Chapter Thirty
"Poe, you and your fleet will come in here. The three of us will land here and head inside. You'll take care of taking down the outside, we'll take care of whatever is inside." Rey pointed at the projected map of the planet. Jade's heart was racing, processing all the information. What we're about to do is-
"Rey, this is a suicide mission. You're going to get yourselves killed!" Poe stole the words right from Jade's mind. This wasn't going to end well.
With a sigh, she placed her hands on the table in front of her. "If we want peace in the galaxy, it needs to be done."
Jade's hands fiddled in front of her, the nerves getting the best of her. Ben's hand rested on the small of her back, giving her a reassuring smile. "This will work," he said half to her and half to the team. Now, fully looking up at all their anxious faces, he nodded to Poe. "I know it will."
There was still a hesitation of trust from Poe. Ben was once a murderous villain, someone who killed many of his men and women. Needing for there to be civility, however, he nodded back to Ben, giving him a friendly smack on his back. Although, still a little rough, pushing Ben forward a bit but it was all in good intentions.
The walk back to the ship was a dreadful one. People were scurrying all around, yelling across to each other. It was chaotic but matched how Jade was feeling. When they got to the black ramp of Ben's ship, the three of them turned to face the pained expressions looking back at them.
"Be safe, Rey," Finn started, walking towards her before they gripped each other in a tight hug.
Chewie growled solemnly down at Ben, him laughing in response and nodding at whatever he said. He turned and hugged him too. The Wookie pulled him back and handed him something, wrapped in leather. His eyebrows scrunched together as he took it, unwrapping it to reveal a smooth silver lightsaber.
Another growl sounded from Chewbacca as Ben eyed the saber. His innocence came forward, his lip slightly quivering as he looked up at his friend's furry face. "This is... My mom's?"
The Wookie nodded, rubbing Ben's shoulder before he pulled him back into a tight hug. Ben's eyes shut, his mind becoming clearer and clearer. "Thank you." His whisper was barely audible to Chewie, meant only for someone else.
The shared moment brought tears to Jade's eyes, wiping one away quickly. "Jade." Lyle's soft voice made those tears immediately stream out of his sister's eyes. She turned and looked at him, forcing a tough smile. "I forgive you. For everything. I'm sorry, too." His tears now matched hers, drops falling down their cheeks.
"I know." She reached up, pulling him into a tight squeeze. The inevitable bouncing around in her head. This all felt fake but her fear was certainly real. "Lyle. If I don't make it-"
"Please, don't say that."
Her shoulders sunk, sighing against his chest. "Just, listen. If I don't make it, you will always have me with you." She pulled away, her fingers reaching up to her necklace. Lyle stared down at the beautiful crescent moon. Hers the waning moon, his the waxing moon. They completed each other. His grip was tight around his own chain, he smiled down at her. "If only mom and dad could see you now."
Jade smiled up at the sky confidently. "Oh. I think they can."
The roaring of the engine behind her snapped her attention to reality. One last hug, tight and emotional, was shared by the twins. "I love you," they both said simultaneously before laughing in each other's arms.
"We have to go, Jade." Ben now stood behind her, holding onto her back again. Reluctantly, she nodded and gave Lyle one last look before heading inside the black ship.
Exegol was dark and terrifying. Lightning strikes grounding all over the place. The sky was a hazy shade of green and purple, settling a disgusting feeling in the pits of their stomachs. Ben had been piloting the ship, now landing safely onto the solid dry ground.
The three stilled in the silence, the only sound heard was cracks of thunder. "We're really about to do this." Jade's voice wavered, her grip on Ben's seat in front of her. Rey had helped Ben co-pilot, since she knew more about ships than Jade.
Ben stood from his seat, wrapping her up in his arms. "You are so strong, Jade. All those days in the training room has led to this." His sweet smile filled her with belief in herself. In them all.
The silver around her neck flashed up at her, the lightning reflecting off of it. She smiled, finding her confidence. "Okay. Let's go." The ramp lowered, the three starting to run in towards the ancient citadel.
