'Time seemed to be against her all day. From the minuet she woke up, the clock had been ticking by. Too fast had that day passed. A wasted day she thought, as she had done nothing useful, nothing to impact the lives of others. "There is never enough time" she said as she fell asleep that night.'
Some days time seems to just zoom by, leaving us feeling rushed. Other times, time refused to move, stuck forever, and never ending. Although we all have had these days, the truth is that the time is always the same, it is we who are either impatient or bored.
Even though we may feel limited in our mere 24 hour day, God is not limited by time.
Issiah 55:8-9, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. [9] For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Because God is not limited by time, He is able to see our entire life span at once, past present and future. God has His own clock that is never late, early or broken.
With this in mind, we can have peace of mind in knowing God is control. We can go about our day, trusting that on both long days and short days, God is in both and has our best interests at heart.
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