It's USJ time! Grab your socks because they're going to blown off. I'm just kidding but hold them close anyway because things will take a darker turn from here on out because I'm introducing a fun thing called plot.
Also vote for the ideas you like best again!
- Reincarnations: everyone reincarnates except Izuku
- Present Mic's 24hr Charity Livestream
- Dadzawa and Izuku vibing in the afterlife kind of maybe not :)
- Apocalypse au with something to do with letters
- Underground City with Eraserdad and Izuku
:: This is the longest chapter of the book, 6000 words, but don't be shy to comment bc after writing all this shit i need validation 👺.
Anyway what i mean to say is that you're getting backstories, weird voodoo mechanics, All For One and more shit i have to use my pea brain for. So grab your socks and I'll see you at the end!
I firmly believe Kurogiri's quirk worked like that game during the USJ.
"How did this happen?" The Sixth yelled through gritted teeth. Shards of broken glass crunched under the weight of his boot and a light breeze gently ruffled his hair. Yaoyorozu was deadweight on his back as he struggled to traverse through the forest of black tendrils and smoke without dropping her. She was taller than him which was definitely the thing lowest on his anger priority list. Definitely.
Distant rumbles and shouts shook the floor as various battles raged on in the centre plaza, wherever that even was anymore. Saying the USJ was a forest of black and grey was no overstatement – none of the users could afford to pull any punches against the invaders, which lead to an overflow of power that flooded what was left of the dome. Though the goal was to protect the students from the villains, there was no way to be mindful of all twenty scattered teens which lead to alot of injuries – hence Yaoyorozu on his back.
The Sixth thinks that someone is definitely going to blame him for this outcome. Obviously, the attack would've happened either way but had he not spilled the beans to All For One, perhaps the scale of it would be significantly less. Oh well. The butterfly effect is a guilty mans greatest ally, so technically this is really the true fault of Onesies parents. If those two menacing brothers were never born, literally none of this would've ever happened. Maybe if One For All and All For One never existed, he'd still be alive with Nana – a dilf and a milf perhaps, living their best lives.
He's obviously deflecting blame at this point but who really cares? The main priority was protecting the kids and getting them out of the shattered dome of death. Harsh sun glimmered in between the strings of black and plumes of smoke, Yaoyorozu shifted in his grip looking down at him with half lidded eyes. Finally feeling the rush of true fresh air, the sixth stepped over the foundation of the dome, ducking through a gap that definitely wasn't a proper door.
"Who are you?" The girl asked in a choked whisper, consciousness already fading once again. Her carrier chuckled humourlessly, lowering her body down onto the lush patch of grass just outside of the relatively confined chaos in the remains of the USJ. He turned to her as her eyes began to droop closed and smiled as softly as he could.
"Call me En, i suppose."
Yaoyorozu passed out and En, the Sixth user of One for All, made his way back into the spiders web to search for more students, smoke relentlessly pouring off him. He sighed at the true sight of what the field trip had become and felt the need to ask again. "How did this happen?"
The bus of rowdy teenagers did nothing to quell the Fourths thunderous mood, their meaningless conversations grated on his nerves against the strong feeling of wrongness that plagued him since the break in. Nothing had set his quirk off but the events of the past week had continually planted a seed of doubt into his mind. After all, he didn't need his quirk to have a bad gut feeling.
"Sheesh, this class really didn't hold back against Kacchan." The Second chortled. "A personality like a flaming dumpster? I like it! This Kaminari dude gets it."
Really, the Fourth didn't understand how long serving pro heroes both living and dead didn't feel the unbalance centered around their destination. Something major was going to occur at the USJ and there was no way to stop it. No way to warn Eraserhead, no way to contact Nezu because of the stupid tether. This class was screwed and nobody but the Fourth had any idea.
Pulling to a stop revealed a completely glass dome, cloudy and reflective to hide from any prying eyes. Which made what was coming much worse. The place was surrounded by a dense forest and there wasn't another building for miles. A single entrance and exit too. As the class filtered excitedly off the bus and into the building, the Fourth couldn't help absorb every detail he could about the place: the ridiculously long staircase; the stupid fountain; each zone–
"Hey, Hey! Earth to Forecast." His eyes snapped up at the annoying voice of the Sixth and he saw a different hero, one in a spacesuit, giving an animated lecture to the students who had calmed significantly in order to fully pay attention. "What's got you frowning man?"