Dodging bolts of lightning, they ran with sabers in their hands. Above their heads was the biggest battle they had ever witnessed. Blasts of shots going off all around. Just before they reached the citadel, a lightning bolt nearly hit them as they jumped under the cover. The crash just about making them all go deaf as they covered their heads on the ground.
Rey stood first, taking in their surroundings. The force guiding her towards their destination. "Come on, this way." Ben helped Jade up before they followed Rey. A large platform stood in the middle of the room, almost inviting them to step onto it. The three slowed to a stop as they came up to it. The energy emanating from it was unmistakable.
"This is the way, let's go." Ben now led, pulling Jade onto the flat surface by her hand. Rey joined them and the platform began to move down on it's own. Revealed to them was a dark hall, leading to what seemed like no where. Completely made out of stone, the only way was straight into the dark. It scared the life out of Jade, her hand tightly wrapping around Ben's. Although looking for comfort from him, he was just as frightened.
The platform stopped moving, a loud thud echoed down the stretching hall. Darkness bled into their eyes, the void completely taking over their vision. With a hum, Rey ignited her lightsaber. The blue light made a nice torch for them to continue to walk. Gripping tightly onto his own lightsaber, Ben's eyes were peeled. Checking every corner and behind every rock.
Eventually, after a few minutes of silent walking with the tension thick as mud, they reached a split in the path. Either way they went, it led to more darkness. Ben's lightsaber cracked on, revealing the beautiful yellow color. Everyone stopped to stare at it in awe, as if Leia was with them. "We have to split up..."
Rey turned to Ben, almost about to protest the idea, but then slowly nodded. "I will go alone. You two stay together. If you get in trouble, call to me through the force."
"What if one of us finds him? Shouldn't we all be together?" Jade spoke up, her lip catching between her teeth. She's never been so nervous about something in her life.
Ben's hand gripped her shoulder, forcing her eyes up to him. He just gave her a small, almost melancholic smile. They both looked at Rey, who then nodded to them before heading down the right side. Leaving them to the left.
Both their beams shined through the dark. Although Jade's still lit up red, she didn't feel the connection to what it represented anymore. In fact, she hated what it represented more than anything. If it wasn't for the dark side, they wouldn't be here right now.
The path emptied out to a room that was spilling in a soft blue light from outside. The cracks of thunder and blast from the ships above just audible. Everything was bare around them, the room completely empty with no exits visible. "Where do we-"
Ben's hand silenced Jade, his face lost in thought. He felt something. Someone. A group. Then, they showed themselves, walking around a corner at the pair. "Knights of Ren..." Ben's voice trailed off as he stared at them, wielding large weapons. He quickly gripped Jade's arms and looked deep into her eyes. "They are strong. Incredibly. Be stronger." He swiftly kissed her lips before turning back to them, his saber held at fighting stance.
As if second nature, Jade matched his stance. Memories of their training together came flooding back as they began their attack. This band of brothers were clad in dark cloaks, similar to what Kylo Ren would wear. Except these men looked inhuman. Almost like droids. No emotion, no pain. Just ruthlessness.
Jade's ears were deaf as the focus took over. She was fighting for peace, for freedom from the dark. They fought for each other, swinging down their weapons onto the men. Taking one out at a time, working together as a team. These knights were huge, but they were no match for this duo.
Their lightsabers stabbed into two separate knights, spinning around to take out the last one. As if giving up, he dropped to his knees before Ben stopped his motion. Sticking the lightsaber to his throat, he grunted down at the man who had his hands up. "Take us to Palpatine."
The knight looked up at Ben, taking a moment or two. It seemed he was considering it, but only for a moment. He screeched out, grabbing a concealed weapon before plunging it into Ben's leg. With a sharp cry, he hobbled backwards to clutch onto his thigh. Jade's eyes lit up with anger before taking her saber clean across his neck, beheading the final knight.
"Ben. Ben are you okay?!" She questioned, moving closer to him. He hissed down at his wound, looking at the blood oozing from it. Trying to step, he was limping but he could still walk.
"I'm fine. It's okay. Let's go find Rey."
The path that split to the right was the extremely unlucky one. Or lucky, depending on how you look at it. Rey's beam led her to an arena type room, seats filled with cloaked figures surrounding her. Her eyes widened at the sight, looking all around her in horror and awe. Her gaze finally landed on the throne that stood threateningly in front of her.
