Chapter 22
Harry's P.O.V
I woke up to Gemma pinching my cheeks. I rolled over to the other side and she then got on top of me.
"Gem get off" I groaned she laughed and poked my cheek.
"Get up sleepy head" She got off and hit me with a pillow.
"Ow what was that for?" I said she laughed and I grabbed my pillow hitting it right on her face making her stumble back and fall straight on her butt.
"Harry!" She yelled with laughter in her voice. I got up and power walked towards her.
"Oh my god im so sorry Gem i didnt mean to make you fall" I helped her up and she smiled.
"Harry its fine" She grabbed my hand and hugged me.
"Can I do your hair?" She asked while hugging me. I didnt really trust Gemma when it came to fashion or styling my hair she gets to carried away .
"Pleaaaaaassseee" She whined and I smiled
"Okay" I got out of her hug and she jumped up and down. I told her to get out beacuse I was gonna change. I got out my blue with white jumper and a black pair of pants. I put on my glasses that were on the side of my bed. Yeah I wear glasses but I mostly wore my contacts. I opened my door and called Gemma to come to my room. She rushed in with a hair blush and hair gel. She smiled and pushed me towards my bathroom. She sat me down on the toilet and a whimpered as she grabbed my wrists.
"You okay?" She quickly questioned
"Yeah of course" I lied with a small smile. She started playing with my hair and I wasnt paying attention to her. In less that 10 minutes she was done she clapped her hands and backed away studying me.
"Wow" Is all I hear from her. I got up quickly goint to the mirror and saw my curly hair combed to the side with alot and i mean ALOT of hair gel. It wasnt that bad to be honest I was impressed by her work. I smiled showing off my dimple and and Gemma poked it.
"You look so cute" She grabbed my cheeks and I pulled away.
"Oh come on Harry dont be so harsh on you sister!" She fake pouted and I laughed.
"I havent heard you laugh since a long time" She got a text on her phone and she excused her slef. I washed my teeth still looking at my hair I laughed as I saw that it stayed in place and It didnt move alot like my curls. I rinsed my mouth and walked to my room. I got my phone off the charger and walked down stairs. I saw Gemma making pancakes and I love pancakes but I dont wanna eat because its to much calories and Ill gain alot of pounds.
"I made breakfast Harry!" She yelled. My mum and Damien went out of town in Thursday and its Tuesday.
"M'sorry Gem im not hungry" I said grabbing an apple from the fuit holder.
"What its your favorite what you mean your not hungry?" She looked at me and I gave her a lazy smile.
"Im just not hungry" I looked down and she walked up to me.
"Harry ever since I came I've noticed that you burly even eat anything" She grabbed my chin and I looked at her.
"I do eat Gem" I defended myslef. I walked out the kitchen with an apple in my hand. I made my way to the livingroom and got my bag from the couch walking out.
"Harry!" Gemma yelled
"Yeah?" I asked
"Imma take you to school wait let me just get the car keys" I waited of her and minutes later she came out of the house with the keys in her hands. She smiled and I got in the passengers seat.
Louis' P.O.V
I woke up to my annoying mum waking me up.
"Louis gonna be late wake up!" She opened my door.
"Next time knock!" I got my pillow putting it over my face. I really wished they could have expelled me out of that lame ass school. I sat down on my bed and put both my legs on the side if the bed. I got up and washed my teeth. I messed up my hair a little and and spit out the toothpaste that was in my mouth. I walked to my drawer and got out a shirt and pants. I got my phone that was on my bed charging and walked downstairs. I walked straight to the livingroom got my bag and left to school. I got to school and my mum told me something abouy soccer tryouts. Im so up for that I love soccer its my passion. I walked up the school stairs to go to my locker and found Ashton standing by my locker.
"Hey Ash" I said patting his back
"Hey Louis" He just looked at me. I opened my locker on the fourth time im still not used to my combanat here im use to my old one back in Doncaster.
"Why so serious?" I asked Ashton. He just kept staring out into space.
"Is it true you fucked Emerald?" He asked looking at me with mad eyes.
"Emerald who the fuck is that?" I answered harshly.
"The girl I like man, the one I told you about!" He whispered yelled at me.
"Oh that chick, well I havent fucked any girl since I came here mate, I dont know who told you that" I confess. He looked down and smiled.
"Aw is Ashton in L-O-V-E" I said joking around with him.
"What! No! I just think she's beautiful, but she's out of my league" Ashton smiled crazy as the thought of her appeared in his mind. I laughed and he kept smiling. My eye caught something from rhe corner of my eye. I turned and saw Niall and Harry laughing. Wait... Thats Harry? Harry Styles? I smiled as I saw his hair combed to the side and he had big glasses one.
"Hey look who's here?" Ashton whispered to me pointing to Harry and Niall. We made our way to them and Niall gave me a glare. I just laughed it off.
"Styles! New look? Who you trying to impress faggot?" I laughed as his eyes widen
"N-No one" Oh so he did get it when i told him to 'use his mouth when he's answering me'
"Fuck off Tomlinson!" Niall barged into the conversation.
"Shut the fuck up Horan, no one is talking to your lame irish ass" I growled at him. I saw anger in Niall's eyes and I laughed Ashton on the other hand was distracted my Emerald.
"Why wont you shut the fuck up and go back to where you just came from!" Niall yelled
"You would protect your boyfriend! I never expected your irish ass to like it up the ass too!" I yelled back at him Ashton laughed and people around us were laughing.
"Im not a faggot! I will never like dick so why wont you shut the fuck up because ill never be like harry nor like him!" Niall yelled and I stared at Harry. His eyes got watery and and he slammed his locker running away.
"Harry i didnt-" Niall groaned as he saw Harry disappearing into the crowd that was forming. I smiled to myself.
"Romeo your Juliet needs you" I said in a sarcastic voice. Niall was about to punch me but Ashton grabbed his hands and slammed him to the lockers.
"Nice try" I heard Ashton. I got close to both of them a looked at Niall.
"Being friends with Harry isnt helping your popularity you know that right? Harry is just getting you into trouble, you should really get that blonde head out your ass and realize whats really going on dumbshit!" I said doing my fingers in circles in the air and with that Ashton let go of him and we walked away.
Updated twice yay! Well im soooo boreddddd ughhhh! I dont know if this chapter was good or nah. Well anyways I wanna thank you guys for you amazing comments! Love You Byee xx
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