The Storm
"The wind blew against the sails as the rain beat down on the weary crew. Lightening flashed in the distance, followed by a BABOOM Of thunder. The ocean waters sprayed the crew as they tried to keep steady on the ever rocking boat."
I'm sure we have all experienced a storm like the one described above. Storms that kept you up all night. Storms that never seemed to end and just when you thought it was over BABOOM! It would pick up again.
Bills that pile up like waves splashing on deck, that if it keeps up you will be washed overboard.
Relationship troubles that howl like a harsh wind and knock you off your feet.
Storms don't have to rain upon you. They can encamp about you, inside your home and at work.
But no matter how terrifying and hard your storm is, there is One who can calm the troubled waters, tame the powerful waves and hush the angry winds.
And His name is Jesus Christ. The Prince of Peace. If you know Him and have accepted Him as Lord and Savior, give Him your storms. You will be amazed at the results.
If you do not know Him it's not too late. You can know Him. The one who died for all people and rose again for all people. Ask for forgiveness and He will heal your land and forgive your sins.
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