee's to his chest. Whos gonna take him home!? He cant walk alone no he cant! I took a deep breath and started walking towards him. But Niall he hates you! He wont talk to you! My insides kept telling me. I stood in front of him and cleared my throat he didnt look up.
"Harry?" I tapped his knee and he flinched. He didnt respond. I called his name once more.
"Harry?" I sat on the dirty ground looking up at him. He closed his eyes and I looked down at the cement.
"I know your ma-" Harry interrupted me and opened his eyes.
"Can you leave me alone?" Harry begged. I looked up at him and nodded.
"No, No I cant do that I cant leave you alone Harry" I put my hands on the bench and he moved.
"Dont you have a party to go to Louis?" He said getting up. I stood up behind him and ran my hair through my dirty blonde hair.
"Yeah but our friendship is way more important than some stupid party" I want him to look at me but he wouldn't.
"Look Harry its not just my fault, its yours too beacuse you could have atleast told me you didnt want to be near Louis, and you know if you told me I would have stopped hanging out with him" I spoke up.
"But Niall you didnt have to know, You knew Louis pushed me around and you did bother in asking me if I was alright with him hanging out with us" Harry put his hands on his face. He was right hes so right all the fucken time!
"Your right and im truly deeply sorry Harry. I just dont want our friendship to end all beacuse of this. Im sorry im always so protective of you but knowing you get bullied why wouldnt I?" He turned around facing me. A tear ran down his cheek. He dudnt say anything it was all silent the only think we can hear is the wind picking up some dried leaves from the ground.
"Harry" I heard a thick kinda familiar voice. I turned around and found Josh playing with his keys in his hands. I turned back around and faced Harry, Harry looked up at Josh and stook up from the bench.
"I have to go Niall im sorry" Harry whispers. I stood up and faced Josh and Harry. Josh extended his hand for Harry to grab and I just watched. Minutes later I came back to reality realizing Harry just left with Josh not even saying a proper bye to me. I closed my eyes and took a breath. I walked to my car and turned on the engine along with the heater. The music in the background was slowly playing I drove home gretting my mum before walking up to my room. Alot of questions were flying across my mind. Will he still be my friend? Would he talk to me? I heard a soft knock on my my door.
"Come in" The door opened showing my mom smiling.
"Niall honey Jake is here" My mum pointed behind her. I gave her a weak small smile and she moved letting Jake come in. He walked in and my mum closed the door behind him leaving us alone.
"Hey Niall coach told me to give you the soccer games schedule" He gave me a white paper and I took it from his hands.
"Thanks" I whispered he smiled and gave me a thumbs up.
"I should get going" He turned around and grabbed the knob.
"Wait! Do you know whats going on with Josh and Harry?" I asked standing up from my bed.
"No why?" He turned his whole body facing me. I bit the inside if my lip and nodded.
"No nothing its just that they have been hang out alot lately" I scratched the back of my neck. Jake started smiling and I gave him a confused look.
"Aw Nialler likes Harry" Jake joked poking me cheek.
"No i dont like him its just that im worried" I honestly said. I dont like Harry he's just my friend.
"Sure whatever you say" Jake turned around and walked out my room.
Harry's P.O.V
I feel so bad that I didnt say anthing to Niall. Niall was always there for me ever since he came to this school and I repay him by been a rude friend to him. Josh and I were going out to eat at some place I never heard about. I hope its not fancy nor to expensive I hate those. I got a text from my mum say that I need to go home not to late because she was gonna have guest over tonight. Which I dont understand why she wants me to be there shes embarrassed of me. Josh parked in front of a small building wich didnt seem to fancy. I unbucked my seatbelt, Josh doing the same action as me.
"The food here is the best" Josh smiled taking his keys into his hands. He got out and walked in front of the car waiting for me. I walked beside him and he opened the door for me. I walked inside and the little restaurant was filled with different kind of drawings. There was a girl behind the table with menus in her hands. She walked towards us and smiled.
"Table for two?" The blonde girl adked looking at Josh and I. Josh nodded and the girl turned around. We followed her and she lead us to the back and stood by a table in the very corner.
"Here are your menus" She gave us our menus and reached into her pocket taking out a pen and notebook. I opened the menu and my mouth started getting watery.
"Would you like to have you drinks now? Or wait till you order?" She asked us I looked up a Josh and Josh nodded.
"No will be fine" He put his finger on his cheek and started making some weird noise with his mouth.
"Uh... I'll just have orange juice" Josh looked out the window and I smiled at the waitress.
"I'll have water thanks" She smiled at me and I looked down at the menu. I felt my cheeks heat up and Josh cleared his throat.
"So anything that looks good?" Josh asked
"Everything looks so good" I smiled and Josh just laughed. The waitress excused herself before going into the kitchen. Josh shifted on his seat and played with his fingers. Minutes later the waitress came with our drinks in her hands. I still couldnt stop thinking about Niall. I felt so guilty that I ignored him. The waitress placed our drinks on our table and stood there.
