Two more days passed before the verdict was given. I watched the city prepare for the holidays, I watched families decorate Christmas trees from my hotel window, I watched children walk around the street with gifts wrapped up in pretty bows, I watched the world move on peacefully. The holidays made me miss my father, my brother, and even the not-so-good folks at Crimson Night. Before I went to sleep one night, I untied Oliver's necklace and pulled it gently off my neck. In my palms the wooden amulet stood in all its beauty, and I just realized it was the exact colour of Oliver's darkish hair.
I missed him. But I wasn't the only one.
Kirsten Mikaela Lasse; Ollie's mother.
I knew what I had to do, and while it would never fill the hole in my heart from all of my losses, I would get the freedom I had always wanted.
I found Sharon's laptop and began to hunt for a small, poor family in Finland.
Then the day of the verdict happened. I walked into the courtroom once more, hoping that now I'd be able to put my battles to rest. The last pieces of information the defense would have to offer was Shuri. The princess was confident but not arrogant, firm but not rude; Shuri was regal. I watched as she explained how Hydra brainwashed soldiers, and how she had managed to separate the Winter Soldier from James. It made me ask: How old is this girl? My age? Damn, she's fucking smart.
Maybe I was developing a crush, but I decided to keep quiet about that for the time being.
The court called for a recess as we waited for the judges and the jury to decide. I snacked on the candy I had stashed in my coat pocket, my hunger finally returning to me. I sat cross-legged on the stairs of the Capitol Building, watching the protesters from a safe distance. The day was frigid, much similar to the time I wandered through Siberia and Russia. Unlike then, I had a warm black coat on, a hat, and gloves.
Now I was warm, now I was safe. And it was going to remain that way, I had to keep telling myself that.
Then the moment of the day that everything had led up to: The verdict was going to be read. I watched the judges intently, trying to read the emotion on their faces. Every news camera that could be crammed into that courtroom was there, the world was watching. I couldn't see James or Sam's faces, but Sharon and Shuri looked as anxious as me. I held Oliver's necklace, I liked to think he was there watching me.
One judge spoke, drawling on for what seemed like hours but was really only a few minutes. None of what he said was acknowledged in my mind, until he concluded, "...We find the defendant not guilty of all charges."
Sharon leaped out of her seat and gave a little cheer in excitement. Shuri was beaming. James hugged Sam. The courtroom filled with noises of chattering press, demanding for questions to be answered. It was overwhelming, I sat there with my mouth hanging open, but my heartbeat relaxing. And all of a sudden I was really hungry- hungrier than I had been in the past few weeks- a gnawing feeling wrenched my stomach. The corners of my lips curved up slightly, and I let out a light laugh. I couldn't believe myself.
James looked my way and walked over. He shook my hand and said sincerely, "Thank you, Elissa."
"You're welcome," I said, my speech returning. "I'm glad it's over."
He laughed light-heartedly as well, and I asked, "Now what?"
Sharon walked over to us and said warmly, "We can go home, and start fresh until S.H.I.E.L.D. has something else for us to do."
I couldn't stop myself, I blurted, "Can we go get something to eat first? Like a cheeseburger?"
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