6. He's mine
AN: Sorry, I know it's been long. I'm horrible. I completely forgot that I have a book. Oops.
Harry's POV
"Hello, class. Every year the school arranges a little camping trip for the freshmen and seniors. Its goal is to make the two grades interact more. Since you're obviously freshmen it's gonna be you this year.
The trip would be in the end of the month, so in two weeks. I'm gonna need signed permission slips by the end of the week from everyone who wants to go. If you don't, please let me know by the end of the week as well. Any questions?" The teacher finished speaking.
I didn't know they did something like that. In my last school they never bothered to make the students interact.
And I never got to go to any trips anyway. We never had the money. School trips really weren't the priority.
But maybe this year I could go. Or well we both could since Zayn's a senior.
I should probably ask if Niall and Liam are going.
"Where would be going to exactly?" A girl in our class asked.
"To a first that's about an hour away. It's a good learning experience as well to everyone."
"Wait so we would be sleeping out on tents or something? Wouldn't we like literally freeze to death?" A boy asked.
"Yes, you'd be sleeping in tents. And no, you wouldn't freeze. Since we're going this month it isn't going to be that cold yet. And besides, you could always bring a bunch of blankets with you."
"So we can share a tent with anyone?"
"No, you can not. You'll all be assigned a senior who you'll spend the trip with. You must sit on the bus with that person and always stick together. They'll be responsible for you."
Oh no. That's gonna suck. Maybe I'll get lucky and will be paired with Zayn. That would be great.
Or Louis. No, Harry, don't go there.
What if I will get assigned Nick though? I would not survive the trip if that would happen.
"For how long would we stay there?"
"As of now, the plan is for 3 days."
🦋 🦋 🦋
"Hey Hazza!" Niall greeted me excitedly as I sat down at our usual lunch table.
"Hello Niall." I said back with a small giggle.
"Did you hear about the trip?" He asked me. Oh, so that's what he's so excited about.
"Yeah, I did." I answered.
"Aren't you excited?" He asked.
"Yeah, I am." A little bit. I'm still not sure if we can go. I haven't talked to any yet.
"Is there anything wrong Haz?" Liam asked me.
"No, everything's fine. Not everyone can be as excited as Ni." I said. It made Liam laugh and Niall pout.
"What are you pouting about again?" Louis asked his brother as he sat down at the table. Zayn came then as well and sat down next to me.
"Nothing. Are you excited about the trip, Lou?" He asked Louis.
"Nope. I don't want to take care of a kid for 3 days. That's gonna suck." He said while rolling his eyes.
"What do you mean take care?" Ni asked.
"We're gonna be responsible for who ever we get paired with or whatever. Apparently one of the goals for the trip is to make us more responsible."
Yeah I can totally see why the teachers would want that. Good luck with that though.
"Can we go fo the trip, Zaynie?" I asked Zayn.
"Yeah, of course Haz. I don't see why not. Its gonna be fun, I'm sure." He said with a smile.
I smiled back widely at the answer. I honestly can't wait. The last time I went on a school trip was when dad was still alive.
Thinking about that made me sad. Louis seemed to notice. He frowned when he saw the change in my emotions.
I wonder what that's about. There's no way he actually cares.
🦋 🦋 🦋
"Harry! Wait up!" I heard someone call from behind me. The classes had just ended and I was just walking out to go home. I stopped and turned around to wait for the person.
"What's up?" I asked the boy. It was Ed Sheeran. I only know him because he's one of Louis' occasional smoking buddies. What i didn't know was how he knew me.
"Just wanted to talk to you I guess." He said with a shrug.
"How do you know me again?" I asked him.
"Oh um you're Zayn's little brother, right? We've spoken a few times. And I might've asked Niall." He said the last part more quietly.
"Why would you do that?" I asked.
"Look, I just think that you're really beautiful and I'd love to hang out with you." He said and it made me blush.
"Thanks, that's very sweet of you."
"Could I by any chance get your number?" He asked me. I was about to answer and take my phone out but an angry voice stopped me.
"Harry, Zayn is waiting for you outside. Go." Louis said sternly. He saw that I was about to protest. "Now." He added.
I decided not to mess with him. He's too angry for that. "Bye Ed." I said.
"Bye Harry. We'll talk tomorrow, yeah?"
"Yeah sure." I agreed and left to go to our car. I was quite confused. Zayn has never had a problem with me coming a few minutes later.
And even if he did, why would he ask Louis to tell me? And why was he so angry?
I shook my head from the thoughts and decided to just ignore it. He was probably just in a bad mood or something.
Louis' POV
"Stay the fuck away from him Sheeran!" I practically yelled and pushed him into the lockers.
"And why would I do that?" Ed asked almost mockingly.
"He's mine!" I told him angrily. Harry is mine and no one else can have him.
"Oh yeah? Since when?"
"From the moment I saw him. Now you stay the hell away from him or we're gonna have some problems." I threatened him.
