24. That's great!
AN: I really don't get people who have reading lists like "Least like" and "stopped half way" and "couldn't finish because it was boring" and stuff like that.
If you don't like a book then why add it to a reading list at all? I just don't think there's any point in that and it's quite mean.
Oh and everyone go read HarryhasTommo 's book. It's really good and the author is super nice.
I don't want to see Louis today.
Wow. I can't even believe those words just left my mouth. I love him so much but right now I just can't deal with him. Not when he's under Danielle's spell.
I seriously don't understand how she can hold so much power over him. I get that he had a huge crush on her but still.
He tried to come see me yesterday a few hours after I got home but Niall and Zayn wouldn't let him in. That means that today I'll be seeing him for the first time since we had that fight.
Was it even a fight? It was to me. Am I just being overdramatic like always? Well probably but I don't care, he really hurt my feelings.
Before that stupid bitch came back he'd freak out whenever I let out even a small sneeze or whenever I got a tiny cut.
That's why it hurts. It feels like he just doesn't care about me anymore. I can't even imagine what I'd do if that turns out to be true.
I know some people would find it ridiculous that I think I've found the love of my life, that I'm way too young to even know what love is.
But trust me, he's my forever. Every time we're apart the colors don't seem as bright and it feels harder to breathe. Every time we're apart I feel like a piece of my soul and heart are missing as well.
Every time I see him I feel this sense of...relief I guess. I feel complete, like that is exactly how things are always supposed to be.
He gets me and I get him. We understand each other with no words needed. We complete each other. And if you ask me, I'd say that that is exactly what love is.
🦋 🦋 🦋
I was sitting at our lunch table when he tapped me on my shoulder. "Hazza baby? Can we please talk?" Louis asked.
"I don't need to hear any of your excuses." I said without even looking at him.
"No excuses, I promise. Just please?" His voice cracked. It made me want to crawl in a hole and die. I can't bear to see him sad.
I sighed. "Fine." I just really want to hear what he has to say.
So I got up and we walked into the boys' bathroom. He started talking after he checked whether anyone was in there except for us or not. We definitely don't need any prying ears.
"First of all, I'm so fucking sorry. You can't even imagine how bad I feel. I honestly don't even know why I acted that way. I guess it's just..."
"Danielle?" I finished for him. He let out a loud sigh.
"Yeah, I guess so. I don't know why she influences me as much as she does. I never wanted to hurt you in any way."
"She was your first love, I get it." I told him.
"What? Where did you get that from?" He asked in confusion and shock.
"Niall told me. He told me how close you two used to be." I explained.
"Of course he did. He always had a thing against her." He said while rolling his eyes.
"And you don't think there's a reason for that?"
"I mean not really. She's such a nice person so I seriously doubt she did anything to him." He said.
What. The. Fuck.
"She used to bully him." I told him.
"What? No she didn't! I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding or something." He was quick to defend her.
"You cannot be serious right now." I was really getting mad. "Bullying is bullying, trust me on that. Would you say that Nick bullying me at the start was just a misunderstanding?" I asked him carefully.
"What? Of course not!"
"Exactly, it never is. So I don't get how it's so hard for you to believe that your sweet innocent Danielle was ever mean to someone. To your brother to be exact."
"I really don't want to argue with you, please let's talk about something else, anything." His eyes were begging me.
"Fine then." I gave up. I don't like arguing either.
"How's your stomach?" He asked me.
"It's fine now I guess. It hasn't hurt today."
"That's good. I'm still so so so sorry for not driving you home myself." He apologized.
"You need to promise me that something like that won't happen again." I told him sternly.
"I promise. Now come here, I've missed you." He pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but melt into his arms. The feeling of his arms made me feel so safe, like nothing could ever hurt me. And he smelled like home. He's my home.
"I love you, Harry. More than life itself." He whispered and pressed a kiss on top of my head.
"I love you too, Blue."
🦋 🦋 🦋
"Harry, wait!" I heard a voice call after me. I looked behind me and was surprised to see who it was.
"What do you want?" I asked rudely and rolled my eyes.
"I just want to have a little chat with you. Do you mind?" Danielle asked.
