11. Good
AN: This is just gonna be a zarry chapter. Sorry if it's boring. I just realized that Harry and Zayn haven't really spent time together yet. There might be a tiny bit of larry at the end.
Also, a few questions again.
Do you want larry to start dating soon or not yet?
Do you want them to get caught or not?
If they get caught should it be before or after they start dating?
Is there anything you'd like to see happen in the story?
And do you think that everything is going too fast?
That's it for now.
Harry's POV
"Wake up Hazza! We're spending the day together!" Zayn said quite loudly as he plopped down on my bed. On top of me to be exact.
"Get off of me." I whined and tried to push him away. He laughed at my attempts but still got off of me. Thank god. It was getting hard to breathe.
I looked over to the clock on the wall and groaned out loud when I saw what time it was.
This was definitely not a good way to wake up on a Saturday morning at 10 am. Sometimes I genuinely hate my brother.
Weekends are supposed to be for sleeping in not for waking up so damn early.
"What the hell do you want?" I asked Zayn groggily.
"I already told you! We're spending the day together!" He said excitedly.
"Okay I got that but why so fucking early?" I asked and buried my face in my pillow. Thank god Louis couldn't come the night before. He definitely would've gotten caught. That would've been really bad.
"Oh come on you little baby. You can't always sleep the day away."
"Watch me." I said and closed my eyes to try and fall asleep again. He chuckled at me. Rude.
"No. Up you come." He said and pulled my blanket off of me. I immediately let out whine and curled up.
"Am I really that horrible to spend time with?"
"No, of course not. Just come back in a few hours."
"Fine. You asked for it. I tried to be nice." He said in a warning tone and suddenly I felt his fingers pressing on my stomach.
Loud giggles left my mouth while he tickled the life out of me.
"Are you up yet?" He asked while still torturing me.
"Yes! Just stop! Please!" I begged and he finally stopped. I took deep breaths and a few giggles still left my mouth.
"So what will we do?" I asked him once I had calmed down.
"Well I don't exactly have a plan yet. But we should probably start with going out for breakfast. So get dressed."
"Ugh fine. Just get out." I said and pushed him out of my room. I heard him laugh as he walked away.
I got dressed in just sweatpants and a t shirt and stole a hoodie from Zayn's room on my way downstairs.
"Ready to go baby?" Zayn asked when I got downstairs where he was already waiting for me.
"I think so, yeah." I answered and we went outside to our car.
The drive to the diner was short, only about 10 minutes. We headed in and sat down at a table.
There was only 2 more people other than us in there. Guess everyone else has enough common sense to sleep in at weekends.
The waitress brought us menus and left immediately after. She returned a few minutes later.
"Hello! What can I get you?" She asked us politely.
"Could I have the pancakes and a coke please?" Zayn asked first. She write it down into her little notebook and then turned towards me.
"Um I-I'll have the same please." I said quietly. I'm not good with people. I totally have social anxiety. But who doesn't nowadays, right?
"Sure! Your food will be ready in a minute!" She said and left.
"We haven't really hung out just the two of us since we moved here." Zayn noted. I realized that he was right.
"Yeah, we haven't. Sorry."
"This is definitely not your fault Hazza. We've just both been so caught up in our own lives and friends." He said with a smile.
"And I'm glad that we've both made some good friends." He added. Before I could answer, the waitress came back with our food. Damn, that was fast.
"Enjoy!" She said as she placed down the plates and glasses in front of us.
"Thank you."
We both dove right in. I almost moaned at the taste. The pancakes were absolutely delicious.
"So, tell me Hazza, what's been going on in your life?" Zayn asked.
"Nothing really. Nothing interesting at least." I said. It wasn't necessaryly a lie.
Well if you don't count me sharing a bed with my crush who also happens to be his best friend.
"Really? Okay. Well have any boys caught your eye yet?" He asked me with a smirk. I blushed at the question and the look he was giving me.
"Maybe." I answered, the blush still present on my face.
"Oh really? Who? Who do I need to have a talk with?" He asked teasingly.
"No one."
"Is it Ed? I've seen you talk to him a few times."
"You've seen us talk?" I asked him with wide eyes. How is it even possible? We've only spoken like two times if you don't count the trip. And both times Louis has interrupted us.
"Yeah, I have. What? Was it a secret or something?" He asked me with another smirk.
"Nope, no secret." I said truthfully. It wasn't a big enough deal to be kept a secret.
"Good. I don't like you keeping secrets from me. And besides, I saw Lou interrupt you two both times. I should really thank him for that."
"Oh God. Please don't." I groaned. He cannot incourage Louis.
"Fine. I won't. If you tell me what you and Ed talked about."
"Do I have to?" I asked him.
"Yes. Definitely."
"Fine. He told me that he likes me and then asked if we could hang out." I said with a blush.
"Oh wow. Okay. Guess I'm still gonna have to have that talk with him. What did you answer though?" He asked with curiosity.
"I didn't exactly have a chance to answer. Louis came before I could." I answered honestly.
I wouldn't admit it to Louis, but I'm actually kinda thankful he interrupted us both times because I honestly would've had no clue how to answer.
