I rap on Molly's door, surprised as she swiftly yanks it open. Despite the early hour, she doesn't seem tired, nor look like she's been sleeping. She simply raises an eyebrow, pulls me inside, and shuts the door behind me.
"You wanted to help my friends and I, correct?" I ask, not wasting a second.
Molly nods, walking towards the kitchen. Once we arrive in the cramped room, I notice a laptop placed on the table. A new one, one that's completely clear and basically holographic. A mug sits beside it, and the chair in front of it has been pulled out. Mrs. Jenny is nowhere in sight, leading me to believe Molly has been awake alone.
"Correct," Molly responds. "I'll do anything to save my father, and to make the government pay for all it's done. To make sure that crazy rebel leader doesn't enslave us once again."
"Enslave?" I question.
She scoffs. "That's basically what it was like before. Barely any freedom. Just work, do what you're told, and pretend to be perfect."
I let out a breath, my adrenaline wearing down. The reality of what's just occurred finally hits me.
"What happened?" Molly questions.
I tell her all that happened, from the intruders having Chips, to my dad being shot, to them getting whatever they needed.
Molly purses her lips, seeming a bit disturbed by what I've filled her in on. "Take a seat, Autumn. I was just getting some work done. I work designing the software for watches, laptops, digital notebooks. Anything electronic that the public has access to."
My eyes widen as I pull out the chair across from the laptop. I allow myself to sink into it, and then to grin. "So, you know your way around technology and guns? You'll be a big help for sure."
Molly grimances. "Yeah." She sits in front of her laptop, resting her forearms against the keyboard. "It also means I know why they were in your house."
My blood runs cold. "You do? I'd sure like to know. Does it have something to do with technology?"
She nods. "You see, devices these days are pretty secure. You couldn't access information from a remote location. However, by entering your house, they could pick up the signals of all the devices in there, including your alarm system. They were probably trying to do a few things." She holds up a finger. "One, they were trying to scare you." She holds up another. "Two, they were trying to get any information the could from watches, laptops, whatever." She holds up another finger. "Three, let you know that they know exactly where you live. They probably would've taken your parents for leverage if you hadn't stopped them. They might've thought you weren't home."
I gulp in a deep breath as I try to absorb all that Molly's told me. Luckily, there's not much they could pick up off my devices. Only the fake cookbook, but the information is basically outdated. We never mentioned Derek's base or it's location, which is a relief. No plans, nothing. I hope they didn't find anything of value. "They should've have found much on our devices. Nothing that could lead them to ruining us."
Molly lets out a sigh of relief. "That's good. But, since they came to your house, conflict probably isn't as far away as you think. Or as straightforward. I admire you, kid. I really do. However, you can't stop an entire army with just you and your friends."
"I mean, we have a bit of an army-"
"But, I take it not as big as the enemy's?"
I shake my head in defeat. "No. The government wouldn't help us, then they take your father. Things just- aren't adding up. We're training to face off against Leane, the rebel leader, trying to impose new Chips. What about the government, now?" My head drops into my hands as my anxiety rises. "You're welcome to the team. We could use someone like you."
Suddenly, a comforting hand is placed on my shoulder. "If anyone can do this, you can." She gently squeezes my shoulder. "I'll find what I can about all possible enemies."
I sigh, dropping my hands and angling my head to meet her eyes. Then, an idea formulates in my mind. "Do you happen to know anything about Chips?"
Molly drops her own hand and shakes her head. "I've never worked with them before. Sorry."
An idea pops into my head, one that I hope will work. "Let's say I got my hands on a manual stating how they work and how to make them. Would you be able to learn from it? Recreate one? Of course, the manual only covers the old Chips. But- maybe you could try to figure out the new ones?"
Molly's eyes light up with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. "If you actually have this manual, of course I could! I've been itching to learn about Chips! But, why would you want to recreate one?"
I summon electricity to my fingertips. It takes a bit longer than usually, but I don't feel as tired anymore, and my Chip no longer feels hot. Molly gasps.
