Chapter Twenty-Six
The night felt long. Jade sat awake at the edge of her bed, staring out the window into the deep black void of space. She felt utterly empty and alone. Knowing her brother, her sweet twin brother, was alive but hated her. She couldn't help but think of her parents too.
Were they looking down at her with the same disgrace as Lyle felt? There was no way to know, she just hoped it wouldn't be true. Gripping onto her necklace, she glanced over her shoulder at a sleeping Kylo. A small part of her was angry with him for attacking her brother. Seeing him not letting up just because he was a Resistance member.
Her gut felt sour. She knew he was doing what he thought was right. What he thought was right... That's it. What he thought was right is different from what is right and what is wrong. But, what even is right and wrong? There needed to be a balance, nothing would ever be one sided.
Standing up from her spot, she paced the room back and forth. She still clung to her necklace, turning it over and over again with her fingers. Looking down at it, it struck something further inside her. The moon comes at night to balance out the day. Without the balance of light and dark, their planets would crumble.
There needed to be a balance in everyone or else chaos would continue to reign. Pacing into the bathroom, she stared at the mirror. Seeing her face covered in blood and dirt still from the battle. Her mind went back to the soldier spitting up at her. "First Order scum!"
A balance. That man deserved to die. He was hateful, spiteful. Did he even deserve to be in the Resistance? Shaking her head, getting rid of the thought, she padded over to the bathtub. Turning the knobs to make the water the perfect, hot temperature. She needed a long soak.
Kylo stirred in his sleep when he heard her turn the water on. The light from the bathroom came streaming into the room, waking him up. He sat up, startled, clutching the blankets around him. Last he remembered, he was on Takodana still. What happened?
Trying to recall his memories, he rubbed his face with both hands. The woods were dark, covered by trees. He saw Jade being held by a force. A man's force. Lyle. Guilt filled his bloodstream as he stared down at his palms that rested in front of him. Remembering holding him, airborne, with the force. Not letting go because he is with the Resistance.
Seeing Jade flinging her hand out at him before seeing nothing. Black. She attacked him. Good. I deserved it.
He stood from the bed to go downstairs to get a glass of water. Dressed in full uniform still, he glanced down at the blood stained shirt and pants. His face was expressionless. Reaching the kitchen, he poured a glass and sat at a chair in the living room. Trying to hydrate his dry throat, he gulped down the glass in mere seconds.
As he sat, he felt a sudden tug in the force. He knew it was her. It was Rey.
"I've never felt so alone." Her voice echoed in his mind.
Solemnly, he glanced up to see her sitting in front of him. A warm amber light illuminating her skin. "You're not alone." He wasn't even thinking, just speaking. Speaking from the force.
Her eyes met his, eyeing the filth that covered his face. "Neither are you."
Kylo heard a familiar voice in the distance, muffled by the sounds of rain and thunder. Calling out to the scavenger. His face stayed numb, fixed on hers.
"It isn't too late," she said softly, looking into his eyes for something. Searching for him. Ben. With caution, she held up her hand to him. To touch it. To strengthen the bond between them.
His eyes shot down to her hand, seeing her offer. Reaching for his gloved fingers, he pulled off the leather, revealing his bare skin. His mind was wandering, no longer fixed on thought. Lost in the wonder of the light. Reaching out slowly towards her, his hand shook slightly.
After her bath, Jade came back into the bedroom and dressed in a nightgown. Not noticing Kylo had gone until she turned around, seeing the empty spot. Her heart sank as she ran out of the bedroom, looking over the railing. Seeing him sitting, his hand out towards...
Her mouth went dry, running down the stairs. Once she reached the bottom, she called out his name. "Kylo!"
Their hands touched softly, but the feelings he felt rushing through him were anything but soft. The light and the dark dancing together, pulling at each other. It wasn't painful, just overwhelming. The balance filling in the empty spaces. The light sealing up deep, dark cracks. The dark covering the light, shielding it from danger. Guilt being shadowed by acceptance.