Vines growing from it, almost like a life force was holding it together. Sucking in power from elsewhere. The cloaked shadows that surrounded her began to chant in unison. The sound consumed her, coming from every direction. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Flashes from the lightning outside came through the cracks in the roof, lighting up faces of these figures. Her eyes grew tears that brimmed her bottom lids.
"Long have I waited..."
The deep voice made her catch her breath, fists forming at her sides as she slowly turned to see him. Palpatine.
Running, sabers lit, Jade and Ben followed their instincts. The force almost leaving a breadcrumb trail right up to where Rey had gone. The dark hall being lit again by their beams, just about making it through the other side of the split. Blaster shots rang against the stone walls surrounding them. Ben pushed forward, despite his limp, and ran into the arena.
Red guards were attacking Rey, circling her but she was holding her own. Taking them out with ease, their bodies crashing to the ground. It was certainly impressive to watch. Ben walked up to the last one, his hand shooting out and force throwing him to the side. The three all looked at each other, out of breath but thankful. Without a single word, they met in the middle and faced the terrifying man. Their lightsabers up in fighting stance, the three colors now working as one.
"Stand together, die together."
Their lightsabers were ripped from their hands as Palpatine held them in a force grip, pulling them forward and to their knees. When he pulled away, he dragged a bit of their life force with him. A wicked smile produced on his face, as his hands were restoring before their very eyes.
"Your life force will be mine. It will restore the true emperor!" A crack of an evil laugh before he divulged into their souls. Their lives leaving their bodies, little by little. Jade's eyes screwed together tight as she saw her life flashing before her eyes. Her mom, memories with Lyle, Maz, the courtyard, her father's laugh, her home, Ben's eyes. Everything she held closely to her was being torn away from her mind.
Ben and Rey saw it all too, their own lives and memories flashing by in the seconds it took Palpatine to drain them of their energy. All of their bodies dropping to the floor, nothing left to give.
"Look what you have created..." Palpatine was fully restored, his glowing yellow eyes scanning the once more chanting crowd.
Ben's head lulled to the side, his body unable to move from the ground. Jade groaned, her head turning to see Ben's eyes. Those sweet brown eyes she had seen just moments ago. She never thought she'd see them again. A sweet smile crept up on her face, which was also met by pure fear in her eyes.
"Love. Love holds no place here." Palpatine growled, causing the two to look up at him in his full form. "It is useless!" His devilish eyes fell onto Jade's shivering frame. "And you, girl. You're the one who turned Kylo Ren. That ruined what could have been greatness!"
His force gripped her once again, but this time only her. Peeling her off the ground, she struggled in his hold while mid-air. "No!" Ben's voice shot up, watching her writhe in his invisible clutch.
Palpatine's snarky grin met Ben, who pleaded up to the emperor. "No?" His deep, ugly chuckle wracked both their bodies. Fear building in Ben as he watched the love of his life be tortured. "As I once fell, so falls the love of Ben Solo."
Jade didn't even have time to think before electricity shot through her bones, rattling her before Palpatine tossed her across the room. Falling to the ground, like a rag doll, Jade laid there unconscious.
The room was filled with Ben's screams and cries, watching her body thud to the ground. He quickly tried to stand up and run to her, but he was stilled in his place. His feet stuck to the ground.
"Nothing will stop the return of the Sith!" Palpatine shouted to the crack in the roof, his hands raised to the ceiling before shooting out electricity from his fingers. The power was enough to take over, releasing Ben from his clutches. The sight above was overwhelming. Ships and pilots they had known falling from the sky. Resistance fighters who had risked their lives, dying right in front of their eyes.
Rey's eyes were now wide awake, staring up at the scene. Within the force, she felt a call to the balance. Attempting to find it, she pushed through the electrical shocks shooting through the air. Pushed past the chaos, finally seeing a blank sky. Filled with stars. The silence that fell around her was enough to focus on her breathing. "Be with me..." Repeating this over and over, she slowly started to find the strength to stand.