"The new Chips that give abilities," I fill in, letting the electricity dissipate. "The enemy army has them. Ours doesn't."
Molly nods in understanding, placing a hand on her hip. "Your army needs a fighting chance. One that I could give."
I nod again. I glance to my watch and realize it's not the same as my old one. I'll need to get the cookbook off Cody's laptop. "I got the manual a while back, before Chips were removed. It's why I did- what I did. Because it stated in there about the master Chip and that if it was removed, all other Chips would be also. I don't have it on this watch, but I can get it from Cody."
She grins, showing her white teeth. "Get me that manual and you'll have yourself an upgraded army."
I grin back. I can't help but hop off my chair and wrap my arms around her. She's old enough to be my mom, I realize. She hugs me back swiftly, then goes back to sit at her computer.
"I'll get that manual as soon as I can," I call to her, then let myself out.
My mind starts spinning as I rush down the street. I need to get to Cody. I need to get the cookbook from him, and I need to tell him everything has has happened in the past hour. Suddenly, drained, I stop in front of my house. A breath of air escapes me as I run a hand down my face. Then, I grin as I realize I fell asleep with my watch. Raising it to my mouth, I order WatchAssist to call Cody.
I look around, then walk towards my house. I shouldn't stand out in the open, but for some reason, I don't feel all that safe in my house anymore. After disarming my house, I step inside and shut the door, leaning against it. My senses automatically heighten, on high alert.
"Autumn? You do realize what time it is, right?"
Glancing at Cody's hologram, I try to pull myself together.
"What's wrong?" I guess he can see the emotions swirling in my eyes.
I proceed to tell him everything, from the intruders to my talk with Molly. Then, I ask, "Do you still have the cookbook?"
His hologram nods, and he seems torn between smiling and frowning. "I'll transfer it to Molly wirelessly. I have her contact information anyways."
I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Thanks. That's a relief, and exciting. We'll have a chance now."
Cody grins. "Yeah. If Molly can actually replicate the Chips with abilities, this will be a big step for us." Then, his grin falters. "Autumn, you're not safe there anymore. I think it's time everyone moves to the base, including Teresa, you, and Eva."
I shake my head. "I handled it. I'm okay."
"But what if you weren't," he presses. "What if they had decided to stay and fight you. I can't lose you, Autumn. None of us can."
I sigh, pressing my back further against the door. "You're not going to lose me. I'm fine, okay?"
"What about your parents?"
I feel a twinge of guilt and worry shoot through me. "They were never meant to be hurt. They- they should move down to the base, along with Eva's family and Teresa. None of them are safe anymore. We should've been more careful after your father, but we weren't. My dad could've died."
"We didn't know," he says softly. "We didn't know they found your house as well. I'll call Teresa and Eva. But you're coming here, too. I can ask your aunt to pick you up if you want."
I shake my head. Then, my eyes widen with a thought. "Have you heard from Jared."
"No," he mutters. "He never returned to the base. You don't think-"
"I don't know what to think anymore," I whisper. "And, have my aunt pick up everyone else. Teresa, Eva, Eva's mom, and Eva's sister will be four. My aunt five. I'll-"
"You're not walking alone. Do you even know where it is?"
I nod. "I can find my way there. I know this town well, and I remember the area the base is at. Besides, I need some fresh air."
"Autumn, you're putting yourself in harm's way."
I sigh. "I can take care of myself, Cody. Have my aunt pick up the others and hurry up and send the cookbook to Molly."
"I'll see you soon," I mutter. "WatchAssist, end Holochat."
The chat ends and I allow my arm to fall to my side. Then, I yank open the door to my house, close it, and rearm the property. As I start walking, I have a destination in mind. One that, if Jared had anything to do with the intrusion, will likely lead me to him.
