2. Pretty boy
What's your favorite song on the album?
"Hazza, wake up, love." I opened my eyes grumpily but smiled when I saw the smiling face of my brother.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"It's 7 am. You need to get up and get ready for school."
Right. School.
"Fine." I sighed out and pushed the warm blanket off my body. I shivered at the sudden coldness.
"I'll go make breakfast. Come down once you're ready." Zayn said and kissed my head before leaving my room.
I got out of the bed a few minutes later. I was just so comfy. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.
I then picked out a random outfit. I didn't really care that much about what I wore. I gave up on that a long time ago.
I gave up once I realized people don't care what I wear, they're still gonna be mean to me.
Of course I hoped that the situation would be different in this school but I wasn't betting on it.
Zayn was cooking something when I got downstairs. I sat down at the kitchen table to wait.
He finished a couple of minutes later. He made scrambled eggs and toast.
"So are you excited for today?" Zayn asked me once he sat down as well so we could eat together.
"I'm not sure yet. I guess. I'm just really scared. What if people won't like me again.
"Oh baby. Please don't be scared of that. I'm sure everyone will love you. They have no reason not to. And if anyone is mean I'll be there to protect you. Like always."
"I know. Thank you Zaynie. I love you."
"I love you too, Haz."
"Are you finished?" He asked me once my plate was empty.
"Yes. Thank you."
"You're welcome, baby. Go wait in the car. I'll be right out." He said so I did just that.
I could see Niall waiting by their car. He waved at me as soon as he noticed me and I waved back.
He had a huge grin on his face and he looked so excited and happy. We're both starting our freshman year today.
Niall and I have talked to a couple of times since the day we moved here but not a lot. I still haven't met his best friend. I think his name was Liam.
I sat inside the car and waited for my brother to come outside. He came a minute or two later and got in the car once he greeted Niall as well.
On the short drive to school we both sang along to the radio and were joking around.
I told him a bunch of knock knock jokes. He always says that they're horrible but I think that they're quite good.
I really relaxed during the car ride. But all the nerves came rushing back once the car stopped at the school parking lot.
We got out of the car and immediately people started staring. I tried to stay calm and tell myself that it was because we're new.
You would think that since a lot of young students are joining today they wouldn't stare at a few new students.
But it was a small school so they've all probably known each other since kindergarten.
The town was actually quite small and it seemed like everyone knew each other.
Zayn noticed how nervous I was getting so he grabbed my hand for reassurance.
In the school building we went straight to the office. Or well Zayn asked someone where it is first.
"Hello darlings. Here to get your schedules?" The nice lady working there asked.
"Yes please." Zayn asked politely with a smile.
"What are your names?" The lady asked.
"Zayn Malik and Harry Styles." He answered. She took out our schedules and gave handed them to Zayn.
You might be confused about why we have different last names since we're brothers.
The reason is pretty simple. I have mum's last name and Zayn has our father's. I don't know why our parents wanted to do that.
"There are your locker numbers and combinations as well. Have a nice day! And if you have any problems feel free to come to me. I'm always here to help."
"Thank you." I muttered quietly. She smiled at me. Zayn handed me my schedule and we left the small room.
"What's your locker number?" He asked me.
"Um 28." I answered.
"Okay, good. Mine is 30 so we're really close to each other. Let's go find them." He grabbed my hand again and started pulling me through the hallways.
I was surprised at how difficult it was to find them in such a small school. It took us close to 10 minutes. Thank God we decided to come so early cause otherwise we would've already been late.
"Harry! Zayn!" I heard the familiar voice with an Irish accent yell from behind us.
We stopped and waited for our neighbor. "Hey guys!" He greeted us both with hugs.
"Hi, Niall!" Zayn greeted him back. I just offered him a small smile.
"Harry, show me your schedule." He said. Or more like ordered. He didn't even give me time to say anything before he grabbed the paper from me.
He looked over it and when he finished he had yet another grin on his face.
"We have all the same lessons!" He told me excitedly. Great.
On one side it actually was good. At least I had someone I knew with me all the time.
But at the same time I don't know how I'm gonna be able to deal with his cheery attitude all day every day.
"Yay." I said with no emotion.
"Can you guys go find your first class together then? I still need to find mine and we only have a few minutes." Zayn asked as he looked at the time.
My eyes widened at his question. He wants to leave me alone already? Okay yeah Niall's with me but still.
I sighed but smiled and told him that it's fine. He gave me a hug and kissed my head again before turning around to go find his first class.
"Let's go!" Niall said and grabbed my hand like Zayn had before.
"Do you already know where the class is?" I asked him.
"Yep. It's this way." I didn't even question how he knew where to go and just let him pull me along.
Our first class was history. It was so damn boring. I almost fell asleep. You would think that on the first day we wouldn't study but would get to know each other and stuff but apparently not.
The other lessons were really boring as well. I felt like a zombie by lunchtime. I was so tired.
Niall and I found a table and I texted Zayn while he texted Liam. I was finally gonna meet him.
I toon out the lunch Zayn had prepared for me and started eating.
"Hi baby!" My brother greeted me when he got to our table. He sat down next to me.
"Hello, Niall." He greeted my friend.
"Hi Zayn!"
And then a boy came to our table. He looked around my age. His eyes and hair were brown. He looked a lot like a puppy.
I assumed it was Liam.
"Hi Ni! Who are these?" He asked and pointed to us.
"Liam, these are Harry and Zayn. They're my new neighbors." Niall introduced us. So I was correct, it was indeed Liam.