Kylo's wide eyes were set forward, trying to feel more. What else was he missing? His eyes fell away from hers, ripping away from the bond as he heard his name being called.
Looking at Jade now, his eyes were filled with tears. All he could do was sit there, staring at her. He felt so much and yet so little. Jade's body moved closer to him, seeing him clearer within the darkness. She saw something in him, in his eyes.
It was the same balance she saw in hers not too long ago. A moment of realization, of clarity, in him. She didn't know how else it would have happened but with the scavenger. Pushing her emotions down, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's get some rest."
Jade's sleep filled eyes slowly cracked open to view the room, feeling the bed and noticing Kylo had been gone again. Sighing, she pushed herself up and over to the closet to dress for their training. She had assumed they would be training more than ever, now that she was involved in a battle. So much to learn from. Slipping on her training outfit, finishing up by clipping her lightsaber into her pants before she heard a knock at the door.
Expecting Cora that morning to do her hair, she glided down the stairs to greet the older woman. Who she was met with was the complete opposite. "Ms. Elysar," Hux began, his hands clasped behind his back, "Supreme Leader Snoke requests you in his throne room immediately. I suggest you follow me." Turning, Hux began to walk briskly down the hallway. Fear filled Jade's belly as she followed behind him.
This feeling, a feeling of deja vu, came flooding forward. She remembered this from her vision. Her eyes started to get cloudy with nerves as they turned the corner to the elevator. Stepping in, both stood in silence as the elevator moved up. She caught a glimpse of the general's snide smile, knowing what she was about to walk into wouldn't be pretty.
The doors parted to reveal the red and black throne room, just as she saw in her mind before. Her eyes fell upon the shriveled, old man who sat in front Kylo Ren and the scavenger. Jade's body flooded with heat as she stared at the girl, who was now turning to look at her.
"Ah! Our guest has arrived. Come in, child." Kylo didn't move or turn to look at her, already knowing she would be summoned. Moving up to where Kylo was, Jade kneeled in front of the Snoke. Her hands clasped in fists as she tried to keep herself calm. "Jade Elysar, step forward."
Her eyes lifted to view the terrible sight of a man. She stood, feet moving her forward before she was standing right below his throne. Rey was being held in front of him, her movements slight and twitchy. "Rey, the scavenger. She has come to bring us to Skywalker, isn't that right?" His gaze turned to the girl, frozen in time.
The hold on her released, sending her to the floor. "I'll never tell you where he is," she growled out, her voice somewhat startling Jade. Snoke laughed, a hearty and gut wrenching laugh, before sending her flying across the room with ease. The movement was enough for Jade to wince slightly, seeing her colliding onto the tiled flooring.
Within seconds, she was up and summoned Kylo Ren's saber to her, igniting it. All guard around lifted their weapons in defense. "You have the spirit of a true jedi!" Snoke's words lurching her forward into a sprint towards Snoke, saber above her head.
It didn't last long before he sent her back again, the weapon clattering to the ground in front of Kylo. Jade's eyes were wide with fear, her steps moving her backwards some as she stared at the disfigured leader. "Young one, don't be frightened of me. It is your master you should be frightened of."
Jade's eyes connected with Kylo's in confusion. His expression less than telling. "Your master has found use for a new apprentice. There is no use for you anymore." Then, her gaze changed from confusion to hurt as she watched Kylo stand above a kneeling Rey. Snoke's words clung to her heart, her ears ringing with frustration.
"What do you think, young one? Should we get rid of you, take in this new apprentice?" With clenched fists once more, Jade's tear filled eyes slowly shifted up to look at Snoke. "No." Her dark coated voice rattled in her chest.
"Ah, as I had hoped. Now, boy. Rid of the girl!"
Jade's mind was lost in a tornado of conflict until she heard Rey's soft voice calling to the man standing in front of her. "Ben." Hearing her say his name sent bile up her throat. Anger boiling up. Resentment for the girl that had such a bond with the man Jade loved dearly.
