Chapter 25
Louis' P.O.V
"So this is your new school?" Ed asked as we walked through the school door.
"No" I sarcastically said looking at him and rolled my eyes. He punched my arm playfully and laughed
"You cant touch this!" I took steps away from him.
"Oh come on Tommo I can touch you anywhere I want and you wont mind" Ed started laughing and I stopped my tracks I turned around and faced him.
"Oh honey I bet you wouldnt lay a single finger on this hot mess" I raised an eyebrow and pointed to my bum. Ed started laughing so hard that his face turned red as a tomato. I smirked and started walking away.
"So whos that Harry guy!?" Ed yelled making some people turn around stopping their conversations. I ignored him and started walking faster.
"Dont ignore me Tomlinson!" Ed catched up to me and put a hand around my neck. We turned a corner and I stopped my tracks, I saw Ashton and Nick kicking Harry as if he was a socccer ball. No one bothered in calling an adult. I felt Ed take his arm off my neck and saw him running up to Ashton, Nick and Harry. I followed behind him trying to stop Ed from doing what ever the fuck he was gonna do. I dropped my bag to the floor as I got to where they were.
Ed's P.O.V
We turned a corner and felt Louis suddenly stopping. I stared at him for a few seconds and looked in front of me I saw 2 guys kicking a boy that was in the floor over and over again. I couldnt watch anymore I took my hand off Louis' neck and ran towards the boys. I grabbed the guy that was closer to me and turned him around I grabbed him from his collar. He was wearing a bandana on his head. I shoved him to the locker making a loud sound. He groaned in pain and I felt a pair of hands pulling me away. I shoved the hands away and stared at the person in front of me and he stared at me with fear in their eyes. I let go of thim and backed away. I turned and saw the same boy that they were kicking on the floor whimpering.
"Get up" I demanded the fragile boy in front of me. He didnt listen I bent down and looked at him.
"Look mate I wont hurt you, Im trying to help you out here" I said he opened his eyes and I saw his green eyes watery. He wanted to cry I know he did. He shook his head and tried to stand on his feet. I grabbed his elbow and helped him up he whimpered and I felt bad for this boy. I wanted to meet Louis lover boy but seen this fragile boy getting beat up was sad to watch. He stood on his feet and got his bag from the floor.
"Come, Im not gonna do anything" I said when I saw his eyed widen. I turned around and saw a crowd. I pushed the annoying people that I burly even know away from my path. I turned around to see if the boy was following and he was. We got away from the crowd and saw Louis running up to me.
"Man what the fuck!" Louis started yelling at me.
"What?!" I yelled back.
"Why did you do that?" He looked around.
"Are you seriously fucken telling me why! They were gonna beat this boy to death Louis! you know how I feel about physical bullying!" I yelled pointing to the boy beside me. Louis stayed quiet and I raised a brow.
"Exactly" With that I walked away Louis and the the boy following me. He looked more terrified than anything. We walked out the school doors and sat on a random bench. Louis didnt say a word and the boy was playing with is pal fingers.
"Sit" I pointed to the open side next to Louis he walked very slowly and sat down. He sat down far away from Louis and Louis moved further away from him. I furrowed my brows.
"Im Ed" He looked up and stayed quiet. He didnt say anything for a while.
"Im..Im Harry" He put his bag on the table slowly and unzipped it. He took out a box and grabbed a pair of black glasses. He put them on and I sat thrre with my mouth wide open. So this is the boy that is making Louis go insane. It has to be him, he looks fragile, he has green eyes with pain in them and his name is Harry!. I started to smile and Louis noticed. He faked coughed and I smirked.
Harry's P.O.V
"Hello bum-fucker!" I heard Ashton's voice behind me. Please make them go away please I said to my insides hoping it will work. But it didnt when I felt hands pushing me to the floor. I tried getting up but Ashton kicked my elbow making me lose my balance. My face hit the floor and I groaned in pain. He bent down and grabbed my glasses.
"You know Styles these glasses just arent right something is wrong with them" Ashton smirked and I looked at him with pleaded eyes.