Streets and houses alike pass by in a blur. Streetlights are no more than orange flashes of light, and I can't help but become consumed in my own thoughts. My own worrisome thoughts. What if my dad died tonight? What if the intruders got to Teresa or Eva? I press a hand to my forehead, trying to make myself calm down. As I continue to walk, breathing feels a little more difficult to do. Pressing a hand over my heart, I force myself to breath as a single tear trickles down my cheek. People are in danger, and it's my fault. I just want all of this to end. Leane and Jeremy have dragged this out long enough.
I stand in front of the ice creamery, the one that started it all. I'm not sure why he'd be here of all places. I mean, it's not the most sure location. Yet, it holds a place in all of our hearts. Nothing in me hesitates to push open the door, to storm into the dark shop. The orange hue from the streetlights is the only thing illuminating the space, and the three people clustered in the center.
My eyes fold across my chest. They're too engrossed in conversation to notice me. I know it's stupid, and I know I could get myself killed. However, my burning anger won't allow me to leave. They don't get to threaten people I hold dear and get away with it.
Their masks have been removed. Jared's inky hair is now free, as are his icy eyes. Beside him are two people I have never seen before. The girl is a short blonde with eyes similar to Jared's, and the other guy has chocolate hair and eyes. They're both muscular and fit, almost like they're been training. I have no doubt they're part of Leane's army and are people I've trained with.
I cross my arms over my chest, and I feel my heart sink to my toes. I can't believe Jared could stoop that low. As the girl, who I'm kind of relief to know is okay, looks at me, I freeze. I realize I should've made myself invisible, but a part of me no longer cares. I clear my throat, dropping my arms and taking a menacing step forward.
"I didn't know you were this much of a jerk, Jared," I hiss.
His eyes widen at the sight of me. "How'd you find us?"
I gester around us. "Because this ice cream shop used to mean something to us. To all of us fighting for a cause." I feel betrayed. I feel hurt. "You hate me so much that you tried to kill my parents?"
He shoots a glare at the others. "You weren't supposed to hurt anyone."
"Says you," the girl scoffs, then turns to me. "You're nothing, and you're not going to stop Leane."
As the boy opens his mouth to speak, the door behind me opens. A hand flies to my mouth as three others stand there. I don't care that I'm surrounded. I care that the middle one is Teresa.
"Teresa?" I gasp, then my eyes narrow. "How could you? I thought you were my friend!" I want to scream, and cry, and unleash the electricity boiling within my veins. Taking a deep breath, I force myself to calm down. I don't need a repeat of the last few times. No more losing control.
Teresa looks remorseful. "Autumn, I didn't want it to be this way."
"I thought you hated Leane, and now you're working for her!"
Teresa sighs. "You, Derek, and this whole little thing isn't going to work. If we want to save this city, we have to do it ourselves."
My eyes widen. "You guys have formed your own rebellion."
She nods. "We work with Leane, but we're going to undermine her."
"Who says you can stop her?" I hiss.
Jared laughs from behind me. "Who says. You have an army of people with no abilities. Not only do we have access to Chips and Leane's plans, but we have something else on our side."
"And what's that?"
He smirks. "You'll see."
"What about Eva, huh?"
His face falls. "This is the only way to save her, and to save my father."
My nails dig into my palms. "How. Could. You?"
He opens his mouth to speak, but Teresa cuts him off.
"Leave, Autumn."
"We can't let her go after-"
"She knows of us, not our plans. We have no reason to harm her," Teresa cuts him off again. I see remorse in her eyes, like she really wants me to forgive her. Like she really doesn't want anything to happen to me.
I stare into her honey eyes, one that are hardened by one too many years of too much. "I'll never forgive you for this," I whisper. "I trusted you." I spin around to face Jared. "And you." Shaking my head, I storm out of the ice creamery. My heart hurts, and so does my head. Nothing makes sense anymore, and I can't help the tears that begin streaming down my face.
What do you guys think? I had planned this a bit differently and not to be unveiled until the end. But I think this is better... I don't know. Thoughts so far?
p.s we passed 70,000 words!!!!
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