Well, he supposes there's no point in hiding it now.
"Something is about to go drastically wrong in the next 10 seconds." He replied, completely deadpan, eyes catching the way the stupid fountain began to splutter for seemingly no reason. "Start counting, come on. Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven–"
The younger boy reeled back. "Excuse me? What?!"
"Six, Five–"
"You best be joking asshole." The Third growled lowly.
"Four, Three."
"I don't think he's joking. When does he joke? That's like a cat starting to bark, it just doesn't happen!" Daigoro frantically rambled, eyes flickering to the door in acute paranoia.
The Fourth continued. "Two..."
"How long have you know about this, Four? There are children here!" Nana ground out. "Why wouldn't you say anything sooner? We could've stopped it!"
"One." The Fourth could only watch in cold resignation as three warps of swirling purple manifested at the buildings plaza, giving an entryway to over a hundred manic villains donning predatory smiles directed at the students. He turned to Nana, expression dark. "No we couldn't. This was set in stone from the moment of the so-called media break in last week."
The users were barely aware of Aizawa jumping into the fray and Thirteen ushering the students towards the door. The only door. They were too caught up in their own argument. "It's best to just ride it out." The Fourth sighed. "We wouldn't be able to help any–"
"BULLSHIT." Nana roared, taking an offensive step towards the man. "There is absolutely no way I'm sitting here while these lowlife villains hunt a class of children. So either get your ass in gear and help or you will not see the next sunset. For that you have my word."
The Fourth searched her face for a moment, his own lips pulled back in a scowl. It was when he opened his mouth to respond when it happened; a students startled yelp, then another and another. Turning around revealed small pools of bottomless purple mist swallowing various students, there were about eight different warps gliding around the area taking away the children who weren't conscious enough of their surroundings, all under a hood of darkness. With a curse, the Fourth swiveled to look at Nana again and perhaps hatch a plan since the women was so dead set on breaking the laws of the universe to protect a group of children.
However, when he turned, the face that stared back was one contorted in aborted fear. Nana herself was halfway through a warp, grasping for Daigoro's hand in a failing attempt to bring herself up to solid ground. Time seemed to slow as the pair barely brushed fingers before it was too late and the Seventh was gone. Daigoro cursed loudly, time returning to normal, there was a panicked rage behind his eyes as he tracked the other warps.
He was tense as he asked. "This tether will keep us close together, yeah?" Their response came in the form of what could only be a sonic boom that shook the very Earth itself, the sheer force of the sound creating spindly cracks in the USJ's glass dome. The Fourth felt his non existent bones rattle and shrieks of terror rang out from all sides of the building. Nana had yet to be dragged back to Izuku who was doing a decent job at dodging the warps, though, it was clear he wouldn't last for long against their persistence; the same could be said for the other students who had yet to be taken away.
"That sound just now." The First said in a quiet, quiet voice. "It was the sound of Seven's tether to Izuku breaking wasn't it? That's why she hasn't come back." The solemn silence was all the response needed to confirm that theory. It wasn't even a moment later that the moving warps were back, like sharks drawn to blood in the water, the Third narrowed his eyes at their sporadic movements.
"So you're saying that to break the tether i have to jump in one of those magic portal things?" The others glared at him in warning, this was no time for jokes after all. However, their looks were were more like a dare to the Third user and well, he had never been one to turn down a dare before. Grabbing a fistful of Mist Mights wispy form, the man readied himself, calculating the next moment one of the portals would cross his path. "Into the unknown right?" He threw Mist Might in the hole first and looked back at the other users. "So long fuckers." Diving into the warp head first caused another astronomically loud snap to reverberate around the dome, the cracks crawling further.
The Sixth swallowed bitterly, blinking at the spot from where the Third had just been. "I knew he hated us but this is a bit fucking extreme." The Second didn't look particularly perturbed at his successors actions though, instead he was grinning wolfishly as he locked eyes with the Fourth who also seemed to be similarly amused. The two obviously knew the Third well enough to know he had some sort of plan and the others were willing to put their faith in the pairs trust. The Sixth just hoped that Threesome wouldn't actually run away with Mist Might, after all, the fucker shared custody over Izuku dammit.
