Chapter 24
Zayn's P.O.V
"Liam!" I yelled at the empty house. I didnt get any response back I walked upsatirs to his room and saw him laying down his back facing me. I walked up to him, i guess he heard my footsteps because he turned around. His eyes were glossy and red as if he was crying.
"Liam are you okay?" I asked he nodded as a yes and I stared at him up and down. Liam and I were very close which meant I knew if something was up with him.
"Are you sure?" I asked. He sat down on his bed and looked at me. His curtains were closed making his room look very dark.
"Who's Perrie?" Liam asked out of no where he backed away from me. I didnt know what to say I just stayed quiet.
"Who the hell is Perrie Zayn!" He raised his voice at me.
"She's just a friend Liam" I looked down not staring into his brown eyes.
"Just a friend? So you kiss your friends on the lips? You hug them? You send them sweet messages!?" He got off his bed and was on the other side of his bed. Staring at me for an answer.
"It's not what you think it is Liam" I stood up on my feet.
"Really then explain those stupid dam messages I saw on your phone!" Tears started running down his face.
I hate seen him cry.
"Why in the hell are you going through my phone!" I yelled
"Because when you were in the bathroom a message came in and I didnt want to be nosy but they kept sending messages so I read them and she kept calling you 'babe' are you cheating on me Zayn!" Liam was now sobbing. I wanted to hug him so bad but I just couldnt move from my spot.
"No! Im not cheating on you Liam!" I yelled and he laughed. When I said me and Liam were very close it meant that we were more than friends. Liam and I were dating for 9 months I never really bullied him I always thought he was so cute and all but I never realized I was catching feeling for him.
"Really August told me that when Louis went over to his house you called some girls and one of thise girls were Perrie!" He yelled pointing at me.
"Babe, look we didnt do anything I swear, the only things we did were kissing!" I opened his mouth and just stared not blinking.
"Get out!" Liam yelledd now pointing to his door.
"Liam liste-" he cut me off my yelling.
"Get out Zayn! Dont you dare come back to talk to me, dont call, me dont text me!" He yelled and I stood in widen eyes.
"No baby we cant break up!" My eyes getting watery making Liam look away.
"I always knew you never had a thing for me" He quietly spoke up. I walked towards him and he put his hand up to tell me to don't get closer.
"Liam thats bullshit! You fucken know how I feel about you!" He didnt respond.
"Can you please leave?" He slowly and quietly said. I didnt want to leave especially right now that he needs me. I nodded.
"Zayn please?" He sat down and looked at his wall not bothering on looking at me. I frowned at his action.
"Liam?" I asked
"Leave Zayn! I dont wanna see you!" He yelled. I didnt want things to worse between us so I left.
"Liam im sorry" I said before walking out his room. I aalked downstairs and saw Liam's mum in the livingroom.
"Zayn honey how are you?" Mrs. Payne asked. She walked to me and kissed my cheek.
"Im fine" I lied to her. How the fuck would I be fine your son and I just argued and maybe he broke up with me!
"Oh thats great, you should come over later for dinner?" She asked
"No I cant im sorry" I replied
"Its fine another day" She gave me a small smile.
"I better get going" I kissed her cheek and left the house. I got in my car and sat there doing nothing I hit my stirring wheel. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why do I always have to ruin everything!
Louis' P.O.V
I woke up to my phone ringing. I checked the time before answering. 2:34 a.m. I groaned and answered.
"Hello?" My graspy voice boomef throught the empty room.
"Louis get you lazy bum and open the front door!" He whispered yelled on the phone. I groaned again and got up walking down the empty quiet house. I unlocked the front foor and Ed appeared with a big smile on his face.
"Tommo!" He hugged me and I hugged him back.
"Ed! Couldnt you just sleep outside for the night and I could have let you in when I could've woken up?" I joke around and he punched my arm playfully.
"Or I can get your room and you can sleep in the backyard?" Ed said entering the house.
"Haha very funny" I walked him up to my room and closed it behind me. He put down the bag of cloths on the floor and looked around the room.
"This room is bigger than your other one" Ed laid down on my bed with is hands all stretched out. I hummed a song in my head i was reay tired.
"Ed can we just go to sleep?" I laid on the other half of my bed. I heard a little snor come out of Ed's mouth. I laughed and turned off the light.
I woke up to something moving under me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ed sleeping on my chest with an arm around my waist. I quickly moved and Ed was dead asleep he didnt wake up at the sudden movement. I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom I washed my teeth and went out me room again. I was planning on not goung to school today because Ed was here. I found Ed sitting in the bed with his back facing me.
"So are we gonna talk abbout it?" He suddenly asked.
"Talk about what?" I had no idea what he's talking about.
"Your problem" Oh that
"Uh.. Do we have to right now?" I nervously asked. I know i dont have feelings for Harry but why do I think dirty thing about him? Last week I was in the shower with my eyes closed and out of no where i got the image of Harry wrapped around me. But to be honest that was hot I had to touch myself for that.
"We dont have to right now but i think i'll be better" He turned around and looked at me. I took a deep breath and sat next to him.
"You promise you wont judge me? Nor say anything till im done? Also promise me you'll be here for me if I tell you" I hold out my pinky and he held his out. I hooked them together and I just stared at him.
"Promise" He said.
"Okay.. So um there's this um..guy" Ed furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He nodded telling me to keep going.
"Well he's gay and I call him names and push him around just beacuse he's gay well not just beacuse of that he's also annoying as fuck" I closed my eyes I didnt want to see Ed's expression.
"But out of no where I started getting these weird images of him and it gets me pisssed off, when I get near him the first thing I wanna do is push him into the lockers and kiss the living fuck out of him! And I hate staring into his green eyes they are full of pain which make me feel guilty! And his curls I just wanna run my hands through them all fucken day. He's so fragile Ed" I opened my eyes and saw Ed smiling like an idiot.
"You done?" Ed questioned. I nodded and he spoke up.
"And whats the problem of this situation?" Ed asked. Does he not get it im not gay!
"The problem is that im not gay Ed! Im straight" I raised my voice.
"Louis dont you think your being a little stupid" Ed turned his whole body to look at me.
"How?" I asked. I had no idea what he meant.
"Well I mean there's nothing wrong with being gay, and maybe your hormones are fucken with you" Ed put a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah your right" looked down at my fingers
"Plus if you were gay I would fully support you" Ed gave me a big smile. He stood up and looked at me.
"Come on lets go to your school to meet this lover boy of yours" Ed started laughing.
"What! No!" I nearly yelled
"Oh come on I wont say anything pleaaasssee" Ed started begging and I hate when he beggs because when he does he ends up getting what he wants like right now.
"Okay fine" I said going to my closet and got my clothes out.
Helloooo! I finally updated I was stuck on what to write but here it is. My 4 of July was boring how was yours? Anyways thank you soooooo much for the votes and the amazing comments. Love You Byeee xx
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