Chapter 20
Harry's P.O.V
A week passed by and Louis nor this little group laid a hand on me. They did call me names but they wouldnt beat me up. I was walking up the school stairs with my head down. I smiled when the memory of Niall and I hang out on Saturday. He was a really nice guy to be honest. I popped my fingers as I walked in the building. Niall stood up from me when I needed him Im happy that Niall was with me as a friend. Niall was cute, he had a cute smile, annoying but adorable laugh, his blue eyes he's perfect but I just like him as friend.
"Hey" Niall ran towards me and hugged me.
"Hi" The past week I noticed that I didnt stutter when I was around Niall. He put his arm around me and we walked to my locker.
"" Niall said looking down.
"Do you have anyone to go to..prom with?" He asked and I maybe I blushed.
"No why do you" I said while putting my combination on my lock. It opened with a 'click'.
"No, and I was just asking" Niall said looking around.
"Oh" My smile turned upside down into a frown.
"You okay?" Niall asked as he saw a frown forming on my lips.
"Y-Yeah" Shoot! Why did I stutter. Niall knows if I stutter im either nervous or scared of something.
"You sure?" He asked curiously looking right at me. I nodded and he smile we stood there just chatting about random things. I school bell rang and Niall dismisses himself. I walked to first period with my head down. I went to Louis' house last week when he told me to go i went to work on the song but we havent came up with any lyrics. I opened the door and walked to my desk I havent see Zayn around anymore. I sat in the back taking out my notebook. The late bell rang and people where still coming into class. I had Niall in only 3 classes which were 2, 4, and 5 period. The teacher started talking which meant class started.
"Okay class since this is technology class, we are gonna do a project on the power point, this project will be worth half your grade." Ms. Johnson said she gave a small smile and turned to the board.
"Your topic can be about anything, but just remember it has to be appropriate." Ms. Johnson turned around facing the class and pointing the students. The classroom door opened revealing a bruised up Louis. I felt my lips apart from eachother.
"Your late Mr. Tomlin- mother of earth what happened" The teacher ran towards him and he just backed away. The teacher went to her desk and got a sticky note out. She started writing something. She pulled off the piece from the others and gave it to Louis. She scanned the class and her eyes landed on me.
"Harry take Louis to the nurses office" What! Why me theres 29 other people in here and she decided I should take him its not fair! I stood up and walked to the front of the class and out the door ignoring Louis and walking far away from him.
"Fucken hell wait up!" Louis growled and I slowly walked. I didnt want to get beaten up all because I was walking fast trying to get away from him. He walked beside me and we were in silence. He didnt say anything rude nor shoved me at all. We got to the nurses office and I aas gonna open the door but Louis stopped me.
"You seriously think imma go in there?" He started laughing and I let go of the handle. He stopped laughing and just stared at me.
"Why dont you fucken talk? Did a rat bit off your tounge!" He shoved me to with window that was behind me. I nodded making my curls fly everywhere.
"Then fucken speak you dumb twat!" He yelled in my face.
"Okay. Lets start over again." He said backing away from me I have him a weird expression and he huffed.
"Do you seriously think imma go in there?" He repeated.
"N-No" I nodded and he smirked.
"Better. Now from now on when I ask you a bloody question you better answer it with your mouth! You got that faggot!?" He poked my chest waiting for me to reply.
"G-got i-it" I looked at him and his bruises were so bad. He had a black bruise that was gonna turn purple forming around his eye. His lip was busted. He turned around and started walking away. I sigh in relief, I decided to go home early I wasnt in the mood for anything right now. I walked out the school front doors and to my house. Its my first time ditching classes. I unlocked the door and my mums car wasnt in the driveway which meant she wasnt here. I went upstairs to my room and closed thebdoor behind me. I went to my bed and laid down. Louis kept running in my head. I closed my eyes and grabbed the pillow beside me. I put it on top of my face and screamed into it. I hate the fact that all I could think about is Louis Tomlinson. I should care about him at all, he calls me names, he hurts me physically and mostly he hates me because im a faggot. Its the first time Louis has ever shoved me into something it would mostly be Zayn or the rest of the boys. Ever since Niall was with me Louis physically hurt me he would only call me names but like I said ever since Niall hanged out with me, stood by my side Louis got worse than he was.
Sorry this chapter is short but I wanted to update today for some reason. Love You Lots Byeee xx Thanks for the 1k reading I dont even know how I got people to read this book
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