|Chapter 21|
Hello! Happy Holidays to all who celebrate it out there! :)
I just wanted to say a quick thank you for everyone who makes an effort to read this story. You make me smile. ❤️
This one' s dedicated to IshyFishy12355 ! Thanks a lot for your kind words. I appreciate it! =)
Without further ado: Happy Reading! ;)
|Chapter 21|
"You know, life is never easy. It gives us many reasons to feel sad and angry with it. Sometimes, it's so powerful that it makes us want to end it in order for our soul to finally find peace. But it's the smart ones in life that fight it. Instead of looking at all the negative things in life that make us hate it, they look at all the positive things that make life worth living.
"Elizabeth, you're very smart and wise. I know it. You should stop isolating yourself from the world and start looking around you with an open mind. You'll see that not everyone around you is a monster. Many actually care."
I sat there, speechless. I couldn't speak. My breath hitched in my throat and I struggled to breathe for a few seconds. I closed my eyes and exhaled whatever oxygen that's left in me, and when successfully done, I inhaled again. I was able to breathe steadily, which was a huge relief.
"Elizabeth, are you okay?" Eleanor asked, her eyes full of fret and concern.
Did she mean herself when she said that some people care? I know my parents care. I know my sister cares. But that's about it. Everyone else in the world proved that they don't give two cares whether I'm alive or dead. Even the person I trusted with my life, the person I poured my heart out to every day, was a betrayer. A back-stabber. A liar.
I took in a deep breath to accompany me while I speak. My eyes fluttered closed, and the last thing I saw before they did was Eleanor looking at me intensely, waiting for whatever's coming next.
"I-I came f-from San Fra-" My eyes fluttered open ever so quickly, as I realized I was about to do the most stupid thing I could have ever done.
Are you crazy?
"Never mind," I uttered out. Eleanor's shoulders slumped down in disappointment. Our eyes locked for a time that felt so long.
I was so scared. Not from Eleanor, but from how a little more comfortable I'm getting around her, time by time. I was just about to tell her about my oh-so-beautiful past a minute ago, for God's sake. I could've easily gone to school the next day, finding everyone laughing at my face, obviously realizing how much of a loser I really am.
"It's okay. You don't have to tell me, yet-"
"Never," I interrupted her. She sighed deeply.
"Listen, Elizabeth. I know how hard it can be to open up to people about your dark past, so I understand," she said, giving me a tiny smile.
"Y-you do?" I asked, surprised. She nodded.
"Why so surprised?" she asked, her head tilting to the side.
"You're always cheerful and friendly with everyone. I didn't think you have a dark side as well."
"Everyone has a hole of darkness in them. But I've learnt how to embrace who I am. Because no matter how bad my past was, it does not mean my present and future had to be, too. Life gave me a huge challenge. One I didn't think I'd ever surmount. It was so hard that I never found peace. Never. I was in a constant fight with life. But then my life changed a few years ago, and the memories still hit me hard to this day, but I feel happy with them," she paused to look at me. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
How can she be happy with her dark memories?
"Crazy to hear, I know. But it's because I've realized that without those hardships, I wouldn't have found the happiness I did now. I'm now surrounded with people I love tremendously." Eleanor had a big grin on her face, which I really admired. She's so brave and strong. She gives off this beautiful aura of positivity. "Now, instead of only giving you puzzle pieces, let me tell you exactly what Eleanor was and what she's become."
My eyes widened in utter shock. Is she really going to trust me with her secrets and memories? All I ever did was push her away. I was never nice to her. Never friendly. So why is she doing this?
"Listen, you don't have to do this," I whispered whilst my fingers fought with each other. A second later, Eleanor's hand met my shoulder.
"I want to," she said. I nodded, waiting for her to continue.
"I was very close with my parents as a kid. I had a few friends that I loved, but my parents were my everything. We played together and watched animation movies everyday. We chatted all day about everything and nothing. They were more than my parents, they were my best friends. We were inseparable, really. And then-" my phone's ringtone interrupted her speech. I took it out of my back jean pocket. It was Mom calling.
"I'm sorry, I really have to take this," I apologized. She smiled in reassurance. I whispered a 'thank you' and pressed 'answer'.
"Hey, Mom," I greeted.
"Elizabeth, please come this minute. Your sister... she broke down the minute she came back from school. I tried to calm her down and find out what's wrong but she kept saying she wanted you. Please come, now." Mom's voice was full of worry.
I immediately stood up at the news and packed my bag. My heart was beating so fast it made me feel really hot. I started sweating like a person running a marathon.
My sister needs me. She's not okay. I have to leave.
"I'm sorry, I... I have to go. S-Sophia needs me. She's n-not okay!" My feet were moving so fast and awkwardly that I tripped and fell on my face. Eleanor ran to help me up, and once I was standing again, I ran towards her door and made my way downstairs in a hurry.
"Liz, wait! I'm coming with you!" she called after me. I was standing in front of her house, waiting for her to get her car keys. When she appeared, we both jumped into the car and sped to my house.
This can't be good. I don't know why Sophia's so sad right now, but I know my sister. She isn't a dramatic child that makes a fuss out of everything. It's not a silly child problem. This one's real. It reminds me of myself as a kid. Except, I didn't have anyone to call for help and comfort.
Instead, I hid in my room and cried myself to sleep, all alone.
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