miya.balor: i'm not dead :):
finnbalor :(
miya.balor fuck you
ajp1 beautiful as ever
wwerollins oh.
doseofallison i missed you :) even though i saw you like yesterday
nessawwe okay listen up, i'm gonna fight you for looking so beautiful
ellieparker just wait till she realizes it's her body suit🤧
-satanicrollins wow you're back from the dead :)
ambruuh we missed you, glad to have you back
nessawwe wait, what the fuck
miya.balor your children said it suited me better :)
hey. so i'm back from my little hiatus i guess. the updates will be pretty slow :(
so i guess i should explain as to why i was gone for months. i kinda fell out of love with the fandom :/ and my heart didn't want to keep going, so i took a small little break, but i'm back. i don't have the same feeling i got whenever i would see wrestlers on my tv, but it's still interesting to me. i'll keep updating, just don't expect me to update every single day.
and the model i use for this book deactivated her account. not sure why, possibly hate, or something. i'll have to look the pictures up on safari or something.
and i also i've been dealing with mental issues. i had to go to the hospital and they said i had pretty bad anxiety:/ i can't do crowds, i get worked up and i get attacks. when i have to talk in front of the class, i get a really bad stutter and i feel like everyone is judging me. i sit up in my bed and take, what feels like, hours to decide on something to wear. i'm afraid of people not liking me and i've been working on that. i would always wear sweaters to hide my body, because i'm ashamed of it. i starved myself for a week, but i knew it was wrong to do so. i've been eating healthy, but i haven't told anyone about my one week of starvation. i would eat one meal and not eat for the rest of the day. i got really sick because of that, but i told my mom it was the flu.
i also lost a friend of mine. one of our mutual friends liked this one guy. we had science and the teacher asked us to choose a partner of the different sex. so i chose our friends crush. the mutual got pretty mad and the friend that i lost was telling her that i liked him. i do not, did not and i just left it like it was. then after that went down, the girl told me she knew i didn't like him because she knows who i like. so the friend that i lost then sort of started teasing me. she would call me names and would push me, pinch me and laugh it off. i remember we were in class and she pokes my stomach and told me i was fat. the rest of the day, i was just sad, thinking about her comment. after school i decided to ignore the comment and act like it never happened.
one day this one girl was gone so i decided to sit in her spot at lunch. the girl that teased me sat next to her. i was talking to this one girl and i look over at her and she called me a fatass. i think only one person heard her, but they didn't say anything. i cried during lunch, but no one saw it. so now that we're in high school, i decided to stop being friends with her. she was toxic and always started drama.
sorry for it getting kind of depressing, i've been dealing with things, but i've gotten better :) i'm not telling you this for attention, i legit hate attention. i'm telling you this because i want you to understand as to why i was gone for months.
oh and by the way i was almost to 300, but people keep unfollowing me whenever i get close. SIX PEOPLE HAVE UNFOLLOWED ME. what the heck ?!
once again, sorry for it getting sad, just wanted to explain. but i'm back :)
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