Chapter 18
Louis' P.O.V
Zayn and I ended up in the principals office. We were sitting down across the angery Mr.Murs he was tapping his pen on his desk.
"So whats the problem here?" Mr. Murs asked looking at me and Zayn. My chin was hurting like hell right now. No of us gave him an answer.
"So are we gonna play the silent game?" The principal asked raising an eyebrow. I turned my head to look at the wall beside me. Why did I get so mad that Zayn tripped Harry? But he didnt just trip him he beat him up and thats whats getting me off the edge! But why all of the sudden Im so interested in Harry? Im not gay I know that for sure, I was gonna fuck a girl so that makes me straight. I came back to reality when someone opened the door. I turned around and saw my mum standing there.
"Hello im Louis mum" My mum said shaking the principals hand.
"Sit down please" Mr. Murs pointed to the chair next to me. She sat down and put her purse on her lap.
"Mrs. Tomlinson your son Louis got in a fight with his mate Zayn here, in a class I dont except that in this school." He pointed between Zayn and I. My mum took a deep breath.
"I know, its just that Louis loses his temper fast. Im so sorry" My mum shook her head.
"Well if your son loses bis temper fast why does he get a councilor? If you want I can make his see one?" Mr. Murs started writting something on the paper.
"Fuck no! I dont need a councilor" I yelled standing up
"Louis honey its the best for you" My mum grabbed my hand pulling me down.
"Dont fucken touch me! Im not see no one okay!" I yelled and made my way to the door I grabbed the handle but Mr. Murs started speaking.
"If you walk out this door without a councilor pass you will be expelled from this school!" Mr. Murs raised his voice and I turned back to look at him.
"Well then I guess I"ll have to get my stuff from my locker!" I yelled openeing the door and walked out the office. I was walking down the hallway and saw a familiar girl.
"Louis are you okay?" Olivia asked running towards me. I turned around walking the opposite way. She grabbed my hand and pushed me near the lockers.
"Your not going anywhere" She whispered in my ear. I tried getting her off of me but for some reason I couldn't. One of her hands slowly started to rub me. She bit her lip and nibbled on my ear.
"You like this huh?" She seductively said in my ear.
"No" I said straight up. She stopped and kinda backed away.
"Okay what the fuck is your problem are you not into girls or something!?" She yelled. I smirked and laughed.
"Im into girls, you just aren't my type" I said putting a finger on her chin. She is my type but idk what is wrong with me.
"What the fuck do you mean im not your type! Im everyones type!" She yelled throwing her hands in the air.
"Not mine, you know im interested in girls that are easy to get, not some bitch like you" and with that I walked away smiling to myself. I heard Olivia throw a bitch fit. I went to the restroom to clean my habd that were covered in blood. I opened the bathroom door and it was silent. Im guessing im the only one. I hate Cheshire it's boring without my friends. I turned on the sink and put some soap on my hands i rubbed my hands together and rised out the soap. I heard a lock 'click' and saw a figure appearing out of the bathroom stall. I didnt bother in looking up because its probably a some weird annoying boy. I looked up when I heard the boy sniff as if he was crying. I found the green eyed curly haired boy washing his hands two sinks away from me. Dry tear stains on his pale face.
Zayn's P.O.V
When Louis left his mum started speaking.
"Im so sorry sir, please dont take him out of this school im begging you." Her voice cracked at the end. I cant belive imma say this but I feel bad for her Louis is rude to his mum. My mum passed away when I was little ever since then I stopped talking to people. I started being rude to people for no reason. I started bullying Harry since we were small, I dont have anything against him but everytime I see him I just feel like punching him. Harry and I were close when we were in kindergarten. But like I said I stopped talking to everyone. I zoned out thinking about my past. I dont regret anything right now Louis deserved a punch. Why the fuck did he protect a faggot like Harry! Unless Louis is one too. I laughed to myself getting looks from Louis' mum and Mr. Murs.
"You wanna share what your thinking Mr. Malik?" Mr. Murs asked giving me a glare.
"No..Actually yeah" I turned to my side to face Louis' mum.
"The only reason why Louis and I fought were because he was protecting his boyfriend Harry, I accidentally tripped him and Louis got mad and punched me so i did self-defense." I smirked seen Louis' mum face priceless.
"Boyfriend? Louis is not gay!" She raised her voice slamming her hand on the principals desk.
"Ma'ma please calm down" Mr. Murs said putging his hands on his head as if ge was getting annoyed. I saw her taking deep breaths.
"Malik please go back to class and wait for me to call you back to my office" He pointed to the door and I groaned rolling my eyes. I walked out the door and bumped into someone.
"Watch were your fucken going dork!" I growled
"Sorry" A voice said. He had a differe t accent from here he sounded Irish. I walked to the hallway and found Perrie out her classroom walking around.
"Babe!" I yelled she turned around and ran towards me.
"Zayn what are you doing out of class?" She pecked my cheek and walked beside me.
"Just came from the principals office" I put my arm around her neck.
"Why?" She asked
"Tomlinson and I got in a fight in class" Just by saying his name gets me pissed off.
"What! Why?" She stopped and turned to look at me.
"Some dumb shit" I said walking again. She stayed behind and I uelled at her.
"Aren't you coming!?" I heard her groan and she walked to me.
Johanna's P.O.V (F.Y.I Louis' Mum)
What Louis gay? That is not possible no it just isnt! He had girlfriends back in Doncaster, my son can not and will not be gay i dont accept that! I just dont!
"Mrs. Tomlinson?" The principal said.
"Y-Yeah?" I asked
"Does Louis have anything that can calm him down?" The principal asked.
"Yeah his therapist told him to distract himself with something he really loves which is soccer" I looked at him and he got some papers out.
"Soccer? Well you see this school has a soccer team and tryouts will be 2 weeks from now, if you want you can tell Louis to sign up?" He asked and I smiled. So he's not kicking Louis out of the school?
"So does that mean Louis isnt leaving this school?" I asked concerned
"No ma'ma I only said that so I can have a talk with him but as I can see he didnt care" He laughed and I joined. There was a knock on the door and a lady walked in.
"Sorry for the interruption but Niall Horan the new student from Ireland is here" She said with a smile. He shook his head and she walked out.
"Well thank you for coming Mrs. Tomlimson" Mr. Murs stood up and extended his hand.
"Thank you" I shook his hand and walked out.
Im sorry I took long on updating this chapter. I hope you like this chapter i had no idea what to write but ayye atleast I updated Love You Byee xx
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