Snoke chuckled deeply, ripping Jade's sight away from the two. "You think you can turn him... Pathetic child." Something in her felt he was right. Rey couldn't turn him. He was broken right in half. Pulled and pushed in opposite directions. But, what if Rey knew something about him that Jade didn't?
"And now, foolish child. He ignites his lightsaber and kills his true enemy!"
As if in slow motion, a blue light flashes in Jade's peripherals, sending Snoke to slump over in his throne. The beam slices through him, flying right into the hands of the scavenger. Anger filled Jade's body as she watched the two of them stare into each other's eyes. Electricity felt around the room as the tension built. Suddenly, the room erupted into a battle between the two and the guards from every angle.
Although she had a weapon of her own, her movements were frozen. She couldn't move, she couldn't fight. Even if she wanted to. Her legs were pinned in the corner, watching Kylo and Rey fight with each other. Side by side. As if they were always meant to. She wasn't being held by the force, just by her own emotions.
The room was lit up in flames, the curtains around them were burning. The heat radiated onto her skin as Jade eyed the walls. Now watching the two slice through red guards, working together to defeat them, she finally reached her boiling point. Igniting her red saber at her side, she ran towards the scavenger. A guard stepped in front of her, who she easily tore through, before reaching the girl.
Anger, jealousy, deceit. It all fueled her fire as she fought against Rey, their lightsabers crashing against each other. Rey's face was more than confused as she watched the girl's eyes fill with fire. "Jade, no!" Kylo's voice was heard behind her, ignoring him completely as she continued to beat at Rey. "Enough!" His booming voice tore her away from the scavenger, his force pulling her off to the side. Jade's body sliding on the floor, slumping over and losing consciousness.
In her web of unconsciousness, Jade heard Kylo and Rey's voice echoing through her skull. Torturing her. Forcing her to feel and hear everything.
"We can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy!"
"Don't do this, Ben. Please don't go this way."
"No, no you're still holding on! Let go."
"You come from nothing, you're nothing. But not to me."
"Join me. Please."
A sudden explosion shakes Jade awake, hearing crackling of what sounded like lightning through the air. Her mind sends her back for a moment, feeding her sense of anger and fury. The balance she once felt was now disappearing. In it's place, pure rage. Mindlessly, she stood as she heard Hux entering the room.
"What in the galaxy happened in here?"
"The Supreme Leader is dead. The scavenger is gone. I need to finish this." Kylo was now looking at Jade, who was standing with clearer eyes. Her fists at her sides as she stared angrily at the red-headed man.
"Who do you think you're talking to? Our Supreme Leader is dead, we have no ruler! If you weren't so preoccupied with her little sex doll over here, we-"
Jade's hand flung up, gripping onto the general's throat with the force. Harder than she ever had before. She slowly stepped in front of him, her devilish smile grinning down at him. "The Supreme Leader is dead." Her voice dripped with venom, filling the room with poison.
"Long live the Supreme Leader," Hux choked out, gurgling as he attempted to speak. His noises and voice were cut off by Jade's lightsaber plunging deep into his chest. His eyes widened with shock and fear. Her smile was wider now, more chaotic as she stared into the eyes of the man who violated her. Feeling the dark rage within her as she twisted the weapon side to side. Relishing the moment.
Finally, she pulled out the blade, releasing blood from the man's body before he fell over dead. Her eyes shot up to Kylo, who was now staring at her with concern. "Jade..." The sick smile she had slowly faded into fury. "No. You don't get to talk. You've done enough of that."
Her lightsaber retracted into the hilt as she pushed past him, leaving the room that reflected how her heart felt. Complete shambles.
A/N: How are we feeling! Vindicated? I know I am! There is still a few more chapters to this story! If you haven't checked out Just Friends, I would love it if you did. :) It's a Modern Kylo fic! Love y'all!
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