The Fourth clapped his hands together loudly to catch the full attention of the other users who were now settling into a more resigned panic without two of the three responsible adults of the group. "Listen." He grunted. "This might seem like a shitty idea but trust me when i say it's the only way to achieve under five deaths." The others leaned in attentively. "We jump into one of those warps and figure it out from there."
"You're meant to be the smart one, dude!"
"The fact none of you have any ideas makes mine the best one, therefore." Tracking a nearby warp coming closer, the Fourth swiftly slammed his boot into the younger boys stomach sending him toppling over backwards into the bottomless portal. "My idea wins. I quote my predecessor when i say; into the unknown, right?" With that, he let himself fall backwards into another warp. Begrudgingly, the other users did the same and Izuku finally stumbled into a warp of his own after an accidental misstep.
The following twang of the snapping tether was enough to send glass raining down upon the USJ.
Izuku's mind was whirring with a thousand thoughts as he plunged into the cool water of the flood zone, falling not so gracefully along with very sharp and pointy shards of broken glass. He had no clue what caused the roof to shatter but whatever it was could stay the hell away from him! It's one thing having unwelcome villains drop in on a field trip but when the forces of nature choose to assist in the carnage? That's when you run far away. But then it turns out you can't even run! Because those villains have you boxed in so you're forced to stare nature in the eye as it bellows and shatters more glass–
Nothing about Izuku was calm. Not his mind nor his trembling hands when he came face to with a shark like villain who seemed a little too okay with murdering him. Shamefully, Izuku blue screened at the prospect of dying in a flood zone of all things however, he was soon shocked back to awareness when a heavy weight struck his shoulders with enough force to send him even deeper into the water. It was both a good and bad development; good because it meant the shark villain ended up zooming right over him, essentially into Asui who was happy to hand out a clobbering. Bad news because Izuku definitely did not have the lung capacity to be this close to the bottom of the reservoir.
Also, Izuku is getting real sick and tired of invisible forces pushing him around. Sure, it's helpful most of the time, especially with getting him out of possibly fatal situations but holy shit – it's always so painful! Like a whole person just dropped out of the sky and landed on his head, even the water couldn't soften the blow. His succeeding yelp of pain granted him a lung full of bitter water that tasted so blatantly artificial it made Izuku's stomach churn. Though that could also be due to the onset drowning, Izuku didn't know, it was his first time going to a watery grave and he was kind of nervous!
Black spots mottled his vision and Izuku was only barely aware of something tugging him upwards. Was it Asui or his so-called guardian angel? Probably a mix of both. After finally reaching the solid ground of a boat, the reality of this flaming dumpster fire of a field trip set in. There were villains everywhere. Roaming around every inch of what used to be a closed top dome. The water of the shipwreck zone was positively polluted with the plotting bodies of at least 50 villains – if it was this bad in the shipwreck zone, Izuku didn't want to imagine what the land zones were like, the thought made him shiver. He hoped everyone was alright.
Something that felt a lot like a slap jolted Izuku away from his poisonous thoughts, he jolted at the sting and found Asui and Mineta looking at him expectantly, their hands glued to their sides. Ah, it was infamous guardian angel again then, the one that seemed to do more harm than good. "Sorry." He said sheepishly, wringing out his wet gloves. "I zoned out a bit, what were you asking?"
"The villains couldn't kill All Might, right Midoriya? Tsu's just light headed from the water!" Mineta whined.
"I'm literally a frog, kero, and call me Asui."
