Chapter 26
Harry's P.O.V
The rest of my day was good i guess. Better than any other Monday. I would see Louis and his little crew around campus but they didnt bother in saying anything to me. I was my way out to school but I was stopped by my phone buzzing. I read the I.D. Nialler
"Hello?" I said waiting for him to answer. I heard laughs on the other side of the phone.
"Harry!" Niall yelled through the phone. I moved my head a few inches away from the phone.
"Niall you dont have to yell" I said laughing.
"Sorry Harry, aye anyways I was gonna ask if you can come over to my soccer tryout?" He asked laughing again. I heard different voices on the other line Im guessing he's alrighty in tryouts, but he wasnt here during classes.
"Uh yeah sure i just gonna ask Gemma okay"
"Okay" We said our 'see you later' I texted Gemma and waited for her to text back. I sat down on the bench and 5 minutes later she finally texts back
Gemma: Yeah but be home by 7:30. Mum and Damien are coming back today.
I stood up and walked to the field. I saw Niall passsing the ball to Louis. I walked up to the top of the bleachers and took out my homework.
"Hey" I looked up and saw Ed standing one bleacher bencher in front of me.
"Hi" I responded back he smiled and sat down. He took out a cigarette and put it between his lips. He lokked at me and offered me one.
"No thanks" I said pushing back the box of cigarettes close to him. He laughed and turned around to see people tryouts. All I heard from the field was the coach's whistle. I looked at the time and it was 5:29 i've been here for almost an hour. I put my stuff in my bag and saw Ed getting up. He turned around looking at me.
"Come on the tryouts are over" He pointed to the field I got up and walked down the bleacher following Ed. Niall was talking to a few boys including Louis. He was laughing, I stood behind him akwardly. Ed joined the group I saw him putting an arm around Louis. I frowned and looked away quickly. I bit the inside of my cheek and started moving my hips back and fourth of how bored I was. I took out my phone to see if i got any messages or missed calls.
"Harry" Niall turned around making me take my eyes off my phone.
"You wanna go out to eat with us?" Niall smiled widely. Eat with them. Does he mean Louis and the rest of the boys? No Niall I dont wanna go eat with my bully!
"I cant Niall I have to go home m'sorry" I lied.
"Oh come on Harry pleassssse" He begged I smiled showing my dimples.
"I know you wanna go Harry pleasssee" He begged again. I laughed at his ridiculousness. I really dont wanna go but why not go Niall is going. If they do something to me Niall will be there.
"Okay but I have to be home by 7:30" I said as Niall hugged me. I got out of his grip and he turned around to the group.
"So where we gonna go eat boys!" Niall yelled in excitement. Niall loves to eat alot i mean ALOT. They all laughed incliding me. Louis looked at me and I quickly stopped and looking down. How in the heck did Louis and Niall start to get along? Everyone got their bags and started to walk to their cars.
"Shit" I heard Niall say beside me. I looked at him.
"I forgot I dont have my car with me" He groaned and started whining like a 5 year old. I laughed and he started to fake cry.
"I wanted to eat!" He fake sobbed I smiled and laughed at his stupidness.
"If you want I can give you guys a ride?" Louis out of no where asked. Niall stopped fake sobbbing and got on his knees hugging Louis' feet. I couldnt control my laughter. Ed looked at me and smiled. Louis was shaking Niall off his feet.
"Yes that would be great!" Niall fake cried again. He stood up and patted his jersey.
"So whos ready to eat?" Niall said in a manly voice. I couldn't stop smiling. Ed and Louis were walking in front of me and Niall. We got to Louis' car and his car was so cold that it made me shiver. I was wearing a jumper but his car was like a refrigerator. He turned on the heater and turned up the radio. I reconized that rythm, I smiled as I heard the song started playing.
