What am I..? Who am I?
''Who are you child?''
''M..my name is..''
''Speak, child, what is your name?''
''I..dont know my name..''
''Very well, from this day forward..You will be named Oni. Welcome to the GLADIATOR unit, you will obey every order I give you and you will become the best killer yet.''
15 years later..
OCTOBER 19th,2068
USS Homecoing- Pacific Ocean
0600R PT
The sound of the rain hitting the windows of the airship, the wind blowing as fast as a speeding train. The quietness of the interior of the airship in just a way to die from the inside. Oni feels nothing but his exoskeleton cover his entire body, his helmet around his head . He looks down at the ocean floor, the thunder and lighting only growing worse and worse. He looks at the special operations squad, They look back at him, only showing fear inside . But..how can they tell what Oni feels? He talks the same and he is always wearing that Helmet, Even his visor prevent seeing his eyes. Is he even human? What the hell is he? Who is he really?
Nobody Knows for sure, all they know is he is the one to take out the commandant of the USS Homecoming. The Spec ops team just takes Intel, blow up a few mega weapons and just leave.
The Pilots of the Airship hover the back side of the Ship, lighting up the signal green. Spec Ops team throws down black rope and ropes down to the ship's surface, Oni jumps and lands on his legs , as quiet as a feather landing on the ground. Spec Ops team walks through the ship , choking and quietly cutting the enemies throats open. Oni walks slowing, activating his thermal inferred vision. He looks around and can see through the interiors of the boat. He lifts his hand and pushes a button by his helmet, zooming in. He see's a large structure shaped as a AA gun twice as big as a cargo carrier. Oni turns off his thermal vision and looks at the Spec ops squad leader.
''Four floors down, I will take out everyone . Anyone that I miss, put them down.'' He says in a deep, robotic voice.
''Yes sir.'' Spec ops leader looks at him and orders his men to move forward.
Oni activates his invisibility cloaking device and starts walking down the steps. Through the first floor wall hallway, there are a count of 20 sailors with guns around, socializing and laughing , having a good time. But.. that will end soon. Oni lifts his arm and tosses an EMP grenade through the hall, it explodes and shuts off the power for a short amount time. The sailors jump up and aim there guns everywhere.
''What the fuck just happened To the power? ''
''Oh hell no, I was about to play some music.''
''Yo, Jefferson , get the fuckin' power back on.''
''Yes sir.'' The sailor turns on his flashlight to find the power box. All of a sudden An orange dot pops up in the darkness. All the sailors aim there guns at it. Then a long orange beam comes out and the sailors look in fear, they start firing their guns, screaming.
Oni looks at them all as he dashes full speed and starts swinging the blade.
Screaming and gunshots were heard, the sailors hear the beam come close to them but they are quiet after it hit's their direction. After 30 seconds of power outage , the power come back on. Oni turns around and looks at the hallway..
Blood all over the ground and walls . Torsos cut up and slashed, disembodied arms and legs everywhere. The faces on the dead sailors were cut open and covered in blood. The guns destroyed .
Oni pauses..He starts breathing heavy and he starts shaking. Something is up with him. What is it?He is suffering from something. Before he drops his blade, a sailor from behind shoots his pistol at Oni's head, it bounces off and hits the wall. Oni turns around and looks at the sailor.
With complete fear in his face, he backs away, firing his weapon.
''G..Get away..Please..I-I have a family...''. He stutters , leaning against the wall, hyperventilating. Oni lifts his blade up and points the sword at him, with a slight pause, he looks into his eyes. The sailor is scared shitless. Does he want to kill him? or does he have to? He never disobeyed an order from his Commanding officer for 15 years..should he hold back? He looks at him and drives the sword through the sailors chest. They sailors eyes widen as he coughs up blood . Oni twists the sword and slashes up ward, cutting him in half. Blood splatters on Oni's Helmet as he looks down , he is shaking. He has to complete the mission, So he holds back and moves onward, For the next 3 floors, Oni is hacking and killing soldiers and sailors of the ship. Blood everywhere, Body parts flying and guns destroyed.
Oni is Covered in blood, He walking in the Area with the Mega Guns, and Spec ops regroups with him. The leader looks at him and makes a comment. ''Jesus..you look like a mess. Did you enjoy your time?'' Oni looks at him but doesn't say a word.
''Oni and Spec ops, this is Colonel Wilson. I see you have cleared this ship, Well done. But you have new orders, Keep the weapons because that carrier is ours, and the man running it is operating it from the room on the left with his wife and daughter. I need you to take them out. '' Oni looks at the room and see's the family through the window, He walks towards it and grabs the handle. The engineer looks at the door while playing a game with his family.
''Captain?'' He asks. ''Is there something you need?'' The door opens further more and Oni walks in. The engineer grabs his family and looks at him. ''Who are you?! What are you here for?!" He says in fear, looking at Oni as he is covered in blood .
''Ill give you anything you want!! Ill give you the plans to the next weapon!! Ill give you whatever ..Just please dont kill my family!!'' He begs to be spared and for his family alive, Oni pauses and looks down.
The Colonel Calls.''Oni, Kill them.''He orders.
Oni just stands there , not moving a muscle.
''Oni!! Kill them God Dammit!!! That is an Order!!!!'' The Colonel yells.
Oni just stands there frozen, the family looking at him.
''God dammit, Spec ops , kill them now.'' Colonel orders the Spec ops.
The Spec ops team walks in a aims their guns at the family, the wife and daughter crying and the Engineer begging for them not too.
''on my count..'' The Squad leader orders. ''Three...''
''On--'' Oni grabs the Squad leaders neck and crushes it, blood flying everywhere. He Cuts and slashes the other Spec ops members and Drives his blade through the last one, Cutting him in half.
Oni pauses and looks forward, Throwing his sword at the Mega weapon and presses a button on his Forearm, Activating a self-destruct option as it blows up and destroys the weapons. He turns to the family and looks at them.
''I suggest you get out of here.'' He says to them. The ships engines shut off as the blow up . The Engineers family takes off as the head to the outside. Oni looks at them escape. He looks at the bodies of the Special ops team, and looks at his hand, He has no idea what he just did, if it was good or if it was bad. He was feeling something, something he has never felt before: Remorse and Heroism. He just rebelled against the Champions of Fortune.
The family takes a life boat and the engineer turns on the engine, Sailing off away from the ship. And explosion hits and Oni gets hit with it, Going underwater as the whole ship is destroyed.
His metal plating exoskeleton causes him to sink underwater, half of his body is destroyed.
The engineer sets the Boat on Auto and holds his wife's hand , holding her tight as she cries in his arms. The daughter looks as the ship explodes, her facial expression shows she was saved from someone who was cold hearten.
The Colonel looks at the cam through the drone, he rubs his eyes and throws his mug at the screen.
''Get the Commander right now, we have a serious problem, Send in the next Exo-Ninja to find him and the engineer!!" He orders an officer. Looking down, having a sick feeling of being betrayed.
Who knows what happened, all he saw was his greatest assassin went rouge out of the blue, and now he wants to take him out.
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