25. I love you
AN: The last chapter! I honestly can't believe we're at the end already. It feels like I started it yesterday.
Louis' POV (a few hours earlier)
"Ready to go?" Zayn asked me. He, Niall and I were already by the car and about to head home.
"Wait where's Hazza? Isn't he coming? I asked with confusion. There's no way he forgot about my baby, right?
"No, he's not. He texted me earlier and said he wants to finish a project at the library." He explained.
That's weird. He didn't say anything to me. He always tells me when he has plans. Oh well, I guess he forgot or didn't think it was important since he already told his brother.
We all got into the car and Zayn drove us all home. Niall went over to his house so that left me home alone.
It's actually been a long while since I was all alone, either Niall is always home or I'm with Hazza.
I guess that gives me a chance to just relax and clear my head. Although I do kind of already miss my baby.
One thing I don't get is his opinion on Danielle. I honestly can't understand why he thinks she's such a bad person.
She's always been so sweet, to everyone. She even used to volunteer at an animal shelter. Plus no one's ever said that she's mean before.
Is it possible that he's just making everything up? I mean her bullying Niall, really? He would've told me ages ago if that was actually true.
Maybe he's just jealous? He does know that I used to have a crush on Danielle so I guess he has a valid reason to be jealous.
But making up lies just so I'd start disliking her? That's too far.
What if he's not lying? Could she really be manipulative and a bully? It just really doesn't sound like her but I guess it is a possibility.
I'm aware that she's always had this like power over me I guess. She was able to get me to do whatever she wanted.
I never thought she'd still have that power over me though. But it's clear that she does. It really showed yesterday.
I genuinely don't know why I ignored my baby when he was in pain. I love him and I'd do anything for him. And it's in the job description of being a boyfriend. I still hate myself because of that. He shouldn't have forgiven me so quickly.
Harry always forgives people too quickly. It's very sweet and cute but I'm afraid he and his kindness are gonna be taken advantage of in the future.
I once asked him why he does it. Forgive people easily I mean. Wanna know what he said? He said that he's used to not being in a position to keep grudges and now that he finally has friends why should he lose them over something as silly as an argument.
The answer broke my heart. I hate all the things he's gone through. He's so fucking young but he's already seen the dark side of humanity. It sucks. I wish I could've been there to protect him every time he got hurt.
🦋 🦋 🦋
Niall came home pretty soon. I think Zayn had to go to work or something. He said he's gonna invite Harry and Liam over so I was excited for that.
My thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. It couldn't be them already, could it?
I opened it and to my surprise it was Danielle. What could she possibly want?
"Hi Louis!" She greeted me excitedly and made her way inside. Okay then?
"What's up? What are you doing here?" I asked her.
"Oh I just wanted to talk to you. I'm not bothering you, am I?"
"Uh no. What did you want to talk about?"
"I'm just gonna say it, yeah?" She started but paused. I nodded my head for her to continue.
"I love you, Louis. I've been in love with you since the first day I met you. You're the one for me." She told me.
Wait what? She's in love with me? Holy shit. Before I could even begin to process it her lips were on mine.
That's when I came to my senses and immediately pushed her away.
"What the hell are you doing?! What's wrong with you?! You can't just going around kissing people! Especiallyto those who are in a relationship!" I yelled at her.
My attention was brought to a quiet sob. I looked towards the source of the sound. It was Hazza crying.
"Baby! I promise I pushed her away immediately! You have to believe me!" I ran to him, tears now in my eyes as well. I can't lose him. Not like this.
"I-i know. I saw. I'm sorry but I just can't. I-" He started but couldn't finish because of a cough.
He wouldn't stop coughing and I was getting really worried. I pat his back but it didn't help.
Suddenly he looked at his hand that was covering his mouth and then looked up at me with a bone chilling expression. He looked so...terrified.
I looked down at his hand to see what scared him so much. To my absolute horror his hand was covered in blood.