Izuku paused at that thought. Killing All Might? It sounded like a bad joke in passing but taking a look around at the state of the USJ, Izuku couldn't help but actually consider it. An army of villains plaguing all the metaphorical corners of the building plus whatever those monsters in the plaza were; a hulking inky beast with an exposed brain flanked by what looked to be clones of the original, there were obvious differences between the three of them but Izuku hoped he'd never have to find out what exactly they were. But that raised the issue of Mr. Aizawa taking on all three, objectively, he didn't stand a chance. Anyone with working eyes could tell that their teacher had leapt into the fray fully expecting death, it was obvious in the way the man held himself, fueled by reckless abandon in attempts to get his students out. It was quite touching. Izuku didn't know teachers did that–
"MIDORIYA!" Mineta's shriek as well as Asui's startled blinking clued Izuku in on the fact he probably said that aloud, suddenly the invisible force didn't want to stop his muttering, huh? "You don't really think that Mr. Aizawa will.."
"It's an educated guess. Just look at the plaza, listen to the sounds." Both Mineta and Asui followed his gaze to the plaza in question. Not much could be seen but the speedy blurs and shrieking yells were enough to give some sort of picture in ones mind. "There's a good chance Mr. Aizawa isn't making it back. Not unless we help."
Mineta reeled back and Asui tilted her head curiously. "To help him we need to help ourselves first." She said calmly, Izuku admired that. "Do you have any ideas, Midoriya, kero?"
"Well we can assume that the mastermind behind this attack doesn't know what our quirks are – if they knew Asui would probably be in the conflagration zone. Those warps back at the staircase were sporadic, more focused on swallowing everyone rather than accuracy. Plus, the villains in the water haven't made a move to advance on us yet–"
A large hand made of water sliced straight through the boat before Izuku even finished his sentence. Water flooded the lower decks, pulling the whole thing down. Izuku cursed his rotten luck, the universe really hated him. "Ok, nevermind, uhm." Come on! Izuku should be good at thinking on his feet, calling every bit of knowledge from the darkest depths of his mind, Izuku tried to conjure something reminiscent of a plan.
He hoped his Guardian angel had his back...
The Sixth was shitting himself. Why he of all people landed in the same place as Izuku was truly a horrible joke. It should've been someone responsible like Forehead! Or Threesome, but that dick took off with a fucking frozen quote as his last words. It hadn't even been ten minutes since everyone was warped away and Izuku had already almost died three times:
1. When that shark villain literally charged at him with murder on the mind.
2. When the Sixth himself almost sent the boys head into his shoulders, goodbye neck. Though, it wasn't like the Sixth could have landed anywhere else. The warp spat him out at what felt like ramming speed straight into the water where the child was basically drowning.
3. When yet another villain decided to chop the boat in half, right where Izuku had been standing. The worst part? The boy was too in thought to realize the Sixth yanked him backwards by the hair.
Really though, the Sixth prayed there wouldn't be a fourth near death experience but watching Izuku take a running leap into villain infested waters, the ghost knew that God didn't exist and his praying was futile, the universe was the biggest villain not Fucker For One. Whatever Izuku was planning sent alarm bells ringing in the Sixths head, even if he didn't have whatever fucking spidey sense Forehead had.
With a startled sound of pure panic, the Sixth followed Izuku, throwing himself over the edge of the rapidly sinking boat with the goal of protecting Izuku in mind. Not once did he stop to think, 'how would I, the dead one, protect the reckless child from dozens of villains?' After all, thinking was never his strong suit – he just went with where the battle took him and today, the battle obviously took him into a man made lake to fend off kid killers with his bare, unalive hands.
Though, it turns out he didn't need to worry. A flurry of air pressure rocketed out of Izuku's newly broken finger before he even hit the water surface, sending both Izuku and the Sixth flying back upwards while simultaneously creating a gnarly looking whirlpool. Like an angel the frog girl jumped upwards with Mineta under one arm and caught Izuku in her long tongue, whisking them away from immediate danger. The force of the whirlpool lured unwilling villains into its center where they got trapped due to Mineta's quirk (the Sixth refuses to say sticky balls, or even think it for that matter). Eventually the water collapsed in on itself shooting the ball if villains off to the side and rendering them out of the battle.
The Sixth could only watch in fondness as he plunged back into the drink, of course frogger wouldn't catch him and without the tether...
Well, if he was a bit salty about landing sloppily in the water for a second time, nobody needed to know. At least the kids were safe and hopefully heading towards the exit. Again, God isn't real. Panic once against seized him as he caught the sight of the three kids heading towards the plaza aka the epicentre of DANGER. The ghost had only briefly saw what was waiting there but he knew it was no place for children. Swimming like he'd never swam before, the Sixth frantically tried to catch up to the trio and coax them away – he was meant to watch over Izuku dammit.