"Hi Harry! Hi Zayn! Nice to meet ya! I'm Liam." Both Zayn and I greeted him back.
Lunch was actually quite fun. I got to know Liam more. He's actually quite funny and really nice.
All three of us had the next period together so we said goodbye to Zayn.
"I really need to use the bathroom." I told the other two.
"Oh, okay. It's right there. Do you want us to come with you?" Niall asked.
"No, it's fine. You guys can go to class. I'll be right there." I said. They were reluctant to leave but did so anyway.
I found the bathroom quite quickly and did my business. But as I opened the door to leave I bumped into someone.
I was about to fall so I closed my eyes. Before I could touch the floor the other person caught me.
"Oops!" I said, feeling embarrassed. I still hadn't opened my eyes yet.
"Hi." The other person said. I opened my eyes and almost gasped. The guy had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.
He was so pretty. The prettiest boy I had ever seen. His hair looked soft and fluffy and I just wanted to run my hands through it.
And his lips. They looked so soft and plump. I wanted to kiss the hell out of him.
And his voice sounded like the angels singing. I could listen to him talk all day and not get bored.
We just stared at each other in silence before he shook his head as if to clear his thoughts.
"Watch where you're going next time." He said angrily and stormed away.
I felt like I was about to cry. I took a big breath in to calm myself before I went and found the class.
It obviously didn't work very well since both Niall and Liam asked if I'm okay once they saw me.
"I'm fine. Really." Thankfully the teacher entered the class before they could say anything.
🦋 🦋 🦋
"Harry, do you want to hang out with me and Liam after school? We're going to my house and order pizza and probably play video games." Niall asked.
"Um..sure. I would love to join. I'll have to ask Zayn though."
"Okay great. I'm sure he'll let you. He can join us too. I think he'd get along well with my brother."
"You have a brother?" I asked Niall with surprise. He hadn't mentioned it before.
"Yeah, I do. Didn't I tell you? He's in senior year like Zayn."
"You didn't. And yeah, I'll invite Zayn." I said. He deserves to have a friend finally.
"Great! We took our car so we'll go ahead and wait for you there. Come whenever you're ready." Niall told me.
"Okay, yeah. See you soon." I gave them both hugs and they left. I found our car and waited by it for Zayn to come out of school.
I had waited for a minute or two when I saw Zayn come out. But he wasn't alone. He was with the same pretty boy that I had bumped into earlier.
They looked to be laughing at something. The boy frowned when he noticed me but Zayn smiled widely.
"Hey baby." My brother greeted me with a hug.
"Hi Zaynie."
"Hey Zayn? I'll see you tomorrow." Pretty boy said to Zayn. I really need to find out his name.
"Yeah, see you." And he left. Zayn and I got into our car and be started driving.
"Who's that?" I asked him.
"That's Louis. My new friend. We have most of our lessons together."
"You made a friend? I'm so happy." I told him.
"Haha thanks. I'm happy too. He's nice." He laughed.
"I'm sure he is. To you." I mumbled the last part quietly. He thankfully didn't seem to hear me.
"What's our plan for today? Anything you want to do?" He asked me.
"Actually yes. Niall invited us to his house to eat pizza and play video games. He said that he thinks you'll get along with his brother."
"Oh okay. You sure you want me to come with? Don't you want some alone time with your friends?"
"No, Zaynie. I like it when you're with me. You make me feel safe." I admitted.
"I'm glad, baby. I'm always there to protect you. I promise."
"I know. Thank you."
When we arrived home we both changed and then headed nextdoor to Niall's house.
I knocked on the door and Niall opened it with a grin.
"Hey! Come on in!" He said and stepped aside to let us in. We both did so and thanked him.
"Liam's waiting in the living room. It's on the left. I'll go get my brother." Niall said and left to go upstairs.
Zayn and I followed his directions and went to the living room where Liam was sitting on the couch.
"Hey Haz! Hey Zayn!" He greeted us both. We said hi as well and sat next to him.
Soon Niall came back downstairs and a boy was walking behind him. I almost gasped when I saw who it was.
It was pretty boy. Just my luck. Of course the boy who I have a crush on and who probably hates me is my neighbor and my friend's brother.
"Oh hi Louis!" Zayn greeted him. He seemed to be surprised.
Louis. That's his name. I love it.
"Oh hi Zayn! Didn't know you're the guy Niall was telling me about. I didn't even know we're neighbors."
"Yeah I didn't either. What a small world." Zayn chuckled.
"What are you doing here?" He asked me when he noticed me. He sounded like he really didn't want me there.
Is he really that mad at me for bumping into him?
"I'm friends with Niall." I explained. He frowned but didn't say anything.
"Have you two met?" Niall asked.
"Um..yeah. I bumped into him in school." I said.
"Really? You didn't tell me earlier baby." Zaynie asked me.
"It isn't a big deal." I muttered quietly.
"Why do you call him baby? Is he your boyfriend or something?" Louis asked Zayn.
Both Zayn and I started laughing and Louis looked at us weirdly. "God no. Hazza is my little brother." Zayn told him.
"Oh. Okay. Sorry." Louis apologized.
"It's okay. People always think we're dating because of how close we are."
"Can we please order the pizzas now? I'm starving." Niall whined. We all laughed at that because we all knew him enough to know that it's true.
That boy is always hungry. I have no clue where he puts all the food. And how he's still so skinny.
For the rest of the day we all played video games and it was a lot of fun. Louis didn't talk to me at all.
I didn't know if I was upset about it or relieved.
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