|Chapter 29|
Haya is back with another chapter, after a long writer's block! I'm sorry, I know it's been such a long time. I've been busy with exams, and few other stuff. However, I hope you're all okay! I've missed you all very much.
This one is dedicated to ParkerSchmidt ! I love you, my female Arhysin! ❤️
Happy Reading, loves! ❤️
|Chapter 29|
There come days where we just can't wake up. We enjoy the beauty of deep slumber and how it envelopes us very dearly, asking us not to let go. Today is one of those days, but it's not the fact that I'm incredibly attached to the beautiful feeling of my body on the soft bed mattress, but the fact I feel like my head is being knocked on with a massive hammer and that a huge rock is placed on my heavy body, causing me to feel immobile. On top of all that, yesterday's dinner was slowly making its way up my throat. I felt extremely sick and exhausted, even though I have slept early and very easily, yesterday. Best thing of all, however, is the wonderful fact that today is, in fact, a school day.
After a hundred and ten attempts of getting out of bed, a shot of adrenaline helped me zoom into my bathroom and puke my guts out. I took a quick glance at my reflection in the mirror in front of me and cringed. Sweat surrounded my face and allowed the tiny strands of hair that escaped my braids stick to my hot face. The color on my visage was washed away with the sickness that overwhelmed me. It was hard for me to stay balanced, and so my body failed me and I fell down on the cold, hard tiles beneath me.
It took me a few minutes before I was able to take breaths in a steady pace and gain my balance again. My body was then met with the surface of my bed. It was a matter of seconds before sleep took over, and a few others before my alarm clock went off. I felt way too weak to switch it off, so instead, I waited until my mother entered the room to wake me up herself.
"Elizabeth! Come on, now. Hurry up and get ready for school," she said in her usual, chirpy voice. In reply, I groaned. A few seconds later, I heard her gasp, which immediately grabbed my undivided attention.
I was met with a worried looking woman. Eyes wide open, and so was her mouth. "What happened to you? You're sick, aren't you?"
She rushed to my side and her hand wandered around my face, touching my forehead and cheeks. "I told you to have a fruit after that workout. You never listen. You think you're going to be healthy without food? There's no use working out if you're going to lose your health!"
"I'm fine. I'm just going to stay home today and I'll get better. There's no need for all that worry," I reassured her, giving her the widest smile I could muster.
"I'm going to make you soup before I leave for work. Get some sleep and whenever you wake up, make sure you eat that. And drink a lot of water. Oh! The aspirin-"
"Thank you, Mom! I'll go take an aspirin and then get some sleep. Don't worry about me. I'm not five, anymore." I chuckled at her worry. She rolled her eyes before kissing my forehead and heading outside my room.
Right after taking my medication, I was happy and ready to meet my dreams again. However, I was made even happier once the feet of my little sister blessed my bedroom's floor with its arrival.
"Lizzy! Are you okay?" She took off in a run and hugged me the tightest she could. I smiled at the cuteness of her worried tone.
"Yes, Soph. I'm okay. I just feel a little bit sick, so I'm going to stay home, today."
"Oh, okay. So you're not taking me to school?" Her head tilted to the side in question.
"Not today, Soph. I'm sorry."
"It's okay! Just get better so we can play again!" I chuckled and shook my head.
"I will! Now go before Mom kills us both." I grinned. She giggled and nodded before zooming out of my bedroom.
I was fast asleep after she left, and the next thing I knew, I was being woken up again by the two people I never expected to see anytime today.
"Idiot! You woke her up!" Justin muffled a scolding at Eleanor, who was seated at the corner of my bed and had a sorry expression on her face.
I was so startled that I almost fell off the bed. I had to rub my eyes once, twice, and thrice to confirm the sight in front of me. And indeed, Justin was on the floor, hugging a large box of pizza, and Eleanor was seated on my bed, hugging Bary, our bee.
"Surprise?" Eleanor's greeting sounded more like a question, which caused a laugh to escape my mouth.
"Please, tell me you're not the type that kills everyone when you've just woken up. We come in peace," Justin held both hands up in surrender as he spoke. This caused a louder laugh to escape my mouth. I shook my head at how funny this all is.
"I'm not."
Who knew that one day, I would wake up to my friends' faces on a day I called in sick? They came all the way to my room to keep me company when I'm feeling weak.They didn't didn't fun of my bed hair or my appearance.
My appearance.
I felt my face heat up in embarrassment and unwelcome sweat, yet again, made its way to every inch of my body. I probably looked like a zombie.
"I'm sorry, I'll just go take a quick shower and get dressed into something more-" I looked down at my black t-shirt and pajama pants in disgust, "presentable."
I quickly made a dash into my bathroom, not forgetting to grab the outfit for the rest of my day with me. It wasn't long before I was looking at my reflection on the bathroom's mirror, slightly frowning at my appearance.
My hair was still damp, but pitch black, just like I pretend my soul is. My cheeks were still flushed, and my lips were disgustingly dry. I had black jeans and a black hoodie on to keep me warm as well as hide the fats I don't want to be seen.
Same old, same old.
Justin, Eleanor, and I spent our time watching lame horror movies like 'Scream'. They've tried stuffing my face with Pizza, but because I already struggled with trying not to puke my guts out, I refused and ate an apple instead.
We played a few games and did the last bit of research we have to for our Bary, and before we knew it, it was already 8 in the evening.
"Before we leave, there's something I've gotta tell you," Eleanor announced. I continued to stare at her in silence, as a sign for her to continue her speech.
I'm not going to lie. That phrase scared me and gave my heart the permission to start racing and my body to start sweating. I was filled with anxiety and nervousness.
"I sort of got us both registered in this gym so we can both work out together and get in shape." Once Eleanor said so, she squeezed one eye shut, the other anticipating my reaction as she tucked her lower lip between her teeth.
I was quite shocked to be honest. Firstly, because this was completely out of the blue, and secondly, because Eleanor had a really nice body and had nothing to fix about it. However, it warmed my heart thinking she's doing this for me. It's such a sweet gesture.
"Thank you, El! That's really sweet of you to do. But you don't have to do this for me."
"I'm doing it for the both of us. Exercise is good for everyone's health! And no, this has nothing to do with you trying to lose weight. Your body is yours and it's perfect just the way it is. If you want to change it, you should change it for yourself, not for anyone else. I've got us registered in this gym because it's just healthy. Also, I heard that you've been doing a bit of working out at home, so why not take it somewhere professional, eh?" Her smile was contagious, and so it reflected on both my face and Justin's.
Eleanor's words were sweet, inspiring, and motivating. They filled me with good vibes, which isn't something I was very used to receiving from people who aren't family. It felt good.
"Let's do this."
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