Reaffirming the notion someone more responsible should be in this position, the Sixth plowed forward towards the edge of the plaza, seemingly a million miles away from the kids he swore to protect. The water made little fuss to the ghosts flailing arms and kicking legs; responding with nothing more than light ripples that made him feel like he was swimming through compressed air rather than water. He probably was.
Breathlessly zeroing in on the kids crouched at the waters edge, the Sixth couldn't help but think there would be at least ten more near death experiences before this Hell was over.
The Third ran like his life depended on it, not letting up on the vice grip he had on Mist Might. Call him what you must but really, he had a genuine reason for separating from the others – a reason both his predecessor and successor probably caught onto quite quickly. There isn't a particular excuse for why he decided to leave without saying anything other than the fact it would've taken too long to explain, right now, time was of the essence.
Also, he couldn't even stand the thought of one of the others constantly wittering on in his ear during such a high stress situation such as this. Mist Might and his inability to talk was such a blessing.
After being hastily thrown out of a warp, the Third found himself in what looked to be the Squall Zone, a constant heavy downpour coming from who knows where was enough to give that away. However, the hero wasn't focused on that, because the true goal was to make it to the outskirts of the dome, to the wall. Hence the running, he couldn't allow himself to stick around any longer than needed because if he saw some students he would feel the need to protect them and that would be a distraction.
The ghost had no lungs yet something inside him was burning. He pushed himself to keep sprinting even when glass shattered and rained down with a deafening noise, leaping over prop barricades and phasing through mock buildings. Rain passed through him, bringing on a strange sensation that he couldn't quite ponder yet because he absolutely, under no circumstance could not stop running until he made it back to UA.
Yes, his goal was the school. The Principal. Someone who could see and listen to him yell about the danger and do something about it. Sending Iida would be a much better move but with Kurogiri guarding the exit as an immovable object, the possibility of getting the class rep out on time was slim. Earlier, on the bus ride, the Fourth had known something bad would happen which is why he took note of the route they had taken, just in case. The danger in the plaza was a suffocating feeling of finality that oozed and reeked of death, part of him admired Aizawa for jumping into that with no hesitation.
Passing through the wall of the USJ was not at all difficult but he somehow felt like he was betraying everyone he left inside; the thought made him hesitate. Warning the living heroes at UA would definitely help sway the battle in their favor but what about the time it took to get everything sorted? To get all the heroes rallied and at the USJ? It only takes a second for a life to end, the Third, perhaps knew this better than most. Suddenly his legs felt frozen no matter how loud his brain was blaring at him to keep running. He turned to Mist Might, face crumbling under the weight of his many thoughts.
"What do i do?" He felt childish for asking, voice a strangled whisper, standing before the towering figure of the misty entity made him feel so small. The yellow flame-like appendages welled up as an answer, all pointing away from the broken dome and towards the school. It said so little yet so much at the same time. The Third steeled himself, right, he had to keep running, there was no time to waste on things as stupid as self-doubt. He was a hero, a damn good one too, unwilling to make the same mistakes as those who came before him. Hesitancy was a killer. "We best keep running then."
Tightening the ponytail atop his head, both man and mist readied themselves to start running once again, towards the distant and faint outline of the school. The outside of the USJ was being rigorously guarded by even more villains too, all positioned away from the actual dome and more focused on the road that led to the entrance. So they were expecting a student to flee, or at the very least more heroes to show up. It was obvious these villains weren't as puny as the ones toying with the kids – they were meant to keep help away from the kids. Fuck. Yet another thing he needed to warn Nezu off. Still, the Third took off without sparing another glance.
They ran through people and buildings alike, feet slamming down on concrete yet making no impact or sound. People reacted with a slight shiver but quickly brushed it off however the closer they got to UA, the less people there was to get in the way. Apparently they hype surrounding All Might being a teacher had died down pretty fast after three days of denied interviews. For that, the Third was thankful. Getting through the wall surrounding the school was as easy as making it out of the USJ, though it came without the oppressing feeling of guilt.
