21. What's up?
AN: Lmao why did I make this whole being mad at each other thing so dramatic? Istg at least half of the chapters so far have been about that. I'm so sorry. I know it must be boring as shit. It just shows what a shitty writer I am haha.
Oh and I just realized this is the 21st chapter already. There isn't very much left anymore. I think it might be around the same length as my last book, maybe a chapter or two shorter. I swear for some reason I just can't make a long book.
I'm really nervous. We're having that talk with Zayn and Niall today, in 10 minutes to be exact.
I don't even know what I'm so scared of. It's just my brother and my best friend. I guess I'm scared of us not making up.
"Are you sure you want to do this Hazza?" Louis asked me.
"Yeah I'm sure, just a bit nervous."
"What are you nervous about?"
"I don't know."
"Oh come here." He said while holding his arms open for me to walk into them. So for the next 10 minutes we just hugged. Physical closeness always helps me so I really appreciated it.
And then the bell rang. Louis squeezed me one last time before letting go to go open the door.
They sat down opposite Louis and I. Lou sat next to me and then pulled me on top of his lap.
It calmed me down but it probably wasn't the best sitting arrangement in that situation.
"So..." Niall started.
God what am I even supposed to say? Sorry I fucked your brother? I would but I haven't even fucked him yet.
"I'm sorry." Niall continued. "I know I had no right to get mad at you and I will forever be sorry for that. I don't want to make any excuses because there aren't any but would you like to hear my explanation?" He asked us. I nodded so he continued.
"It's really stupid. I was actually planning on telling you about Zayn and I around that time but then you told me about Louis and you and I just didn't know how to say it anymore. And I was mad because I was scared. I was cared to lose you all.
I didn't know how you'd react to us being together so I was afraid you'd make me choose. I could never choose between you two, I love you both way too much for that. And I was afraid that I'd lose both you and Lou.
I could already see you always only spending time with him. And I had no idea what I'd do if you two ever broke up because I know I'd lose one of you for sure then. So yeah. I know it was really stupid of me and I'm sincerely so fucking sorry."
It took me a few minutes to process all of that. He was scared? I get that, I really do. I was scared as well. Hell, I still am. So I do genuinely understand him.
"It's okay, I forgive you." I told him with a small smile.
"Okay I underst-" He started saying but then his eyes widened. "Wait what? You do?" He asked me with the biggest smile ever.
"Of course. You're my best friend and I love you. I refuse to lose you because of something like this."
(AN: Okay I'm done with the family drama now. The rest of the chapter will just be them hanging out so it'll probably be super boring. You can skip it if you want (: )
As soon as I finished the sentence my arms were full of a fake blonde boy. Louis groaned but didn't say anything nor pushed us off.
"Could you two cuddle somewhere else please?" Louis finally asked after like 5 minutes.
"Fine." I answered with a pout and Niall and I hot off of him. I heard him let out a big breath so I giggled. We then ended up cuddling on the other side of the couch.
Niall was laying with his back against the back of the couch and my back was against his chest with his arms wrapped around me. And both of our feet were on top of Louis' lap.
"Are we good?" Zayn asked Louis.
"Yeah we're good." Louis answered. Well that was easy for them.
"Cool. Should we watch a movie or something while we're here? I don't think those two will leave any time soon." Zayn asked. We all agreed so he put on some random movie. I didn't even bother looking up to see what it was called.
"I'll go make popcorn." Louis declared and then stood up which made our feet fall.
"Hey! That was rude!" Niall yelled after him to which Louis only showed his middle finger. I laughed at the two.
"I missed you so much." Niall said to me and squeezed me tighter.
"I missed you too." I said back.
Zayn pretended to gag. "You two act more like a couple than the actual couples here." He said.
An idea how to annoy him popped into my head so I turned around. Niall looked confused and was about to say something before I stopped him. With a kiss.
He didn't react to it. I heard Zayn cough from the other couch. I pulled away and turned around again.
"Yeah no it wouldn't work out." I said. Both Niall and I giggled.
"I totally agree. I'd totally go for you but I need a top." Niall said.
Zayn whined like a child. "Louis! Your boyfriend tried to steal my boyfriend! Tame him!" He yelled out.
"I've tried, it doesn't work!" Louis yelled back from the kitchen and Niall and I laughed again.
Louis then returned with two bowls of popcorn. He handed one of them to Zayn before sitting down again.
"Harry kissed Niall!" Zayn complained. Louis raised his eyebrows in amusement.
"Oh did he now?"
"Yeah I did. And now I know we wouldn't work out so you don't have to be afraid of me leaving you for him anymore." I told him with a grin.
He laughed and shook his head. "Yeah cause I was totally worried about that."
"You should be." Niall said.
"Of course. But anyway, could I get my boyfriend back now please? I'd like to get some love as well." Lou asked.
"No way! He's mine for today!" Niall protested.
"Yeah, what he said." I agreed.
"You're both mean." Louis said with a pout. "But fine. I'll cuddle Zayn then."
He actually got off the couch and headed towards where Zaynie was sitting.
"Oh hell no! Stay away from me!" Zayn told Louis and threw him with popcorn. Both Ni and I laughed while Louis pouted again.
"Oh so nobody loves me now, huh? I see how it is. I'll leave then."
I let out an exaggerated sigh before speaking. "Fine. Come here."
