I'm Ugly
I'm ugly.
I smell. I look so different.
Pause. Hold your tears.
Do not speak for the next 5 minutes after reading this post rather reflect from it.
Let me tell you something, YOU ARE SO WRONG.
How can you say such word? How can you utter something about yourself in such a brutal way?
My dear child, whenever you say something like this, wallah you remind me of this man whom the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam comforted with his own words, a man who was one of the happiest slaves of Allah, a man whose story has never left any Muslim's heart after knowing it...
This man was Aslam Radiyallahu Anhu, the Abyssinian slave.
When you feel ungrateful and unsatisfied on how you look then his story is one of those stories that should always be kept in your heart and mind.
During the battle of Khaybar, the battle that took place during the 7th year of Hijrah. Khaybar is the name of an oasis north of Al Madinah. This fortress town was inhabited by Jewish tribes, one of which was known as Na'ima.
Aslam was the slave of 'Amir, and it was his duty to tend to his sheep. When the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam arrived in Khaybar and was setting camp, Aslam RA with his curiosity turned up with his sheep and requested permission to meet him.
Let us remember that Aslam RA was a slave, but look at how the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam entertained him, he granted permission to speak with him and welcomed him in his camp.
During this conversation, Aslam RA asked the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam "What do you preach? To what are you calling?"So, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam replied saying: "I am calling to Islam, that you declare that there is no god wroth of worship but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah."
Aslam RA said: "If I were to believe in Allah and testify to this, what would I gain?"
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam replied: "Paradise, should you die upon it."
Aslam RA then said: "I am an ugly slave whose body smells and I have neither money nor wealth. If I die whilst striving with those people, would I still enter Paradise?" (In another narration it said that Aslam RA said: "If I believed in it and then died with that faith, would I obtain Paradise?)
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said: "Yes, you shall have Paradise if you die whilst believing in it."
At that very moment, Aslam accepted Islam.
In the mean time, as the battle of Khaybar erupted, Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA set out bearing the banner of war to the fortress of Na'im and so Aslam RA followed after him to fight against the Jews there. During this battle, Aslam RA was martyred and his casket was subsequently taken back to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam.
Let us contemplate on the moment that took place as the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam went up to the corpse of Aslam RA. He looked at it and said to the rest of the companions: "Allah has honoured this slave and brought him to Khaybar. I saw two Hur Al Ayn (Maidens of Paradise) by him even though he never once prostrated to Allah."
Yes, he is one of the companions to whom we say that earned Paradise without performing a single prostration to Allah.
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said in contrast to the words of Aslam RA when he described himself as an ugly slave, saying: "Allah has beautified your face, perfumed your body, and increased your wealth. Verily, I saw his two wives among the Hur Al Ayn."
My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, let us ponder from the story of Aslam, indeed when he accepted Islam, he immediately ventured to Jihad and Allah honoured him with Paradise.
To all of you who are quick to judge at the appearance of their brother and sister in Islam, then ponder from this story, you may have judged a brother or sister in such a quick manner but only Allah knows well the faith that lies in their hearts, so think twice before you judge.
And to all of you who are thinking so low of themselves because of how you look, reflect from the story of Aslam RA, you may have the most beautiful and handsome face but would your grave and death be as beautiful as how Aslam RA had?
And we pray that Allah takes out the envy from out hearts and replace it with the light of appreciation and genuine happiness for our brothers and sisters in Islam.
-Umm Umar Khaled
Story was taken from:
• Al Khasa'is Al Kubra by As Suyuti 1/425
• As Sirat An Nabuwiyyah by Ibn Kathir 3/361
• As Sirat An Nabawiyyah by As Sallabi
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