"These are your final steps, Rey." Obi Wan's voice was heard behind her, turning to see his glowing force ghost stepping forward.
"Ben," Anakin Skywalker walking forward as well, his smile beaming at him and standing near Jade's slumped over body. "Bring back the balance Ben, as I did." Ben's eyes shifted towards him, eyes welling up with tears.
"Alone, neither of you have ever been." Yoda stood in between the two, his eyes glancing at the two of them.
"Every Jedi that has ever lived, lives in you... Feel the force... We stand behind you... The force will be with you... Always."
Luke stepped up to Ben, a hand on his shoulder as the two shared a similar look. An understanding of forgiveness.
The voices circulating was enough for Ben and Rey to find their strength, looking at each other as they met in the middle. Summoning their sabers with the force, they gripped onto them and ignited them once again. In doing so, the Jedi's behind them also prepared into fighting stance. The bond between them all grew stronger, more powerful than anything.
Palpatine's attention was back on the two, angrily jeering at them as he stood. "Let your death be the final word in the story of rebellion." His hands shot up, electricity coming straight from his fingertips to their lightsabers, forcing it away almost like shields. The clash of the beams against his powers shook Jade awake, her eyes slowly batting open and closed.
Rey and Ben were holding their own, pushing back against the emperor but he was still so strong. "You are no match for the power in me. I am all the Sith!" Forcing his powers stronger now, they struggled but Ben's mind cleared. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, his eyes trained over to see his mother. Her bright beaming smile and her soft expression. "Ben. You are so strong, my son. You can do this."
With a strong confidence, Ben's head turned to Palpatine. Through his teeth he gritted a grunt. "And we..." He turned to look at Rey, her face straining from the pressure. "We are all the Jedi!"
The two combined forces, pushing forward at Palpatine. His body now struggled to withstand them, his powers being used against him. Their lightsabers crossed, propelling the electricity he was shooting back at him. Thrusting it forward, they let it all go at him with a simultaneous cry out.
His being disintegrated before their eyes, being electrocuted to death by his own evil doing. The electricity was enough to shake the entire arena, the architecture crumbling around them. The two shared a similar look before Rey uttered, "Jade...". Lightning strikes were hitting the ground around them, their feet moving quickly to make it to Jade's side. Just in time, they huddled around her, her eyes open as she watched the ceiling collapsing in.
Rocks, dust and debris fell all around them but didn't touch a single hair on their head. Looking around, Ben saw the force ghosts of the Jedi making a shield around them. He made eye contact with Anakin, both of them sharing a smile and a nod. The building around them ceased to collapse, the only beings left in the room were the three once more.
Rey moved herself out of the way, her hand over her mouth as she looked at Jade's body. She could barely move, her limbs and skin fried from the electricity that coursed through her moments ago. Her face had burn patches on it, singing her skin. Ben picked her up slowly, placing her onto his lap.
"Jade... Oh, little dove. I'm so sorry." Ben's voice was shaking, his tears falling onto Jade's blank expression. "I-I can save you. Just... Just hold on, okay?"
"Ben..." Rey's hand reached out, grabbing his arm before he placed it over her body. Her face dropped, shaking her head as she felt tears welling up in her eyes too. "Palpatine took too much of our life force. If you do this... If you try to heal her, you'll die."
His distressed eyes shifted from Rey to Jade's, hers barely able to stay open. "I know."
Just as Ben's attention turned back to Jade's, she looked up to see her parents standing behind him. Their smiles and soft eyes looking down at her. Then, she saw Ben's parents. Han Solo and Leia Organa standing side by side, looking at their son. Feeling a strange sense of closure, her eyes met Ben's troubled ones.
"No, Ben. Please don't." Jade's voice was weak, strained. Her hand barely able to reach up to his face, cupping his cheek softly. She winced at the pain, but pushed through. She wanted to feel him one last time. "You have so much more to do. So much more to fix, to make right. This isn't the end for you."
He shook his head, mumbling through his sobs. "No, no. You do too. Your brother-"
"He will understand." Jade turned slightly towards Rey, her eyes streaming hot tears. "Tell Lyle I love him, please." Rey nodded at her, her mouth still covered as she watched the pain in Jade's eyes.
