Chapter 27
Harry's P.O.V
I though Louis was joking around when he asked if I wanted a ride. I didnt know what to say, Josh was being friendly and I would rather go with him than Louis. I saw the way Josh kept looking at Louis as if he wanted to kill him right there. I stood there akwardly. Niall, Ed Jake, Samuel all choked on their food when Louis asked me. I wanted to smile but I couldnt.
"Uh no its fine i'll just take the bus home" I answered. The waitress passed by me and smiled winking at me.
"Come on Harry let Louis take you home" Ed said swallowing his food down his throat the light above Louis was making his eyes glossy and gorgeous. I agreed after 2 mins of thinking about it. Louis quickly stood up and walked out the glass door. I walked behind him not saying a word. We got in his car and the the drive to my house was quiet. Imma be honest i prefer Louis to say a rude comment than to be silent. 20 mins later he parked outside my small home, We sat there awkardly silent. I unbuckled my belt and opened the door still sitting down.
"Uh thanks for the ride" I shyly asked. He didnt say anything so I rushed out the door and into the house closing the door behind me.
"Harry?" I heard Gemma say coming into the livingroom. I gave her a small smile and she laughed.
"Where were you?" She asked
"I went to Niall's soocer tryout and then we went to eat with some of his teammates well not yet" I poked her nose playfully and she giggled.
"Harry so uh Cameron called me toady" she looked nervous. I gave her a worried look and she looked away.
"I have go back to America tommorrow morning" She rushed the words out her mouth. I opened my mouth to speak.
"Wha- why?" I couldnt make a straight sentence come out of my mouth of how suprise I was.
"Well Cameron found a new job and he wants me to go with him" She turned around and walked towards the couch. I followed her, She sat down on the couch.
"Gem you cant leave me, you know how much I need you right now please" I bent down putting my hands on her knee's.
"Harry i know Im sorry I really am, it's just that Cameron really needs me" She looked up not letting her tears easily fall down. I stood up angrily.
"Really! You know who else really needs you! Your own dam brother!" i yelled at her and i stormed out of the living room no bothering on hearing Gemma. I know I might sound selfish but she cant leave me right now especially with Damien and mum. I ran to my room and slammed my door harshly. My breathing was
becoming heavier and heavier. I walked towards my bed and laid on it with my back facing my bathroom. I grabbed two pillows and put one between my legs and the other one I was hugging it. Tears werent falling down I was just upset Gemma was leaving me here all alone again. I closed my eyes letting the memories fill my mind. Cut yourself Harry don't you wanna feel the amazing pain of it! My insides scream. I hugged the pillow tighter trying to distract myself. I wouldnt work though I stood up sitting down on my bed. I stood up and opened my door walking slowly down the stairs. I checked the kitchen and livingroom to see if Gemma was in sight. When I noticed she wasnt no where to be found I grabbed the car keys from the key holder and ran outside I unlocked the car and quickly turned it in. Yes I know how to drive all I need is a license. I took off letting my mind take control. 10 minutes later i was parked outside in the darkness of the cemetery. The gates were still open I walked slowly through the wet grass. I noticed the grave that I was standing in front of. I got to my knees and started sobbing.
In Loving Memory Of Desmond Styles
"Dad if you only knew how much I need you with me right now" I cried putting my face onto the grave.
"No one cares about me, mum has a boyfriend now and he treats me like im a piece of trash! I still get bullied in school" I sucked in air and sobbed harder. I was still hugging the grave my own dad was buried in. I sat down in front of the grave, just staring not saying nothing hearing my own cries.
"I still remember the day you told me you would always look out for me no matter what, I hope your here beside me listening dad, I dont wanna sound selfish but I really need you by my side. I dont like it here I just dont. I wanna be with you" I closed my eyes putting my hands on my face as tears rolled down my face.
"I love you dad, I can imagen how life would be if you were here with us. Gemma wouldnt have left to America. Mum wouldnt find a guy that would treat her bad because she had you. Our lives could have been different if you were around, I would have someone to talk to and someone who cares. " I looked up at the stars shinning above us.