"What could you possibly want to talk about?"
"Can we go sometime more private, please? I don't want anyone to hear." She asked nicely. Such a fake bitch.
But when she mentioned that I did notice a few students in the hallway watching us closely. So I sighed and agreed.
She took my hand and started dragging me along. Um bitch what? Has she never heard of consent?
She dragged me to the back door of the school and we went outside. It was the place everyone used to smoke and stuff like that so it was completely empty.
"So how are you?" She asked me. I was absolutely shocked by the question. When will she stop faking?
"Cut the act, please. Tell me what you actually want." I demanded. The nice smile on her face turned into a disgusted look within a second. Told you she was faking.
"You need to stay the hell away from Louis." She commanded and pushed me roughly. I almost fell but caught myself in the last moment.
"Now why would I do that? He's my boyfriend, neighbor, brother's best friend and my best friend's brother. So as you can imagine it would be quite difficult. And besides, I have no wish to do so." I said with a smirk.
I was completely faking my confidence. Outside I probably looked unbothered but inside I was terrified of her and what she might do.
"Listen here you little shit. Louis doesn't want you! He never has and never will! You're just a fucking child, you can't give him what he needs and wants! Please do everyone a favor and just stop with this bullshit, yeah?" She yelled at me.
I flinched at the words. In my heart I knew she was lying but my brain was saying something else.
Is that how Louis, hell everyone, feels? It must be, otherwise she wouldn't have said it.
"Aww is the little baby crying? Do you want your mommy and a pacifier too?" She asked in a mocking baby voice.
I hadn't even noticed the few stray tears making their way down my cheeks. Those traitors. I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand.
"Do you really think Louis loves you? If you do then you're even more stupid than I thought. You're pathetic, really, it's quite embarrassing. I bet he's just using you. I mean he had to get over me some way, right? I just never expected him to lower his standards that much." She continued to torment me.
"Please stop." I begged quietly, even more tears falling down my face no matter how much I willed them to stop.
"Do you genuinely think he'd choose you over me? That he'd choose a duck instead of a swan? I'm perfect. He's always loved me, since day one. But you though? You're just a little ugly boy who somehow crawled into his life." She didn't stop.
"Now that the true love of his life is back there's absolutely no need for you so please just get lost. He doesn't need you anymore, no one does."
"Please." I begged again, my voice cracking in the middle of the word.
"God you're so fucking pathetic! You can't even take a few words without crying like a baby? Just grow up already."
She pushed me again, this time a lot harder. I fell down and my head hit the hard pavement. Shit, that hurt. Like a lot.
"Toodles!" Danielle called out before leaving.
I got up with the support of the wall and winced because of the pain on my head. I realized that my stomach started hurting again. Just great. Can this day get any better?
I tried to open the door but couldn't. Um okay? I tried to pull it harder but it wouldn't budge. And then it hit me.
Did she lock it? Just fan-fucking-tastic.
I supported my back against the wall and slid down the wall until I hit the ground.
I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them tightly. What am I supposed to do now?
I don't even have my phone with me so I can't call anyone. Anyone rarely comes to this part of the school so I seriously doubt anyone would hear me if I screamed.
The memories of the words Danielle said to me consumed my head and it wasn't long until I was crying, loud sobs leaving my mouth.
What have I done to deserve all this? Why can't I have even one good thing in my life?
I must've sat there for at least half an hour. My head was pounding from both the would and the crying and my stomach was hurting like crazy as well. I really felt like I was gonna die.
But then I heard someone behind the door. I quickly got up and started banging on it.
"Hello! Is anyone there?!" I yelled. The only answer I got was the door opening.
"Harry? Is that you?" A confused Liam asked me. I ran into his arms and hugged him like my life depended on it. He immediately hugged me back.
"What happened? And what are you even doing here?" He asked, not breaking the hug.
"I- I don't wanna talk about it." I answered quietly. I don't think anyone would believe me.
"That's okay. But let's get out of here, yeah?" He pulled away. I nodded so he took my hand in his and pulled me along.
The walking seemed to make both of the pains worse and I winced. I guess Liam herd because he stopped walking.
"Are you hurt?"