Around Izuku, the Third never really paid much attention to how massive the school actually was and it was at that moment, standing despairingly in the middle of some random hallway that he had no clue where to look. Hell, fucking hero schools never existed in his time. The thought of desperately phasing through walls and ceilings was embarrassing but if it needed to be done then he would. Time was of the essence, no matter how tedious the search may be if it was necessary he couldn't afford to mull it over.
But then Mist Might began to move, yet another act of sentience it had showed since that morning at the beach when all the users blipped into existence as ghosts; aside from the earlier silent pep talk too but the Third refused to ever acknowledge that again. At first it was a gentle sway towards the left, something the Third easily ignored but then the entity was yanked phasing through various walls at a speed the Third struggled to keep up with. It was as if Mist Might was on another tether. That thought was a light bulb moment – of course Mist Might would be connected to All Might too and if the Third could find All Might he was sure the rat principal would be near.
The ghost phased through yet another door, feeling mentally exhausted from all the running and extreme adrenaline, only to be met with a pair of beady black eyes staring at him expectantly. Of course the fucking rat knew. Mist Might hovered beside the skeleton version of himself, floundering at the Thirds sudden arrival. That thing was getting a bit too sentient for the thirds liking though, in a way it was comforting.
"Ah, welcome. I can't say i was expecting you to show up so soon." The creature hummed, idly the Third noted All Mights concerned looks towards the principal. "What do i call you?"
"Three, if you must." His name wasn't important but the dead hero still felt the need to show respect to the rodent, Daigoro's jittery warnings after their first glimpse at the creature was something he didn't forget. Nor did the Third forget how naked he felt under his curious gaze.
Nezu took a sip of tea. "What brings the Third user of One For All here, without Izuku Midoriya or any of the others especially." That definitely shocked All Might, the man violently jolting and sunken eyes widening.
"There's an attack. The glass dome has been shattered and there are villains everywhere. If you don't help people will die. Kids will die." In response, Nezu's eyes sharpened as if silently urging him to continue, the Third complied. "I don't know who's leading the attack but i can only fear it has something to do with All For One."
"All For One is dead."
The Third blinked, confused because All For One was very not dead. He doubted a dead man could infiltrate the Vestige World and speak about future evil plans. A dead man would have no future at all. If the heroes thought the bastard was dead... Who knows how long he had to rally an army or steal an arsenal of deadly quirks without anyone knowing. "I'm telling you right now, Rat, All For One is alive. However, the issue is the current villain attack. So here's what is going to happen."
To Nezu's credit, he recovered rather quickly from the bombshell of All For One's fake death. The mammal tilted his head as another silent urge to continue. All Might looked completely lost. And concerned. Very concerned. Perhaps the look on his face would've been funny if the situation was any different. Though he guessed that if the Sixth were in his position, the boy would've laughed anyway despite himself. God, maybe he should've told that brat to do this instead of him.
"My misty friend here is going to stay with All Might, i believe it'll give the twig a powerup or something. Then, you are going to gather as many heroes you can; there's a shit ton of high level thugs guarding the road and the far perimeter of the dome so watch out for that. As for me, I'm returning to help my fellow users protect those children." The Third mentally prepared himself to start sprinting again, this time alone. Nezu was difficult to read but nodded resolutely nonetheless. "Apologies for any damage caused and any damage that will most definitely caused in the near future."
He didn't stick around to see the principal's reaction, already halfway out the building running back towards those he abandoned.
The Fourth made it to the plaza after assuring the kids he warped with were safe. Though they truly wouldn't be safe until the villains were gone, he trusted their ability to fend off the remaining thugs. The situation in the plaza was dire, it was obvious Eraserhead was running out of steam especially since he was now donning a half disintegrated elbow. To the underground heroes credit, he had taken down a vast majority of the thugs that roamed the plaza; however, the three monsters were still very much ready to fight and sink their teeth into something in the most violent and brutal way possible.