"They need to be fix dont they?" Ashton smirked again. I saw another blurry figure next to him. I know its Nick becausr Nick's hair is the messy one. I saw Nick take my glasses away from Ashton and he hold them tightly in his fist. I tried getting up but Nick kick my stomach, i whimpered trying not to scream because of the pain.
"Oh i see now, they need to be fixed right 'crack' there" Nick opened his fist making my glasses that were now in half fall to the floor. I moved to get them, Ashton stomped his feet on the back of my hand and i hissed.
"Ugh he's such a loser I mean really who the fuck cares about some stupid nerdy fucken glasses!" Nick yelled he kicked my stomach and I fell to my side. Ashton and Nick started kicking me over and over again. I felt a pair of feet not kicming me anymore seconds later no one was kicking me. I heard a loud which were the lockers I closed my eyes tighly not trying to get up. My ribs were hurting so bad. I was ready to cry like always.
"Get up" I heard a voice I wasnt sure if they were talking to me or the person that got shoved into the lockers.
"Look mate im not gonna hurt you, im trying to help you out" I opened my eyes and saw a redish orangish hair guy bent down in front of me. I tried to hard to get ahold of my annoying tears. I nodded and I tried getting up but couldnt I whimpered in pain but the guy helped me. I bent down slowly and got my bag off the dirty floor.
"Come" What! No he just saved me and hes gonna try to beat me up!? "Im not gonna do anything" He said turning around. I dont wanna get hurt but what if he's trying not to hurt me? Or what if he gets mad if I dont follow what he says and beats me up. I decided to follow him. If he beats me up it wont be anything new. He turned around and I looked down. My vision was kinda blurry. I saw a figure running towards us.
"Man what the fuck!" I recognized that voice its so familiar but I just dont seem to get the name.
"What!?" He boy yelled back I stood awkwardly just starting which was kinda rude to do.
"Why did you do that!?" The familiar voice yelled.
"Are you seriously fucken telling me why! They were gonna beat this boy to death Louis! you know how I feel about physical bullying!" He pointed towards me. Louis?. I gasped not loud enough so they can hear. Louis didn't say anything.
"Exactly" The boy i have no idea who he is responded harshly. He started walking away and I didnt know if i should follow or not. I went with the second opinion. I followed Louis and the stranger out the school foor. Im so stupid what if they do something bad to me? They sat down on the bench next to the school building. I stood there playing with my fingers.
"Sit" The guy demanded... Well im not sure if he demanded but i sounded like it. He pointed to the empty spot next to Louis i still could see very well. I sat far awaybfrom him and he moved further from me making me frown more than I was.
"Im Ed" Out of no where i hear the boy named Ed say. Ed thats an odd name or maybe its short for his real name. Should I tell him mine or does he know? If hes friends with Louis im pretty sure he knows who i am. But I decided I should tell him my name anyways.
"Im..Im Harry" I put my bag in front of me and slowly unzipped my bag. I took out my glasses case and took out my other pair of glasses. I kinda knew this was gonna happen so I carry an extra with me. I put them on and saw everything clearly. I saw Ed smirking and Louis shifted uncomfortably next to me. Louis coughed and I furrowed my brows.
"So um. Harry im guessing your an easy target for people" I know what he meant by that
"Uh Y-yeah I guess" I stuttered. Is he planning on hittung me? He smiled and looked at Louis.
"People are so fucken retarded for hurting a guy like you" Ed said smiling. I gave him a fake smile and looked down.
"So Harry why do they push you around like that?" Ed asked
"Because im a nerd" Is all i say I leave out the part that they also push me around because im gay. He shook his head in understanding.
"Just beacuse your a nerd? Thats so cold shit they are just jealous you know everything and they dont" He took out his phone and im guessing he was texting someone. I didnt say anything he put his phone down on the table and seconds later I heard a phone beside me. I saw Louis take out his phone and read something. How the heck im I sitting next to Louis and he isnt even saying a single word to me. I popped my fingers and heard the bell ring I quickly ran to my classroom starting my boring yet interesting day.
I finally updated it took me a while im sorry. Its 3:13 a.m. and im sitting in my room writting this update ha. Well anyways Im sorry again that I took long on updating it wont happen again. I love you byee xx
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