Sweat pools down my back. I smile at the boy I've been sparring with, then turn to take a break. My muscles ache a bit, but I feel better than yesterday. The only worry I have is not about my aches, but the mission that will happen tonight. A few water coolers have been lined against the back wall, and I swerve between other sparing pairs to get to it. As I reach for one of the plastic cups, a hand falls on my shoulder.
"Hey, Autumn," Eva whispers. Dark circles lay under her dim brown eyes, and her hair hangs limply around her face.
A realization hits me; my friends needs me. Eva is hurting, and I can't let her hurt alone. So, I pull her into my arms, rubbing circles in her back. She allows me to comfort her, yet she doesn't shed a tear. She wraps her arms around me, which are thinner than I remember.
"Eva, you're not okay," I gasp, pulling away from her. "You can't let Jared's stupidity do this to you. What happened to that strong girl I know?"
Her lips tilt upwards. "She's still here, but even the strongest of us can break. But, I'm okay. I have you, and the others. I'm here to win this fight, Autumn. I'm here to finish what we've started, no matter what!"
I smile at her. "I'm glad, Ev. I'm here, okay? I'm here for you. I don't care about everything else, I'll be here for you if you need me."
She reaches out to squeeze my shoulder. "Thanks. You're a true friend."
"You are, too. You've always been there for me." I debate telling her about the mission. Sure, I trust her. However, I want to look out for her. I don't want to bring her more problems that she already has.
"What's on your mind?" She mutters, grabbing a cup and filling it with water.
I purse my lips, unsure if I should tell her. Before I can respond, she thrusts the cup in my direction. Uttering my thanks, I grab the cup and gulp it down, cooling my body. Relief fills my parched throat, and I toss the cup into the large garbage bin beside me.
"Autumn?" She mutters. "I'm still a part of this. I don't care how broken I am."
I let out a breath as Eva fills up a cup of water for herself. She takes a sip while I glance around, relieved to find that no one is paying attention to us. In fact, we're the only ones getting water. Turning to my friend, I realize that she is a bit broken by all of this. However, it doesn't mean she's out of commission.
Leaning close to her, I whisper, "Tonight, I'm going to Leane's base to steal a Chip, and then to the government to find James."
Her eyes widen. She stares at me for a moment before her lips spread into a wide, genuine grin. "It took you long enough."
I blink in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I knew you would do this. I knew you wouldn't let us go down without a fighting chance. And, I'm in. Whatever you need to make this possible, I'll make it happen."
I stare at her. Her smile is contagious, and I can't help but feel pride for the bravery of my friend. "Thanks, Ev. I didn't know if you could-"
She holds up a hand to silence me while sipping her water. "I can, Autumn. I can, and I will."
Joy replaces my anticipation for a moment. "Okay. Tonight, meet me and the others in the lounge room, okay? I'll fill you in then."
She nods. "Okay." She doesn't question who else is in on this. She doesn't ask me any questions at all. Eva simply tosses her empty cup into the trash and walks back into training with her head high. After a moment she turns back to me. "Want to spar?"
"Sure! Do you want me to-"
"Abilities and all. I can take it. Besides, I need to practice. The real enemy won't hold out on me," Eva grins. She walks to an open bit of space not too far from the water cooler. I follow her, marveling at her strength and courage. She's always been a tough one, but I feel like I've underestimated her lately. We're all damaged, I realize. Some just handle it better than others.
She gets into her stance, which she's learned from her days at this base. Her legs are a bit too far apart and I tell her as much. All of my new found training has really helped me, and I'm grateful for it. Eva herself isn't bad. At first, I let her advance, and I start with hand to hand combat. Her greater asset is her strength and determination. Each jab stings more than anyone else's have today, and she refuses to stay down for long. I think we both learn from each other.
My friend grins at me through her bloody nose. Neither of us is a perfect fighter, but we're well matched. Finally, I use my abilities. I've had my senses increased the whole time since it's a habit now. I allow electricity to flow through my body to my fingertips. Everything falls away as I become one with my Chip. I toss a ball of energy towards Eva. She easily dodges it as we begin a sort of dance. She's still a bit inexperienced, and her footing falters at times.
A bit of electricity grazes her arm and she yelps in pain. I've been so lost in trying to perfect myself that I forgot I was sparing my friend. I wince, but remind myself I can't go easy on her. Like she said, the enemy won't be so considerate. So, I will myself to become invisible, tingles enveloping me as sweat pools down my back. I begin to feel drained, but rush up behind her and slam the electricity into her back. I use just enough to stun her, knocking her to the ground. Her eyelids flutter shut and I grimace. I knew it would come to that, but I never wanted to hurt her. I never wanted to hurt anyone.
Popping back into visibility, I plop down beside her. My muscles ache, and sweat drips down my nose and onto her loose shirt. Training is great to improve yourself, but these Chips have limits. I know my friends with Chips are hitting them too. The thing is, everything has a limit, and so does everyone. At least I can build up so endurance that the enemy might not have.
Suddenly, I'm knocked onto my back. The wind as knocked out of me as someone pins me to the ground.
"Never underestimate your enemy, Autumn," Eva laughs.
I sigh. Of course she was faking her unconsciousness. I didn't think I put that much voltage into my electric ball.
Just as I prepare to flip her off me, it's time for lunch. She hops off me and offers her hand. I take it, then walk with her to join the other people in my little group. I hope my Chip recharges before I have to train again.
"Attention, please!"
The room falls silent as Derek's voice travels through it. Glancing around the people in front of me, I spot Derek at the door to the training room.
"We've been doing enough training lately. After you eat lunch, feel free to relax." He seems to be faring straight at me. "I can tell some people are becoming a bit worn." With that, he walks off, and his conversation with that lady last night replays in my head.
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