I looked up at him quickly, just in time to see the red liquid drip down from the corner of his mouth.
"Lou? I-i don't feel so good." He said and let out a heartbreaking sob.
I reached out my hands to pull him into my embrace and thankfully just in time to catch him. He fainted.
Fuck. That's definitely not good.
"Go call the ambulance!" I yelled at Niall who was standing there looking like a ghost.
Thankfully that seemed to get him going. He hurriedly took his phone from his pocket.
He tried to dial the number but I could see his hands shaking even from where I was standing.
Thankfully Liam snatched the phone from his hands and did it himself. I left the calling part to them and turned back towards my little angel.
Although he was unconscious the blood was still flowing from his mouth. I carefully placed him on the floor and turned him on his side. I also opened his mouth wider and tilted his head.
(AN: We just learned first aid in school today so I hope it's correct. Sorry if it's not. Feel free to correct me though)
I didn't know what else to do so I just caressed his beautiful face and cried. I had never in my life felt such fear before.
He needs to be okay. I can't live without him. None of us can I'm sure.
"I think I should go." I heard Danielle say but I just ignored her. I really don't care what the fuck she does right now when the love of my life is lying on the floor unconscious and bleeding.
Around 5 minutes later the ambulance arrived. Two men hurried into the house and asked some questions about what happened.
Once those were answered they lifted him onto the stretcher and wheeled it outside to the car.
"Would any of you like to ride with us?" One of the men asked. I looked towards the two younger boys with a desperate look.
"Go Lou, we'll be fine." Niall said with a sad smile.
"Thank you!" I called out while getting into the car.
And then the agonizing journey to the hospital started.
I was holding Harry's hand and just praying. The tears hadn't stopped either.
"What's the patients name and age, sir?" They asked me.
"His um his name is Harry Styles. He's 14." I said and wiped my eyes and nose.
"Does he have any immediate family?"
"Yes, he has a brother. He has custody over Harry."
"And what's your relation to him?"
"He's my boyfriend." I whispered. Is he anymore? He saw Danielle kiss me so I'm not sure if he'll ever forgive me.
"I know how hard this is but I promise we're gonna do everything we can." The man I was talking to assured me. It didn't really make me feel better though.
Nothing could make me feel better until I know he's okay for sure.
We made it to the hospital rather soon. They carried him inside and told me to go wait in the waiting room.
I sat down in the uncomfortable chair and took out my phone to call Niall.
L: Did you call Zayn?
N: I did, yeah. He's picking us up soon and we're coming there as soon as we can. Do you know anything yet?
L: No, not yet. They just took him inside. But Ni? I'm scared
N: We'll be there soon. Hang on a little bit, yeah?
L: Yeah. Just hurry up please.
For the next ten minutes or so I just panicked. What was I supposed to do in a situation like that? There's literally nothing I can do except for sitting in the fucking waiting room.
In that moment the trio ran into the hospital and straight towards me. Niall sat down next to me and pulled me into a very much needed hug.
And then the tears started flowing again.
"It's gonna be okay, Lou. He's gonna be okay." He whispered to me.
"You don't know that." I whispered back.
"You can't think like that, Lou. You need to hope and believe he's okay."
"You're right." I ended the conversation.
Around half an hour later a doctor came over to us.
"Hello, are you guys here for Harry Styles?" He asked. We all nodded and got up eagerly.
"My name is Dr. Corden. Are any of you family?"
"I am." Zayn raised his hand.
"Okay. Would you like to discuss his condition in private?"
"No, here's fine." Zayn said. Thank God.
"Very well. We managed to stop the bleeding rather quickly. We did a CT scan and an X ray to find the cause of the bleeding. Wait I'll go get the x ray photos to explain it better." He said and walked away. He returned a minute later with two photos and showed them to us.
"What is that?" I asked. It was a picture of his stomach and there was definitely something there. It looked quite unusual though.
