~♢ 9 ♢~
I watched him as he placed his suitcase in the car as I smirked and laughed at the thought of this. "Why you laughing princess?" "We're traveling around the world for a bit, it's going to be an experience don't you think?" "Well we need it cause life has been hard" I nodded and sigh "Can we go?" "Of course come on princess" he kissed me quickly as we start heading on our way.
SB.Princess Last pic of us in Cali ✌😋 #VacayLife #adventure #Fun
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RealMarcoDiaz We are on our way to an adventure 🌴
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We were off and leaving behind all of the stressful jobs and whatnot. I couldn't believe he actually convinced me to go. I've never done this with a guy before not even with Tom and now he's happy with Janna. "You okay Star?" "Yeah just thinking that's all" he smiled as he held my hand and kissed me "Alright let me know alright?" I nod as he kept driving. Our adventure awaits.
JanStar He's more of a ride or die kind of guy ❤😚 love you baby ×○ @TomRules66
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TomRules66 Aww of course my princess 👑❤ I will do anything for you
BeeTee You guys are cute! 😊
MermaidGirl Cute Pic Janna ☺
MermaidGirl I guess you can say I might found the one? 😜❤ #skaterboy #MermaidGirl
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JayLove I'm happy for you cuz
ZaydenKik Wow the most beautiful girl is taken? 😢 I'm still happy for you though 😊
JanStar Girl!!! Let me know!!😂
TomRules66 It's hard to believe that you make feel like a king 👑❤💞 I love you so much Janna Elise Ordona 👫❤
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JanStar Aww babe this picture was so perfect!! Love you too 😚😚❤❤❤
MermaidGirl You two are so adorable 😜❤
SimuLated Cute guys and also I hope those people who were rude to do left you alone 😯
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