The bigger one hadn't moved and the Fourth couldn't decide weather that was a good or bad thing, then on the other side of the spectrum, the two smaller grey creatures were running around like rabid animals. And they were fast. They looked like overgrown dogs with deadly jaws and sharp glinting teeth to match. Eraserhead had already been caught in their slobbering mouths more than once, only barely escaping. Truthfully, the Fourth was at a complete loss on what to do next. He doubted tripping the creatures up would do much to help – after all, this wasn't some meaningless training against Bakugo.
From his spot near the fountain he could see the First at the top of the long staircase, obviously having made it out of the warp frenzy with a few other students. The man was peering over the edge of the top step on all fours, making direct eye contact with the Fourth. His gaze looked frantic and frightful, gesturing the hero to turn around. Having no reason to ignore the other, the Fourth cast his gaze to the the shipwreck zone, where alarmingly, Izuku was squatting with two of his classmates. Too close to the danger.
"What the Hell is he doing here?" He yelled, his gaze zeroing in on the Sixth who was badly trying to swim towards the plaza, the remains of a sinking ship behind him. The boy looked more relieved than scared in the face of the olders scorn.
"Forehead, please tell me how i could've stopped him from beyond the grave? I'm dying to know!" Came the boys distant yet sarcastic yell. Typical child. The Fourth had better things to worry about than babysitting a delinquent ghost as well as Izuku. "Shit! Four, you need to–" The Fourth didn't even have time to process the Sixths hysterical shout nor the youngers complete switch in demeanor because his quirk ticked seconds in advance. His brain buzzed and the Fourth was suddenly hyper aware that what used to be a barely manageable disaster was going to turn into a borderline catastrophe and there was nothing anyone could do.
"Nomu." Ordered the villain covered in hands, his tone was laced in a terrifying amount of finality that made all who heard it flinch. The large beast snapped to attention eyes rolling into focus and brain pulsing grossly. "Finish Eraserhead." It obeyed, suddenly standing over the frozen form of the underground hero while the two dogs howled mockingly behind it, ready to tuck in.
The Fourth only barely registered Izuku vaulting over the lakes bank, ready to run into what could only be classed as a suicide mission with gleaming green eyes set with solid determination. Quick reflexes and parent senses alike was what spurred the Fourth the catch the boy by his arm and stop him from getting himself killed. Both he and the Sixth were surprised when it actually worked and Izuku jerked to an abrupt stop, his wide green eyes turning onto him.
In that moment, when the pair locked eyes, everything came to a grinding halt. Water sloshed around as the ripples in the shipwreck zone calmed, the whispers of the wind spoke of help coming soon and whistled in excitement as if excited to see how the day would progress. Every so often another chunk of glass would fall and shatter into a million pieces warranting more shrieks of terror from wherever it landed, those shrieks started a domino effect of sorts, fear breeds more fear, this field trip was proof of that.
Izuku looked startled and made a move to jerk his hand away but the Fourth tightened his grip, leaning in. "Do you want to save them, Izuku?" He emphasized every word and the greenettes eyes widened even further than the fourth thought possible.
"Yes." Izuku replied, voice steely with raw determination.
The Fourth leaned in. "What are you willing to sacrifice?"
With a grin the Fourth stood up to his true hight and released the boys arm, casting his gaze to the hole in the roof. "Well then, let us see what we can do."
As he said it, brilliant black tendrils exploded outwards, expertly wrapping around faux buildings and gripping to walls. Quickly creating the illusion of a spider's web. Slowly descending from the open top of the USJ was Daigoro in Nana's arms, his quirk wild yet controlled as it sought out students and villains alike. The pair were floating out of the reach of everyone on the ground, smirking and smug.
"How's that for an entrance?!" Daigoro bellowed excitedly.
Did i make the USJ incident way worse? Yes. I'm not sure what you expected since the Sixth basically spilled his guts to AFO in the last chapter. With the knowledge that Izuku had the past users in his arsenal, AFO decided to up his game for this attack.
Had to split the incident in half because did you know you just read 6000 words? Thats crazy are you okay?
I'm not even sure if i fully like this chapter to be honest but it's way better than what i originally had for it – we won't speak of that :)
Izuku using pure willpower to summon all the users? More likely than you'd think. However that doesn't mean there won't be intense backlash for our sweet boy. Raising the dead comes with a price.
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