They're two lovers in the night
Waiting on the sun to rise
Passing ships into the night
Under different skies
But you just whisper what you said
One last time
I could have sworn I heard you say
That you are mine
Faded flowers in your hand
The best that I could do
It's the only way I've had
Of reaching you
I never saw it like you did
Didn't know that it was there
You don't see it in your hand
It's in the air
Be the one and only, wait for me
Will you be the only one
Will you be, be the one and only
Wait for me, will you be the only one
What if I knew how to yell
What would I pray
What if I knew how to tell
What would I say
I will be the only one
If you say you'll never go
I'll be screaming out your name
From the back row
Be the one and only, wait for me
Will you be the only one
Will you be, be the one and only
Wait for me; let me be your only one
Be the one, be the one and only
Wait for me; let me be your only one
Will you be, be the one and only
Wait for me; let me be your only one
I sang along not loud enough for Niall, Louis and Ed to hear. I love The Fray their music is amazing. Niall looked at me as I stopped singing along.
"What?" I asked feeling a bit embarrassed. He nodded his head as in nothing. I looked out the window and heard Ed whispering something to Louis that made him smile.
Louis' P.O.V
I turned up the radio as I heard 'Be The One' by The Fray come up. The car was in silent unil I heard someome singing along the lyrics. I turned my head to the side not all the way. I saw Harry's lips move as he was singing along the song. I heard every word clearly. I turned back to the road still listening to the beautiful voice singing. He syopped singing and I frowned I wanted to hear his beautiful voice sing again. Ed turned to me and whispered.
"He's one of a kind" I started smiling like an idiot. I parked my car outside of Pizza places I heard Niall clap his hands as we got out the car. I never knew that Niall and I had alot in common. We started to talk when he asked me the most randomest questions. I was supriseed he even talked to me. I asked him the same question and we shared some laughs he was a cool lad. I also surprise Harry came along with us I though he wasnt gonna come because of me. We saw the guys we were talking to earlier around a big table. Niall rushed over and so did Ed leaving Harry and I behind. Niall and Ed sat together and I laughed as I saw Niall literally shoving pizza down his throat. I sat next to Jake making him smile.
"Arent you gonna sit?" The boy next to the empty chair asked im guessing his name is Josh. Harry shook his head and sat down on the chair next to me. Ed started to cough pretending he was choking on his pizza.
"You alright there?" Niall asked with a mouth full of pizza.
"Ew Niall dont talk while your eating" I was surprise Harry even said something. Niall laughed, and Ed smacked the back of the Irish's head. We have been sitting here for about an hour just talking and laughing. I noticed Harry didnt even touch one slice of pizza from the tray. He stood up from his chair and Niall looked up at him.
"Where you going?" Niall asked
"I have to go home my mum will be there any minute" Harry kinda whipsered.
"Right now the fun is burly starting Harry!" Niall whined I smiled as I saw his whinning face.
"Yeah uh I'll see you guys later" Harry started walking to the door.
"Whos taking you home?" Josh asked
"Im taking the bus" I heard Harry say I turned around and saw him popping his fingers.
"I'll tak-" I interrupted Josh
"If you want ill give you a ride?" I asked hoping he'll say yes. I heard people choke on their food and I smiled.
"Uh no its fine i'll just take the bus home" He answered.
"Come on Harry let Louis take you home" Ed said if people werent here I would have thank him right there. It took Harry a while to answer, Josh kept giving me glares and I tried so hard not to beat him up right here.
"Okay" Harry finally made up his mind. I quickly stood up and walked to him.
"I'll be back" I opened the door and got out. I got in my car and Harry sat in the passenger seat. The whole way to his house was quiet the only things he would say would be "turn" "take this corner" around this block" I stared to reconized the street.
"Right here" Harry said pointing to the small house. We stayed quiet and he took off his belt.
"Uh thanks for the ride" Harry opened the door and rushed to the front door. I waited for him to enter his house and to close the door behind him. Once he was inside I started to drive off back to the Pizza place. I couldnt stop smiling on the way back. I got to the place and got out my car locking it. I saw Olivia standing outside the restraunt playing with the ends of her hair. I groaned and rolled my eyes. My night just got ruined.
Hello! So what do you think of this chapter! I cant belive One Direction is gonna be 2 hours away from where I live doing a concert in Santa Clara! Well anyways thanks for the support Love You Byee xx
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