I got up from Niall's cuddle. Louis sat down on the couch and I sat on his lap again. He put his arms around me immediately.
"Happy now?" I asked him.
"Over the moon." He answered.
Niall got up as well and plopped himself on top of Zayn.
I then remembered that all the people in school think Louis and Zayn are bad boys while in reality they're literal children.
It made me giggle a little bit at first until I was full on laughing.
"What's so funny, baby?" Louis asked me with a fond smile.
"Pe-people think you a-and Zayn are ba-bad boys!" I said in between my laughs. Niall then joined me.
Niall has a very contagious laugh and because of that we were soon all dying of laughter.
🦋 🦋 🦋
None of us ended up actually watching the movie. We all joked around the entire time and we may or may not have had a popcorn fight.
"Hey Niall? Can I speak with you for a minute?" I asked him.
"Yeah of course. What's up?"
"Can we go to my room please?" I asked and he immediate agreed so we headed upstairs.
"So what's up?" He asked as we both sat down on my bed.
"We met someone at the theater yesterday. She said her name was Danielle. Can you tell me about her?"
"Wait did you just say Danielle?" He asked with wide eyes. I nodded nervously.
"What was she doing there? She moved away years ago."
"Apparently she's moving back here." I told him.
"What? No way. That's not good. At all." He immediate said. I was so confused, I thought everyone loved her.
"What's so bad about that?" I questioned.
"I never liked that bitch. She acted like a perfect little angel around everyone else but she was always mean to me. She always used to make comments about my weight and stuff when no one else was around."
"What? That's awful!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah and that isn't it. She was always super close to Louis. It was pretty obvious they both had a huge crush on each other. And they always acted like an old married couple. At one point I was sure they actually would end up getting married.
I was terrified of that because then already she always took Louis away from me. She was really manipulative so Louis always took her side in everything. I was so glad when she moved away." He told me.
Oh wow. So she might want Louis again? I could never compete with a childhood crush.
The reality of that statement actually set in then. I might lose Louis to her. I honestly don't think I could handle that.
Niall seemed to notice my sad expression. "I'm sorry if I made you worry. I'm sure she doesn't like Louis anymore. And Lou definitely doesn't like her. He's with you and he'd never hurt you." He tried to reassure me but it wasn't working very well.
I was terrified. I might lose the love of my life. Let's be honest, I would be absolutely no competition to her.
"Yeah." I said simply.
"Harry I promise you, my brother is an idiot but even he isn't stupid enough to ever let you go."
"I really hope so."
"God I'm so sorry I told you about their crushes, I wasn't even thinking. I promise I didn't do it to make you insecure. You know I'd never do that."
"Of course not. I wasn't blaming you for anything at all. Thank you for telling me. I don't think Lou would have."
"Please just forget I ever said anything. I promise you don't have to worry about anything. But if you actually are worried then please talk to Louis. I assure you he'd say exactly what I did, that he would never wave you."
"Yeah I think I might." I said. No way in hell will I ever talk to Louis about it. I don't want to bother him with my stupid insecurities.
"Let's talk about something more fun now, yeah?" Niall suggested.
"Sure. Like what?"
"What happened with you and Lou at the hotel yesterday? Did you figure anything....interesting?" He asked with a wink. I blushed.
"Isn't it weird for you?" I asked him curiously.
"I mean yeah a bit. I really don't want to hear about my brother's sex life but you're my best friend and I want to hear about yours." He explained. I nodded with understandment.
"Nothing happened. I wanted something to happen but Louis said that we won't do anything until I'm at least 16. I was super embarrassed because of the rejection and I might have thrown a little tantrum." I admitted with a blush.
"It's so frustrating, right! Zayn has told me the same thing!"
"It's like they think we can't decide for ourselves." I mumbled.
"That is definitely not why we have both said it." Louis said as he and Zayn stepped into the room.
They were eavesdropping! I can't believe them.
"I can't believe you two were eavesdropping!" Niall exclaimed.
"We only came here like a minute ago and happened to overhear." Zayn said.
"As I said, that is not why we said it." Louis continued. "It's about the fact that you're both 14 while we're both 18. It wouldn't even be legal and honestly it would kinda make us pedophiles."
Okay that makes sense but still.
"Whatever." Niall and I mumbled at the same time. The greatest minds always think alike.
🦋 🦋 🦋
Louis and Niall ended up leaving a few hours later.
It was currently 1 am and I just couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. I can't believe this is how Louis feels every night he's not with me.
We do spend almost every night together though, just today he figured he should spend a night at home for the first time in a while.
I decided to go sleep with Zayn. Maybe I just need affection to be able to fall asleep.
I padded quietly to his room and opened the door. To my surprise he was still up, doing something on his phone.
"What are you doing here Hazza? Did something happen?" He asked me.
"No, nothing happened. I just can't fall asleep. Can I sleep here tonight?"
"Yeah, of course. Come here." He said and lifted the blanket up so I could get under it.
He put his phone away and laid down. I rested my head on his shoulder and cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I immediately felt safe.
Like I had predicted, soon enough a yawn left my mouth.
"Goodnight Hazza." He whispered to me and pressed a kiss on my forehead.
"Goodnight Zaynie."
AN: BTW I did this chapter for like 3 hours and a bit more. I don't know how the hell it took me so long.
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