"I won't let you go, dove." Ben's voice quivered, holding onto her tightly. His hand draped over her cheek, stroking the skin that wasn't torched with his thumb.
In this moment, she felt okay. Accepting and no longer afraid of the inevitable. This was her fate, this was her end. With a sigh, she gripped his face a little tighter. "No one's ever really gone." Her voice was waning, her mind slowly losing grip on reality. Her eyes were just about to close before she reached up to her neck, inching the chain off of her and over her head. "Please. Take this. I'll always be with you." She pressed the moon into his palm, the chain falling into his hand as well.
Ben's eyes never left hers, never wanting to let her slip away. "Jade, I love you so much."
"I love you, too."
One single tear fell from the corner of her eye before her body went limp in his arms, her eyes slowly shutting. Her spirit was slipping away, leaving behind her physical body. The tug in Ben's chest, the pull he had been feeling for her was gone. Like a rubber band, snapped right in half and ricocheted back at him. He doubled over, feeling the grip of his sadness on his heart as he cried out for her. Pulling her up against him, he hugged her body as his tears fell down his cheek. Rey placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort as they sat there, Ben rocking back and forth with the love of his life dead in his arms.
6 Months Later...
"It was great to see you all, thanks for coming to visit." Ben stood outside of his cozy home on Endor, his friends saying their goodbyes.
Since the destruction of the Sith, the galaxy was quiet. Peaceful. The three of them had done it, just as they said they'd do. Once things were calmed down enough, Ben decided to leave the Resistance and live on his own. Free from ties.
Finn and Poe both reached out to embrace Ben tightly. "Glad to see you're doing all right," Finn said as he hugged him, Ben smiling small and nodding in response. Poe ruffled Ben's hair, his hands being swatted away as the two laughed.
As they started towards their ship, waving to him, Chewie came over to give him a huge hug. His growl was so loud, it nearly startled all the Ewoks looking on from a distance. Ben chuckled, shaking his head. "I know, buddy. Come visit me whenever you want." Pulling away from the Wookie, he gave him a wave before looking on to the last two.
Rey stepped up and gave him a concerned look. "Please don't look at me like that," he said, sighing out a bit. Her mouth formed a thin line, really examining his face. "I'm fine. Really." Finally, Rey conceded and sighed, nodding her head. The two had formed a bond unlike anything he ever had, a familial connection that he was lacking.
"Okay, but I swear if you're lying to me-"
Ben pulled her into a hug, silencing her. "I know, I know. You'll come beat my ass. I'm aware." The pair laughed, before Rey stepped back, letting Lyle come up to say goodbye.
They stared at each other for a moment before Lyle dug into his shirt, pulling out the necklace around his neck. Ben did the same, showing Jade's necklace he now wore as well. The two looked at each other for another moment before Lyle quickly fell into his embrace, his arms tight around Ben's torso. Ben could feel his shaking in his arms. Just like Rey, these two had a similar bond. The three becoming a small family, something they all needed so desperately.
"She's always with us." Ben whispered down to him, clutching onto him tightly. He could feel the wetness from his tears seeping through his shirt. When he pulled him away, Rey took Lyle by the shoulder and started walking him away with her. She gave Ben a small, sad wave as they walked towards Chewie and their ship.
Ben watched them go, waving back and seeing their ships start up. Suddenly, he felt a stir in the force. His eyes gazed over to the balcony on his house, seeing her there. Glowing blue and looking down over them. He gripped onto his necklace as he smiled up at Jade, her soft features gazing down at him. She blew him a kiss before he closed his eyes, almost feeling it hit his cheek and in that moment, it felt real. His hand even came up to touch it. She was always there, with him when he needed her or not.
He knew her words to be true: No one's ever really gone.
A/N: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all of you who read and supported this book. I loved writing it, these past few months have really opened my eyes to this passion for writing. Thank you for your lovely comments on every chapter, they have made me laugh and smile when I needed it the most. You are all so wonderful.
Please check out Just Friends, my next book that I am still currently working on. It's a modern Kylo AU, very smutty ;)
Again, I can't thank you all enough. I hope you have enjoyed this beautiful story of Insight <3
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