|Chapter 23|
This chapter is dedicated to CreativeCat17 ! You should check out her book, sometime. =)
Thank you for being dedicated to this book, I really appreciate it! Please give me feedback and constructive criticism of you wish. Thanks again, loves! ❤️
Happy Reading! =)
|Chapter 23|
"El?" I felt a hand push me lightly, interrupting the most peaceful sleep I have ever had in a while. As per usual, I ignored whoever was trying to wake me up and tried my best to fall back to sleep.
It's ironic how so many things don't go my way.
My blanket was torn out of my bed and a weight was added to my mattress. Judging by the tiny bounces my body made on the bed, it was Sophia jumping.
"Wake up, wake up. We're going to meet Eleanor!"
My eyes immediately shot open, widened. I jumped out of bed and grabbed Sophia by her shoulders, forcing her to look into my eyes.
"Who and the what now?" I asked, hoping that for a second, my ears failed me when she last spoke and I heard her say all the horrible things I hoped she wouldn't.
"We're going to Eleanor's house! I'm so happy!" She clapped her hands, jumping up and down in excitement. I squeezed my eyes shut and face-palmed one too many times, thinking 'what on Earth did I do to deserve such news on an early, sacred, Saturday morning?'
"She just came over, yesterday. You must've heard it all wrong. Honey, who told you all this?" I asked her desperately.
This can't be happening. That's enough of Eleanor. I need a break, especially after the deep talk we had yesterday, when I was over. This is not good, and hopefully, also not true.
"Mommy told me to wake you up so that'd you'd get ready. Oh, do you like my outfit? It's the dress you got me." She twirled around, showing off her cuteness and beauty.
I stayed quiet, thinking it all over. Why would Mom ask Sophia to wake me up in order to get ready to meet Eleanor? When did this happen, and how exactly? This is all very fishy to me.
"Is it not nice?" She frowned, looking down at her feet. I shook my head implacably.
"No, no, no, no." I held her chin, smiled at her, and then gave her a soft peck on the cheek. "You look adorable. I love it."
She grinned at me, slightly blushing. I stared at her in awe for a bit, before getting snapped back to reality and remembering that I still have a terrible problem to handle.
"I have to go talk to Mom," I informed Sophia before running downstairs. "Mom!" I called out.
"I'm in my room!" she yelled. I huffed in frustration, running upstairs again. I knocked on her bedroom door and entered when she gave me her permission.
"Why aren't you dressed, yet?" she asked me. She was in front of her mirror, all dressed and applying makeup. My eyebrows scrunched in utter confusion at the sight before me.
Why should I even get dressed? Am I really going to Eleanor's? And why is she dressed? And why did Dad just leave the bathroom, also dressed in a fancy shirt, tie, and dress pants? What the actual flying freak is happening here?
"Why should I?" I asked, puzzled.
"Didn't Sophia tell you?" she asked me back. My lips formed a thin line, knowing that indeed, we're going to Eleanor's house to do God knows what.
"But why are we going over? And why are you all dressed? Are you and Dad going out on a date?" I asked.
"Oh, didn't I tell you?" she asked after zipping her makeup bag and turning around to look at me. My head tilted to the side as a reply to her question.
"I thought I did. Anyways, Eleanor's parents invited us over for lunch, today. So go get dressed, quickly," she replied.
To say I'm shocked is an understatement. She didn't even tell me yesterday. This is all a last minute thing to me and I don't even think I could digest and process everything. All I know, is that the fact that both our families are getting to know each other is not at all good. Not to me, at least, since my parents enjoy meeting new people. Especially now that we're new to Philadelphia.
"What are you waiting for? Go, you idiot!" she rushed me. I grumpily groaned and walked into my room.
Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic.
I managed to pull myself together and go into my bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower, then apply lighter makeup than I do, most of the time. When I was done, I decided on a black, long-sleeved dress and black winter boots. I left my hair fall into its natural, slightly frizzy waves. Before leaving my bedroom, I bid my beloved bed a silent goodbye before sighing and leaving it abandoned.
A few minutes later, we all left the house and headed over to our destination, me giving the directions to the house I've been to a few times.
It was Sophia who rushed to the front door and rang the bell, and it was Eleanor who opened the door for us.
"Eleanor!" Sophia hugged her cheerfully, and Eleanor laughed at her obvious cuteness. I smiled slightly at the sight before me.
"Hi," I greeted shyly. I would never be used to greeting anyone other than my family. And I like to keep it that way, considering it will keep me well away from pain and betrayal.
I shook my head, trying my best to block the unsought memories from being reminisced. I waited politely for my parents to greet Eleanor, and after a minute or so, we entered the house. It was Eleanor's mom that greeted us, next. She gave us all a soft kiss on the cheek along with a sweet 'hello'. After her, her husband greeted us with a welcoming smile and ushered us into their warm living room.
I sat on the sofa next to Sophia and Mom, looking down at my fidgeting fingers and praying silently for this lunch to end fast and smooth, cause I really wasn't liking it, already.
Our parents chatted cheerfully about work and the city. Eleanor joined the conversation at times, and I found myself slightly envying her confidence and amiability whilst she speaks.
Five minutes into the visit, a tall, slightly muscular body entered the living room, charming us all with his wide grin.
"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Ryder!"
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