There was no time to waste, we promptly returned to Alexandria. When I ran my mind was hazy, but I was able to retrace back to the drugstore. Then, bit by bit I found the street with the warehouse. Sam, James, Sharon, and Shuri wore full-on battle gear. Sam was in his bird costume, James wearing a jacket that was missing a sleeve, Sharon in a S.H.I.E.L.D. jacket and a bullet-proof vest. Shuri's outfit was laced with vibranium, and she looked kind of badass. On the other hand, I was severely underdressed with my combat boots, camo pants, and leather jacket. But, that was what I was used to. As long as I had my knife, I would be okay.
We were just a street away from the warehouse when Sam used his drone, Redwing, to check for heat signatures in the building. "There's a lot of people in there," reported Sam. "I count maybe fifty hostiles, and we don't even know if there's a basement to this thing."
"What are we supposed to do then?" I asked. "Just walk in?"
We ended up doing just that. Well, sort of. Sam, James, and Sharon stormed the main room. Shuri and I entered through a back exit, me preparing for one of the hardest things I would have to do: I was going to talk to Trish.
I had no idea how to start the conversation, or if the words would just flow out as they have done so many other times. There would be no good ending for Trish, she would be tried and most likely convicted. In her state, I couldn't imagine Trish lasting a day in prison. She was certainly unhinged, but I couldn't stop caring for her even when I tried to. Her protectiveness of me saved my life.
As Shuri and I rounded the corner to the back entrance, I gripped Oliver's necklace, holding the wooden pendant to my lips. I kissed it, and whispered, "Ich liebe dich, Ollie. Ich liebe dich, Papa."
Then, a gentle hand was on my shoulder- Shuri. Softly, she told me, "You'll be okay, Elissa."
I smiled and with a deep breath I opened the door.
Sam wasn't kidding when he said there were at least fifty hostiles, Crimson Night was everywhere and we were seriously outnumbered. Shuri and I had no choice but to drop our weapons and be led very roughly towards the main room. It was then where I locked eyes with Trish, and my gaze hardened. The woman grinned, but underneath her flamboyant personality I saw listlessness. Trish was ill, and everyone who truly cared about her was gone.
She clapped her hands together and announced, "Look who's back! If it isn't my second-in-command; well, formerly."
"Trish," I acknowledged, trying to be as calm as I could muster. Her golden brown eyes were a storm of mixed emotions, somehow I had to appeal to one. It was just me and her, the entire room had been tuned out- erased.
"Why did you come back?" questioned Patricia Cruz. "Are you trying to play the hero now?"
"No. You were wrong," I said. "I have found people who do want me."
"Well la-dee-dah. You do realize that I wanted you too, Elissa." her voice quivered.
I replied, "I know, and I wanted you as well. But so did Tobias and Jasmine. Please, just give this up before things get any worse. I think there's still good in you."
"Give up?" exclaimed Trish, "And what, go to fucking jail? I'm done with you, Elissa."
Voices began to rise, the main entrance to the warehouse was being broke in. In one motion, I grabbed my knife from my Crimson Night captor and knocked him out of the way. Shuri freed herself at the moment Sam, Sharon, and James entered the room guns drawn. In retaliation, Crimson Night drew their guns too.
Here comes the bloodbath, I thought.
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