Day before the first episode.
Regan sat at her desk working on her latest project. It was replacing the president with a robot version of him named ROBOTUS. It was a mission for Cognito Inc. Cognito Inc is a secret company which controls the United States Government and is responsible for creating, maintaining and covering up all its conspiracies and secrets away from the public eye. It operates on behalf of the Deep State.
Reagan is a mixed-race woman (half-Japanese from her mother, half-Caucasian from her father) 30 years of age, with a slim build. Her hair is short and brown, and she ties it into a ponytail leaving her remaining hair parted on both sides.
She was wearing a orange hoodie and grey sweatpants. Just then the door opened up and her husband, Y/N L/N walked in.
"The best part about working for a secret government organization is that you get to travel around the world for free! I got dinner from the Monster Cafe in Universal!" Y/N said happily as he walked in and kissed his wife on the cheek.
"Ya ya. Good for you." Regan said, not really paying attention to him. Y/N sat there food down on the kitchen table. He looked at his wife and pouted softly that his wife wasn't really paying much attention to him or anything else around her.
Don't get him wrong, he knew his wife's work was important to her, but the amount of time she worked concerned him.
At first glance, Reagan comes off as insufferably brilliant, easily irritable, cynical, paranoid, and competitive to her core with evident social awkwardness, which usually makes her unable to establish a connection with those around her. She appears to be a callous misanthrope whose genius drives her headfirst into her work.
He thought for a moment and decided to mess around with her. He walked to her and covered her eyes.
"Very funny Y/N." Regan said sarcastically.
"No. Make me." Y/N said playfully.
"I need to work." Regan said.
"You got an office for a reason. You got a job and a team to do this with. Now pay attention to me." Y/N said in a cute voice.
"Ugh. Y/N. Now is not the time." Regan said annoyed.
Y/N saw that his teasing wasn't working on getting her attention off of work. So he decided that he needed to try something else.
"Fine. You win, I'll guess I'll just...tickle you!" Y/N said as he stopped covering her eyes and started tickling her. Regans eyes widened and she busted out laughing.
"Y-Y-Y/N! S-stop! Oh god stop!" She said uncontrollably laughing.
"Never! Make me!" Y/N said as he tickled her. Regan said squirming and trying to get Y/N to stop. Y/N started kissing her neck.
Regan couldn't help but laugh. She wanted to continue her work, but Y/N was turning her on.
"If I let you fuck me will you stop!" Regan said. Y/N stopped and blushed brightly. He slowly nodded his head. Regan rolled her eyes and smiled. She wouldn't admit this out loud, but she found him adorable.
"You dweeb." She said as she grabbed his hand and walked upstairs with him.
"Since my dad is out. We don't need to lock the door~." She whispered to Y/N. Y/N couldn't help but smile at her. Y/N had a feeling that her parents hated him. Mainly because her mother tried hiring a hitman to kill him. And because both parents shouted "I object!" at the wedding. But Y/N's parents liked Regan.
They walked to their room and closed the door. Y/N locked the door just to be safe. The two then proceeded to have a passionate hour and a half.
"Forgot how good you make me feel~." Y/N said playfully to Regan as they walked downstairs.
"Your one to talk. First time we did it, I thought my legs weren't gonna work anymore." Regan said as she playfully punched Y/N in the arm.
"Oh, no need to over exaggerate." Y/N said as they walked downstairs and into the kitchen, only to find Regans father trying to get into their food. However, Y/N had chained up the to go box's. He even left a note saying "HA HA HA HA! Sucker!"
"I ate your leftovers one time and you start putting your food on high security!" Rand said upset.
"Don't overreact. This is minim security. High security involves a metal box, finger print scanners, facial recognition, lasers, and guns. And sometimes rockets." Y/N said casually like it was no big deal.
Next: Unpresidented
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