I love you Bro! {Marvel} (M) [X]
A/N: If you read the first MxM book, this is technically a remake of the Big Brother Deadpool x Lil Brother Male Reader. Minus the incest.
"Hey, Y/n you seem down, what's up?" A woman asked the man, Y/n. "My friend Wade hasn't come back in year. I'm scared something might of happened to him, Emi."
The woman sat down next to Y/n "Wade, huh? You mean that asshole you kept hanging out with, didn't he have cancer or something and needed to go get treatment?" She said as Y/n looked in her direction "That's the thing! Wade didn't go to a hospital, he went and got some weird black market treatment shit! Emilia, I'm scared, what of he died, what if he got murdered and-" Emilia put her finger in front of Y/n's face "Stop worrying, he should be fine... I guess, I don't know or care for him."
"You're no help at all." Y/n said as she smiled.
I sit there admiring Y/n from above. "Aw, he's changed a lot this year!"
"You've changed a lot too, Wade"
"Oh shut it you get out of here! This is between me and the sweet sexy beast reading this!"
I zone back in and noticed Y/n five blocks ahead "Eep! Wait, don't go!" I whisper holding my hand out "Ah whatever, I know where he lives." I said flicking the air.
"Hmm, how am I going to get you... to... to... what the fuck am I doing again?" I asked looking around and snapping my fingers "Ah yes, showing my deformed chicken skinned ass to Y/n and get him to bone me, cause I knew that fool had a crush on me since we were little!" I giggled.
"You looked at the sky for a millisecond, how did that remind you of all of that?"
"What the fuck did I say?! Leave me and Y/n alone, this is my story, and you not in it this time!" I yell.
After standing there for a minute I sat down on the edge of the building and looked at pictures in my phone of the good old days... the sweet and horrible good old days. You wanna see?
"Wade, slow down god dang it!" Y/n panted as he chased after Wade. "Haha, catch me if you can!" The young Wade laughed before tripping. "See, Bro, that's what you get." Y/n snickeres helping Wade up "Be quiet, you just- ow!" Wade held his leg as the two of you noticed a gash in his leg. "Ouch, that's got to hurt, what even did that?" Y/n said looking around. "Forget about that, how about you help me, I wanna get out of here now." Wade said sitting on a tree stump.
Y/n rummage through his bag and pulled out a bottle of water "Here dump this on it."
Wade slowly poured the water over the cut in an attempt to clean it. "Hmm, I don't have bandages, but I do have an extra shirt for some reason." Y/n said with a smile "Just hurry up and put it around my cut, Y/n this hurts like hell!" Wade hissed as Y/n scurried to help him.
After some time Y/n finally got the shirt wrapped around tightly on Wade's leg. "Any better, Bro?" Y/n asked as Wade motioned to the shirt that was slowly turning red "Does it look like it?" Wade asked as Y/n raised his finger "Don't answer that, it wasn't a real question. Now take me home so I can go to the hospital god damnit!" Y/n smiled and carried Wade like a bride. "If my Father asked, it's because of my leg, not because I asked for it."
"But you never as-"
"Shut up!"
"Ah, the sweet, sweet memories." I sigh looking at the night sky. I stand up and stretch "Alrighty, let's go bang Y/n!"
Y/n sat with his friends at a restaurant, they were having a party for no absolute reason, but for fun!
"Y/n, Y/n, you gotta play this amazing game; it's better than 2k I-I swear!" His friend slurred making Y/n laugh "If you can remember to tell me tomorrow, then I'll check it out."
Y/n didn't drink, no, he wasn't the designated driver, it just didn't feel right without Wade around. Wade made drinking feel special. Ever since he's vanished it just hasn't been the same.
"Y/n you should drink, it'll get your mind off Wade!" Said one of his friends and Y/n gave a sad smile "Actually it's the opposite. Me and Wade would get shit faced any time we could." He said sadly "So drinking would only remind me of him more." Y/n looked down and twiddled with his thumbs. "Dude, you sound hella gay. If- If I were you... I would've at least fucked him before he left." His friend said before face planting onto the table. "Very funny, dude."
Almost half an hour in Y/n decided to leave. He wished his friends good luck and made his way home.
Y/n didn't realize how long he was in there, the street is nearly pitch black with all the streetlights being blown out or flickering dimly. It made him feel uneasy. Y/n turned down into the usual alleyway he walks to return home and he stopped. He saw a man repeatedly thumping his head against a wall. Y/n groaned, he doesn't want to walk past him, and he also doesn't want to find a new path, he's cold and he wants to go to bed.
Y/n sighed and quickly and quietly made his way past the man, but apparently not quiet enough cause right as he passed him the man screamed. Y/n bolted down the alley, hearing the mans set of footsteps behind him gaining on him quickly. Y/n pushed forward, using all the strength in his legs even if they were tired out to move faster and faster, while hearing the deranged man behind him catch up.
Y/n tripped over some trash and fell onto his side. Y/n tried to get back up but his hand slipped in a puddle and had a shard of glass go in it as well. Y/n let out a pained scream, but quickly used his other arm to help himself up and tried to continue to run, but during his time on the ground the man caught up and pounced on Y/n.
Y/n clenched his eyes shut and prepared for pain, but nothing came. Y/n ears twitched as he heard a scream, along with cutting noises.
"You pile of shit!" He heard a man grunt out.
Using his uninjured hand, Y/n sat himself up right himself upright and opened his eyes to see a man in a red and black costume with weapons all over repeatedly hacking at his assailant with a katana. The man in the costume stopped and was panting heavily, before quickly turning his attention to Y/n.
Y/n quickly stood up and ran away "Hey wait!" The man in the costume yelled, but Y/n ignored him.
"Hey, I said wait you fucker!" The man yelled appearing right in front of Y/n, making him fall slip and fall, landing on his hand, pushing, along with shattering the shard of glass that was in his hand. Y/n cried out and gripped his wrist, trying to stop blood flow and pain. "Oh, shit that's not good is it?" The man said "Here let me help." He reached out to the still hysterical Y/n.
Y/n panicked and grabbed the nearest object, which was a brick and used the adrenaline fueled strength to break it over the mans head. Knocking him out. Y/n slowly stood up panting, shaking crying, feeling like if any more damage comes to his hand he'll piss himself.
Y/n stiffened his legs to stop them from shaking and ran to the nearest hospital.
I get up shaking my head "Ow! How'd he do that?" I ask myself dusting myself off.
"I don't know, it's not like you live in a fantasy world where anything can happen, and strength is scaled in a bull shit manner." The voice said and I groaned "You take the fun out of everything."
"What part of this was fun?" He asked as I held my hands up "You should know, I'm not telling you." I said before turning around and taking a notebook out "Alright, Operation: Y/n in distress failed. Now to try the blunt way."
To be Continued...
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