"So are you ready to order?" She looked between Josh and I.
"Uh yeah" I answered as I saw Josh not answering. She nodded and clicked her pen. We said our orders and the waitress excused herself again.
"So hows soccer so far?" I asked getting uncomfortable with the akwardness.
"Good coach is gonna choose our team captian tommorrow" Josh gave me a small smile.
"Oh thats cool" I smiled and digged into my food. The rest of the day with Josh was fun we shared some laughs. He was a pretty nice lad. He was attractive very attractive, he had green eyes with big lips and he was fit. We were in the car listening to a One Republic. The wholr way to my house was quiet and akward Josh and I shared glances but thats all. He stopped in front of my house and turned his whole body towards me.
"Thanks for tonight" I gave him a small smile showing my dimples.
"It was nothing Harry I had an amazing time" He looked straight into my eyes and I swallowed the limp in my throat as he leaned closer to me. He took his eyes away from my eyes now looking at my lips. I didnt know what to do I just stared at him. I felt myself lean in the tip of our noises touching. I felt his breath hit my lips Josh closed the gap between us connecting our lips together. His lips were hard against mine. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrace. I put my hand on his chest before backing away.
"Sorry I have to go" I grabbed my bag from the back seat and opened the door running inside.
Louis' P.O.V
I slammed the house door behind me, walking to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and looked around the house. It was empty my parents aren't here.
"Lottie?" I yelled I got no response. I walked upstairs and walked passed Fizzy's room.
"Fizzy?" I knocked softly at her door. I heard shuffling on the other side of the door.
"Fizzy can I come in?" I asked. Ever since I saw Fizzy break down in front of me I got worried about her. She's never like that Fizzy is a girl that is care free and doesnt care what people think of her. I didnt her say a yes or no so I just opened the door.
"Fiz?" Her room was dark I heard a soft sob. I walked towards her and turned on her light. I found her on her bed hugging a pillow her back was facing me and I knew she was crying. Her phone was on top of the drawer and it kept going off. I furrowed my brows and grabbed it, I made sure she didnt hear me grab it. She had 36 unread messages.
"Fizzy" I tapped her shoulder and she flinched. What the fuck? I sat on her bed and rubbed her back.
"Are you okay?" I asked. I know shes not okay I know shes not. Something is up with her but she just isnt telling me.
"Yeah im fine Louis" She sniffed turning around to face me. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me.
"Who the fuck did this to you!?" I raised my voice. She whimper which made me stand up from her bed.
"I-I fell" She lied. I knoe she's lying.
"Fizzy im not that fucken stupid!" I pointed at her. She closed her eyes taking her blanket off her.
"I fell when I was racing Phobe" I raised a brow. She had a bun with a jumper on and tights.
"Fizzy dont you fucken dare on lying to me!" Her eyes got watery ad she looked down.
"Can you please stop yelling at me?" She started sobbing and I got on my knees and put my hads on her knees.
"Im sorry Fiz its just that you have me worried lately, I wanna know what is wrong with you im your brother I should know what is happening with you" I put one of her hair straps behind her ear. She looked down and I closed my eyes.
"You wont understand Louis" She cried her words out. I opened my eyes and looked up at her.
"What wouldn't I understand Fizzy?" I said in frustration tone.
"Pass me my phone please" I grabbed her phone and passed it to her she pushed in her passcode and read her messages. Her lips trembled making tears run down her cheeks. I grabbed her phone from her hands and she tried taking it away from me.
"Louis give it back" She stood up and grabbing my hand. I pushed her away not to hard. He stood up and raised her phone. I read her messages and my eyes seriously popped out of my face.
"Fizzy who the fuck sent you this!" She stayed quiet. I ran my hand through my hair and and read all the messages. Someone was bullying my sister! Some stupid prick was sending her death threats! Some piece of shit was asking for nudes!
"Fiz are you getting bullied!?" I didnt know how to react I never knew one of my sister were getting bullied.
"Wha-No its all just a joke Louis" Fizzy quickly asnwered.
"A joke? Dont fuck with me this isnt a joke" I calmed my voice.
"Im not fucking with you Louis" I grabbed her wrist a little to hard and she winced pulling my arm away. I bit my lip ring and looked at her straight in the eyes. Her actions remind me of Harry for some reason. She's not self-harming is she? I was gonna say something but her door opened Phobe and Daisy running inside her room.
"Fizzy mum said to go downstairs and eat" Phobe yelled running out again with Daisy behind. Fizzy wiped her eyes with her jumper and walked out her room.
Okay im really really sorry I didnt update earlier and I updated with this boring Chapter im so sorry. I went camping with the family and totally forgot to update. Please forgive me FYI Josh is the one on the pic but his real name is Aaron. Love You Lots Byee xx
Hugs & Kisses
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