"There's this guy..any girl would fall for him. His beautiful blue eyes that drives everyone crazy. His smile when someone says the stupidest thing is just speechless. His laugh that stops the teacher from talking and gets him in trouble everytime is amazing." I started smiling as i recognized what I was saying.
"Im sorry I didnt bring you flowers" I frowned as I saw the dead flowers from 4 months ago. I checked my watch for the time and it was 8:47 p.m I sight and got up shaking off the dirt from my pants.
"I'll see you soon dad" I looked up at the stars once agin and looked down at my fathers grave. I turned around and started walking towards the car. I took out my car keys from my back pocket and turned on the engines. The whole way home was just me praying that Damein wouldn't kill me for being late. I parked the car in the drive way, I got out and closed the car door slowly trying not to make a lot of noise. I opened the front door and the whole house was quiet, I furrowed my brows. Maybe they arent here yet? I closed the door hard and winced as I heard a room door open from upstairs. I started getging nervous oh god... What if its Damien!?
"Where have you been!" Damien stood halfway into the stairs. I gulped not knowing what to say.
"Only because me and your dumb ass mum left the house for a couple of hours doesnt mean you should be mopping around!" He raised his voice getting off the stairs.
"I-Im s-sorry" I stuttered. He grabbed a hand full of my hair from the back of my head. I whimpered as ge tugged at me curly hair and he smirked.
"Well now I know you like being pulled my your hair faggot!" He licked the bottom of my ear still tugging at my hair.
"P-Please stop" I closed my eyes putting my hands on his chest to stop him. He pulled my hair back making my head go back. I whimpered and he put his lips on my chin.
"Dont tell me what to do!" He growled on my chin. I swallowed hard, He was now kissed my neck and I was on the edge of crying. What should I do! Isnt mum home... She probably wouldnt even care. Why does everything happen to me!
"Your just some worthless prick Harry" He whispered in my ear. I know
"No one will like you so why even be here" He laughed and I accidentally let out a sob. He pushed me to the wall harshly and put his right hand around my neck.
"Dont you fucken dare to cry faggot!" He tighten his grip around my throught and I tried to take his hand off. I was trying to take deep breath, Damien was smirking and I couldnt breath anymore.
"Do you wanna die right now!" He yelled in my ear. I nodded as a no and he smiled. He took off my glasses throwing them across the room.
"Aw why not Harry would it be fun just to forget about everthing huh? Just go with your hopeless dad!" He was right I should just die right now! I should be with my dad not here. We heard the house phone ring and Damien toom a deep breath.
"You got lucky here" He let go of my neck and I started coughing. I was taking in deep breath my face probably all red. Once I kinda got bavk to normal I ran to my my room and locked it behind me. I put my back in the door and slid down with my knee's on my chest. I started sobbing and I felt this pain on my wrists. I lifted up my jumper and saw the white faded scars. I havent cut in about a week thats a new record. I stood up and walked to my bathroom I didnt want to look in the mirror beacuse I know for sure if I do i'll start saying negative things about myself. I opened the cabinet and stretched my hand to the back. I took out a little box and sat down on the floor. I opened the box and stared at my razor and the little knife I had. I grabbed the razor and closed the box, my eyes were now blurry all because of my worthless tears. I really needed my glasses but I was to scared to go back down stairs just to get them. I took off my jumper leaving me just in a t-shirt. I took the razor in my hand and without thinking twice I sliced my wrist deeply. I winced at every new cuts I made on my hands. The blood was running quickly reaching to the back of my palm. I finally stopped and dropped the bloodly razor to the white floor. I wasn't crying anymore, I was smiling down at my wrist I've created an art.
Louis' P.O.V
I finally got home after an annoying night with Olivia she kept bothering me which got me tired. Ed walked to my room and I walked to my sisters room. I quietly knocked and opened it when I heard a quiet 'come in'.
"Hey Louis" Fizzy my second older sister said quickly looking out her window and wiping her eyes with a tissue.
"Are you okay Fiz?" I heard myself ask. She nodded her head yes. I sat down on her bed and I knew something was up with her. I looked at her and she tugged at her sleeves.