"So how do you feel about him?"
"I'm not sure. He's a really nice guy and really cute but I just don't know if I could see him romantically." I admitted.
It felt good to talk about these things with my brother like how we used to. We haven't been as close since we moved and I don't like it.
"Then that's something you have to figure out. Ed really is a nice guy and I'm absolutely sure he would treat you well. But if you really don't like him then don't force yourself." Zayn said.
"Yeah, I guess." I said. But I didn't have to think about it at all. Ed is not the one I want. Louis is.
"Are you done eating?" Zayn asked after a while. I nodded so he paid the bill and we left.
"Where are we going next?" I asked him in the car.
"You'll see soon. Be patient."
"Fine." I said with a pout. Patience is definitely not one of my strong suits.
About half an hour later we arrived at our next destination. I looked out and saw that we were in front of an ice rink.
My eyes widened in excitement. I haven't been skating in so long. I absolutely love skating though.
"We're going skating?" I asked him excitedly.
"Yeah. I figured you'd love it." He said with a chuckle.
"I do! Thank you! I love you so much!" I told him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back immediately.
"Come on now, let's go." He said and let go of the hug. I nodded excitedly and quickly got out of the car.
"Why are you walking so slowly? What are you waiting for?" I asked him and pouted before taking his hand and pulling him with me.
He laughed and let me pull him along without any resistance.
Once we got inside we rented two pairs of skates and went on the ice. I almost squealed out loud because of how excited I was.
"Are you coming?" I asked Zayn who was still standing on the platform.
"Yeah, in a minute. Just let me take a picture of you." He said while pulling out his phone.
I nodded and smiled for the photo. Once he got it he said he will post it to Instagram later. He first asked for my permission of course.
🦋 🦋 🦋
"Are we doing anything else?" I asked Zayn as we sat at the car again an hour later.
"What do you think about just building a fort in the living room and watching movies and eating a bunch of unhealthy snacks?" He asked me.
"It sounds perfect." I responded.
"Great. To the store we go then."
About half an hour later we were in our living room setting up the fort. It was a lot more work than I remembered.
When we finally finished it I looked at it proudly. It looked really good.

I took a picture of it and posted it on Instagram.
"You pick a movie and I'll go get all the snacks." Zayn said and handed me the laptop.
I looked through the movies for a while before stopping on The Witches. It looked cool.
(AN: It's a really good movie. I definitely recommend it)
Zayn soon returned with his arms full of food. We might have gone a bit overboard.
"You picked something?"
"Yeah, a movie called The Witches. It looks cool. And Anne Hathaway plays in it." I said with a grin. When Zayn was little he had a huge crush on Anne Hathaway.
"Okay. Put it on then." He told me and then got comfy next to me.
🦋 🦋 🦋
By night time we were cuddling in the fort and both of us had shed quite a few tears.
Five feet apart always kills me. It's so sad. The same with Midnight Sun and If I stay.
Around 10 pm I decided to text Louis since Zayn was distracted by the movie we were watching.
H: Hey Lou
L: Hello Harold
H: I don't think you can come today either. Sorry.
L: It's okay angel. Don't worry about it.
L: Are you having a good time with Zayn?
H: Yes! Today has been super fun.
L: What did you do then?
H: Well first we went to get breakfast. Then we went skating. I absolutely love skating. Then we went to the store to get a bunch of snacks. We built a fort in the living room and we've been watching movies basically the whole day.
L: Sounds fun. We should do that sometime.
H: Yeah sure. It would be fun.
L: I'll remember that then.
L: What movie are you watching right now?
H: Suicide Squad. Have you seen it?
L: Yup. One of my faves.
H: Really? Mine too
L: Cool cool.
H: I think I need to go now. Zayn is looking at me kinda suspiciously. But have a good night.
L: You too, angel. Have fun.
"Who were you talking to?" Zayn asked me once I put my phone down.
"Um.. Louis." I decided not to lie. He probably already saw the name.
"What were you two talking about?" He asked me in a strange tone.
"He just asked me if we had fun today. Nothing special, don't worry." I said to ease his suspicions.
"And how does he know that we're spending the day together?" He asked me. I looked at him like he was dumb.
"We both posted about it." I said in a duh tone.
"Right. Forgot about that." He admitted and I giggled. His memory is horrible sometimes. But like same.
"You've been getting close to Louis lately I've noticed." Zayn stated a few minutes later.
Is it really that obvious?
"Um I guess so yeah. We started getting along better on the camping trip. What about it?"
"Nothing I guess. Just don't get involved with him. Please."
"What? Why?" I questioned.
"He's just not good for you, Haz. Trust me." He told me in a tone that said we were finished with that topic. But I wasn't finished.
"What do you mean by that?" I interrogated him further.
"He's just not a good influence for you. Promise me you won't get involved with him." He basically commanded.
"Um yeah I sure. I promise."
The only word I could think of was shit. I had already broken that promise. And I knew I definitely wouldn't keep it.
But I couldn't exactly tell him that. I still wonder what he meant by that. Louis has been nothing but lovely to me.
Guess that's something I need to figure out.
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