"And what if i don't want to stay away? He's so gorgeous. I can treat him way better than you."
"He's mine! Get that through your thick skull. I don't care if we're friends or whatever but the next time I see you flirting with my boy I'm gonna beat the shit out if you. Are we clear?"
"Yes boss." He said jokingly. I put my hand around his throat and lifted him up a bit.
"I asked, are we clear?"
"Ye-yes." He said and clawed at my hand. I held him up for a few more seconds before dropping him. He started taking in deep breaths.
"Good." I said and left him there. As I got into the car to wait for Niall I realized what I did. Shit.
I just got so angry when I saw Harry blush at whatever Ed said. And when I heard their conversation I saw red.
No one can have what's mine. And Harry is mine.
Harry's POV
I was just reading a book on Wattpad when my phone rang.
N: "Hey, Harry! Liam and I are gonna go get something to eat. Would you like to join us?"
H: "Um yeah, sure. What time?"
N: "Is now okay?"
H: "Yeah, it is."
N: "Good. Come over whenever you're ready."
So I guess I have plans for the rest of the night. I quickly changed my clothes. I stole one of Zayn's hoodies.
His hoodies are so much bigger than mine and I absolutely love oversized clothes.
If I ever get a boyfriend I'm definitely gonna steal all of his hoodies.
"I'm gonna go out with Liam and Niall. Is that okay?" I asked Zayn just in case.
"Yeah, of course baby. You don't have to ask me to go out with your friends. Have fun!"
"Thanks. I'll be home soon. See ya!" I called out as I walked out the door. I walked next door and knocked on the door.
Louis opened it and looked surprised to see me. Before either of us could say anything Niall and Liam came.
"Great! You're here! Let's go now!" Niall said and grabbed my hand to pull me away from his house.
"Where are we going again?" I asked after a minute or two of walking.
"Just to the best pizza place in the world. Trust me, you'll love it. I don't know why I haven't taken you there yet." Niall said.
"Okay, sounds good." I said with a small smile.
We arrived at the pizza place a few minutes later. These are the perks of living in a small town. Everything is so near.
All three of us sat down at an empty booth and a waitress brought us menus.
We thanked her. I looked through it but the other two seemed to already know what they wanted. Guess they come here a lot.
A few minutes later the same waitress returned and took our orders. I decided to be boring and just order a pepperoni pizza and some coke.
"So Harry, any boys caught your eye yet?" Liam asked me as we all ate. I blushed at the question.
"Oh I think I saw you talking with Ed today. What were you two talking about?" Niall asked.
"Nothing. He said that he thinks I'm beautiful and that we should hang out." I answered, the blush still present on my cheeks.
"Holy shit! That's amazing! Do you like him?" Liam asked.
"I- I guess he's cute, yeah. Don't know about liking him though. I kind of have my eye on someone else."
"Who?" Niall pried.
"No one."
"Fine. Be like that then. I think Ed is nice. You should give him a chance." Liam said.
"Yeah, maybe I will."
I honestly haven't even had the chance to think about the whole Ed situation.
I guess he does seem nice enough. And I wasn't lying when I said he's cute. So maybe once I get over my foolish crush on Louis I could have a chance with him.
It just wouldn't be fair to him if I gave him false hope.
"You know what? I think Zayn is really hot." Niall said out of the blue. I almost spit out my coke from shock.
"What?" I asked.
"Zayn is really hot." Niall repeated.
"Oh um okay. Wow. I didn't even know you like guys." I said.
"I'm not sure I do actually. Or well sure I've found guys attractive before but everyone does." He explained.
"Well I hope you figure it out. It took me a while too."
"Thanks Haz. Is this weird for you though?"
"A little bit I guess. Not really. I guess I can say it now. I think Louis is hot too."
"Woah okay. Now I know what you just felt. Okay."
"I'm sorry." I apologized.
"No, Haz. You don't have to apologize. I literally just said the exact same thing about your brother.
"I feel really left out right now." Liam said with a chuckle to lighten the mood.
It worked. That was the last time Niall and I talked about our little crushes on each other's brothers.
🦋 🦋 🦋
Louis' POV
On friday we had another sleepover at our house. Guess that's a weekly thing from now on.
Our parents were out of town again. They've been gone more and more lately.
It sometimes makes me feel so....I don't know, lonely.
I have Niall and everything but I can't talk to him about the things I could with my mum or dad.
I can't talk to him about my crush on Harry. I can't talk to anyone about it. But I wish I could.
Also I've been getting kind of sick of always ordering food. It's been a while since we've had a home cooked meal.
Although every weekend when Harry is over he makes pancakes. I always love them. He's such a great cook.
Anyway, when we had our sleepover I could once again sleep at night. I was almost sure it was Harry.
I still couldn't figure out how it's possible but I'm not complaining. He's my cure.
AN: Kind of a pointless chapter, sorry. Next one is gonna be the camping trip though. I hope that's gonna be more interesting.
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