"Fizzy are you sure your okay? Do you want some tea? " She didnt say anything she just nodded her head as in no. Her room was dark to dark, she never really had her room dark or any of that. I was confused and worried seen her like this. I grabbed her hand and she quickly pulled away. She moved further from me and I furrowed my brows. What is wrong with her!?
"Fizzy what the hell is going on!" I raised my voice no to loud.
"Nothing Louis Nothing!" She raised her voice back at me. I gasped at her tone, she never talked like that. I bit my bottom lip ring and just stared at her. Her lip started to tremble and she quickly stood up so I wont have to see her. Was she about to cry?
"Can you get out?" She pulled her sleeve down and I looked at her right into her eyes. There was something in them but I didnt know what it was.
"Fizzy I know something is bothering you" I calmly said.
"Im your big brother why wont you tell me?" I asked wanting to know why she wouldnt trust me.
"You wouldnt care" Is all she said. My heart broke in millions of pieces. My sisters think i dont care about them? They dont trust me?
"Fizzy your my sister why wouldnt I care. You know I care why do you think I dont!" I stood up from her bed. She didnt respond instead she ran towards me and hugged me. She hugged me tightly and I heard her crying on my chest,I hugged her back putting my chin on the top of her head.
"Can you tell me whats going on Fizzy?" I asked again. She got out of my grip and looked at me.
"Its nothing Louis important I promise" She said putting her hand up.
"But-" She cut me off.
"Louis can you please just leave I wanna be alone" She looked down on her feet. And I sight. I walked to her door anf looked back at her. I saw her satring out into her window in the darkness of her room. I walked out her room and closed the door behind me quietly. I walked to the twins room and saw the night light on which meant they were sleeping. I closed the door and walked to Lottie's room. I opened the door without knocking.
"Oh hey louis" She was laying down on her bed with her phone in her hands. I turned on the light and she closed her eyes at the sudden light. I stood by her bed and she looked confused.
"Whats wrong with Fizzy?" I asked looking down at her.
"I dont know we came home and she ran straight to her room not saying a single word,and when mum said dinner was ready she said she wasnt hungry" Lottie sat up on her bed.
"Why?" She asked looking concerned.
"Well i went to her room and saw something was different about her and I though you could have known thats all" I said she nodded and laid back on her bed. I sight again and walked to the door.
"Turn off my light" She demanded I laughed and turned off her light walking out her room. I went straight my mine and saw Ed sitting on the floor.
"I never knew you were dating Olivia if thats her name?" Ed asked out of nowhere. I groaned and fell on my bed harshly.
"Im not dating her, she's annoying as fuck man, I tried messing around with her the other day but we didnt do shit." I told Ed, he started laughing and I have him a confused face.
"She turned you down man" Ed said still laughing.
"No actually I turned her down" I responded Ed stopped laughing and stood up from the floor.
"You did not" He said suprised.
"I did" I smiled and he looked so confused.
"Wh-Why? This is your first time saying no to sex Louis with a chick!" He was still shocked.
"I dont know Ed I just didnt feel anythung, I felt grossed out to be honest" Ed eyes widen. He didnt say anything he just stared at me.
"Oh my... So you do like him!?" Ed asked smiling like an idiot. What is he talking about!?
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. He started laughing again.
"You know what im talking about Louis you like Harry!" Ed jumped up and down like a child.
"What ew no what the fuck im not gay thats nasty Ed!" I quickly responded. He gave me the 'oh really look' and I stood up.
"Imma go take a shower" I changed the subject. He smiled and I rolled my eyes turning around and walking to the bathroom.
Hello my beautiful people of this earth! Sorry I didnt update in like 2 days. I had summer school homework to do. This chapter might be kinda boring sorry I coukdnt write a better one. I was just writting whatever so I can update. We anyways what the hell is going on with the Louis is gonna be a dad rumor! This shit isnt true its just some stupid stunt Modest is trying pull. Just beacuse of a stupid ass rumor doesnt mean that people will now think Larry is real like no just no. We all now this is just some publicity shit Modest is trying to do just so he can make people think Louis likes girls. Well anyways thank you soooo much for all the love. Love You Byeee xx
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