"It seems to be a toy car. He might've swallowed it years ago. It now shifted and started pressing against an organ, hence the blood. Has he also been experiencing stomach pains?"
"Yes, for the last few days." I answered.
"That's absolutely normal in this case." The doctor reassured me with a smile.
"How are you gonna get it out?" Liam asked.
"We'll have to preform a small surgery. Nothing too serious, don't worry. We're gonna schedule it for tomorrow."
"Can we see him?" Ni asked.
"You can. But he still hasn't woken up yet. He should any minute now. He's in room 328. It's on the 3rd floor to the right." He told us and walked off once again.
We all hurried to the elevator. Thankfully we didn't have to wait long. About 2 minutes later we were in my baby's room.
It was scary seeing him laying in the hospital gown on the bed. He looked so sick, so pale.
The four of us sat down on the chairs in the room. I lifted mine next to his bed and grabbed his hand.
🦋 🦋 🦋
"Louis! Look!" Niall called out. I looked up to see what he was talking about. I noticed he was pointing to Harry.
He was slowly opening his eyes. He's finally awake!
"Harry love? How do you feel?" I asked him.
"Wa-water." He rasped out. Niall ran out of the room so I assumed he was getting it.
He was indeed getting water because he soon returned with a cup and Dr. Corden trailing behind him.
Niall handed Harry the cup and he drank it eagerly. Once he was finished Dr. Corden started talking.
"Hello, Harry. My name is Dr. Corden. We determined the cause of your stomach pain and the bleeding." He showed Harry the same pictures.
"Is that a-?" He trailed off.
"That's a car toy, yes. We have scheduled surgery for tomorrow to get it out."
"Oh okay. Thank you." My polite baby. The doctor then left to give us all some privacy.
"Hi Blue." Harry said.
"Hi love." I said back, my voice cracking in the middle.
"God I was so fucking worried about you. You can't even imagine what it felt like when I saw the blood and you just fainted in my arms."
"I'm sorry." He apologized with a cute pout.
"It wasn't your fault." I assured him and have him a quick kiss to make that pout of his disappear.
"But it was. I swallowed a toy. Okay I was probably like 5 but still. It's so embarrassing." He said and blushed.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. What matters is that you're gonna be okay." Zayn said and gave Harry a hug. Both Niall and Liam followed suit.
"I'm sorry for making you all worried." He apologized again.
"It's okay, Haz. We're just happy you're gonna be fine." Niall smiled.
"Thank you."
"Do you guys want some privacy?" Liam asked. I nodded so they all left the room.
"Harry? I'm so fucking sorry. I know you saw Danielle kiss me but I promise I pushed her away right away." I explained.
He smiled. "I know, Louis. I saw that. Don't worry, I'm not mad at you at all. But could you still tell me what happened?"
"Of course. She came over unannounced and told me she loves me. I didn't have time to even process it before she kissed me randomly. But as soon as I did I pushed her away. I love you and only you." I told him.
"I love you too, Blue."
The end.
AN: I seem to have an obsession with making Harry go to the hospital in the last chapter. Sorry not sorry.
But anyway, this is it! Thank you everyone for all the support and love. It made the writing experience amazing.
I love all of you so much.
I really hope you liked it. If you're interested I already posted the epilouge as well. And then a chapter of ideas for the next book like I did last time.
I really hope you like my writing enough to stick around.
I'm sorry for disappointing those of you that wanted a sad ending. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Also, here's a little paragraph from one of the readers. She came up with it while reading the last paragraph of the last chapter. She said she imagined the end to be like that. I honestly love that and I almost changed my mind on making a happy ending because of it.
"Some are lucky enough to find the love of their life at 14, others a little later. I'm the one who's unlucky at 14 but I'll find my love later when the time comes. Louis and I stayed friends, Niall and Zayn are happy together. I'm happy for them. Everything has its time."
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