Wasn't Crimson Night what I wanted? I could easily stop here.
I tossed restlessly under the red sheets. Nausea had overtaken me for most of the night, I was fucking sick with fear. The next right thing was in reach of me, I had people worth fighting for. But, night always fuels the inner voice of doubt. Some part of me was urging me to end my battle now, before I do any more damage. Somehow I could get the new drug off the market on my own.
That wouldn't make me happy, though.
I kept checking the phone for messages, but I received nothing. It was most likely that no one had even seen my text, and if they did they would probably think it's a joke. No sense worrying about it now, I thought. I still couldn't sleep, though.
Once the golden glow of sunlight stretched across the bed, a bitter reminder of how I spent all night in agony, I sauntered downstairs. No one else was in the kitchen, but I still helped myself to some cereal. Those were the perks of being second-in-command at Crimson Night, no one could tell you to do shit. Not that there was anyone there bossing me around, though.
It wasn't until the afternoon that Trish made her way downstairs; eyes bloodshot, mouth chapped, and hands shuddering like an old man's. I recognized that these were the symptoms of Criz, I just never thought that she'd become addicted to the drug like I did. "Good morning," Trish slurred, quite sleepily.
"Afternoon." I corrected gently.
Trish smacked her lips together and laughed, "How the tables have turned! I remember when you first arrived, you fucking slept forever. Now the student's become the master."
"I guess." I answered with a shrug.
As Trish made herself comfortable at the table, Tobias offered her some toast and jam. She made a face and pushed it away. No one could force the head of Crimson Night to eat. Trish just looked so ghostly that I wished I could've made her, though. From the look stricken across Tobias' face, I could tell he felt the same too. "I think we're gonna go to Washington," Trish told us, "Probably today or tomorrow."
"Why not today?" I suggested, "The sooner the better."
Tobias agreed, "She's got a point. If you want, baby, I'll go tell the guys to watch the house when we leave."
Trish shook her head, and said, "I'll do that myself." But, as the woman who was once so sure of her steps rose from her seat, she stumbled and fell towards the table. Tobias grabbed her shoulder at a lightning speed, but just as quickly Trish snapped, "Leave me alone!"
She glowered at us until we both stood up, leaving her in solitude.
Hours later, we were in a car driving to Washington. Well, one of the goons was driving. Tobias had shotgun, Trish and I were in the backseat. It was nearing dusk when we reached Alexandria, Virginia- I had spent one full day with Crimson Night. And it felt like so much longer! Everyone was in consensous in regards to our stomachs rumbling, and Trish declared, "Let's have dinner."
I knew where we were going.
"The sky is clear tonight, isn't it?"
"Yes, but I'm always prepared for a little showers."
Trish entered the club lavishly, the rest of us in tow. It was the first time Crimson Night would be making a public appearance since Azazel's death, and Trish was determined to make sure that we did not lose any respect in the gang world. We had made a stop at a high-end clothes store to ensure this. Trish wore a sleek black gown with a V-neckline and a slit. Her heels were black with red crystals. I had a red dress on with gold accents, gold heels, and red earrings. Normally I would've felt pretty, but tension was higher for me than the last time I was here, and I wasn't even fucking drugged. In the bathroom, I sent out another text:
We are in Washington now. At club. -E
No one responded. Now I was getting fucking pissed.
Crimson Night's table was loaded with food, and there were many men and women paying Trish respects for her father's death. I found a spot crammed in beside her, and smiled at the crowd.
"Don't do that, Sarah. You look dumb." Trish hissed beside me, before swallowing Criz.
I frowned, but pretended to nod fondly.
Something happened that was very hazy. Food and drinks handed to me, and it would've been rude to not accept. Maybe it was the spiked rum and coke, or a powder laced on some chicken wings, but I was drugged again. This time, I was in way less control than when Matt did it. My body was functioning one way, but my mind was locked in a cell. I laughed, I cried, and everyone seemed to enjoy my tantrum.
Snap out of it, Elissa. Goddamn it, snap out of it.
No matter how much I wanted to stop, I couldn't.
A stranger had grabbed my phone, the damn thing slipped out of my pocket. No, I thought, no no no! The phone was passed to Trish, she looked at the messages, and then at me. Her eyes shimmered with tears.
I was pinned to the ground, I screamed bloody murder. As I flailed for my knife, my only weapon was flung across the room. Punches were thrown repeatedly. Gasping for air, the last thing I saw was Trish's thin figure looming over me. A punch hit my face.
Everything went black.
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