I nodded. "I hit my head earlier and my stomach's hurting too." I replied truthfully.
"Can I check your head?" He asked and I nodded. He asked me where it hurt and when I pointed to the exact place he pulled my hair back to get a better view.
"It's bleeding a lot and looks quite nasty. How did it happen exactly?"
"I fell and hit my head on the pavement." I told him half of the truth.
"You gotta be more careful than that, Harry. You could get seriously hurt next time. But come on, let's go to the bathroom and I'll clean it up for you." He offered.
I completely trusted him with my wound. His mother works at the hospital so he knows quite a bit of stuff. Plus he wants to become a doctor himself.
He told me to sit down on the small bench in the bathroom so I did exactly that. He wet some paper towels and started cleaning it.
I winced from pain once the paper hit the wound but didn't protest. He took some wound cleaning liquid from his bag and used that as well.
I'm pretty sure he always carries a small emergency kit in his bag. I always thought it was pointless and quite dumb but I guess it can come in handy after all.
"It isn't as bad as I thought it was, the blood made it seem worse. It won't need stitches or anything. Just make sure to keep it clean, yeah?" He told me.
"Yeah, of course. Thank you."
"That's what friends are for." Liam said with a grin and I offered him a small smile back.
"Do you want some painkillers?" He asked me. I said yes so he handed me two pills and I swallowed them quickly.
"Thanks." I said again.
"Do you want to go get some ice cream maybe? I'm sure that could cheer you up." He suggested.
"That sounds nice." I answered. It's been a while since we last hung out.
We left the school and started walking towards the ice cream shop. We made it there rather quickly.
"What can I get you two?" A cheery old man working there asked once we entered.
"One vanilla cone and what do you want?" Liam asked me.
"A strawberry cone, please."
The man grinned brightly. "Excellent choices!" He prepared the ice creams and handed them to us.
Liam payed for both against my protests and then we sat down at an empty table.
"Will you tell me now what you were doing back there with the door locked?" Liam questioned.
"I-i just wanted to get some fresh air. I don't know how the door locked though." I lied.
"The door is pretty old I suppose. But why did you go back there and not to the front of the school?" He asked another question.
"I wanted some privacy." I lied again. I hate lying so much, especially to those I care about, but I can't tell him the truth.
For one I don't think he'd believe me since Danielle hasn't been anything but nice. And even if he did he'd tell Louis or Zayn and there's no telling what them or Danielle will do.
"Okay, I believe you." He said reluctantly.
"Let's talk about something else please." I said.
"Okay then. I've been on a couple of dates in the past few weeks." He said with a blush. Now that caught my interest.
"Really? With who?"
"Ed actually. He asked me on a date a while back and I figured why not." He answered. Oh wow. I was definitely not expecting that.
"That's great! I'm happy for you two." I said honestly.
"Thank you, Haz. I was actually really scared to tell you." He admitted.
"Why would you be scared?" I asked in confusion.
"Well because you kind of had a thing with him. I know yore with Louis and all but I didn't know if you still had any feelings and yeah." He explained.
"Oh trust me, I have absolutely no feelings for him. I never did."
"That's such a relief. He definitely isn't completely over you but if you don't feel anything then I guess I won't have anything to be afraid about."
"Of course you don't. And even if I did still like him I'd never ruin your relationship because of that." I told him.
"Thank you Harry, I love you."
"I love you too Liam."
🦋 🦋 🦋
Once we finished eating we started walking home. In the middle of the little journey Niall called and asked to hang out at his house so we went there.
Someone's car was in the driveway next to Louis'. Did they have other guests over? The car seemed a bit familiar but I couldn't remember where'd I'd seen it.
We entered the house without knocking like always and headed to the living room where we figured Niall would be waiting.
Yes, someone was in the room, but it definitely wasn't Niall. My eyes widened at the sight.
It was Louis and Danielle. They were standing in the middle of the room, their lips locked.
That's why the car looked so familiar. It was Danielle's.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I guess this is what heartbreak feels like.
I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore and my chest was hurting. I felt like my world was ending, like I was dying.
AN: The next chapter will be the last one. And I think I'm gonna write an epilouge as well. Do you think this will have a sad or a happy ending?
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