She kept her eyes locked on the opposite platform. The firm yet slender rope was all that kept her from a nasty and long fall to the ground. Despite the safety net, falling was not a desired option for her. After working with the circus for many years, she felt confident as she took step after step across the tightrope. Balance was the key. Balance, concentration and ignoring the hundred of eyes watching with both fear and excitement.
I will admit I would never be a tightrope walker. My fear of heights keeps me safely on the ground. If you have ever experienced walking across a tightrope, I hope you can relate to the above paragraph.
Balance is something that we need, no matter what stage of life we find ourselves in. Our day to day actives and schedules require balance and priorities should be in place.
Think of what your usual schedule consists of. Waking up at a set time, attending school, college or work, doing chores, after school clubs, making dinner, etc. Some days seems so packed with activies, it's a wonder we can get everything done.
One thing Christians must find time for is spending time with God. He doesn't expect much. We can never pay him back, or outdo his love, mercy or grace.
I heard a speaker this summer at my church, talk about how important it is to have a constant relationship with God. Having that connection and bond now, will help and prepare us for when the storms hit us (and there will be storms) and we can lean on God.
The speaker said take 20 minutes a day with God. Close out the world and pray, read your Bible, just talk to God. It does make a world of difference. I was on a roll and I missed one day, and I could totally tell a difference.
While we balance our schedule with shopping, sports, and special outings, don't forget to schedule in much needed time with God.
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