(The week picked this person which you don't know yet)
So I told them what time we were leaving which was 2 days so then I went to sleep with my dogs in my bedroom and Russia and Canada went to sleep to and then it was morning and I hear a thud in the kitchen so I grabbed my weird looking axe incase they were gonna hurt us and I garbbed Canada and went to the kitchen and saw doom slayer and he had the crucible and I put down my axe somewhere where my dogs won't get hurt by it "uhh doom slayer" I said and he turned his head towards me and activated his crucible incase we were gonna try and harm him "woah put the crucible away we won't harm you maybe you should use Vega to talk" "hello I am Vega doom slayer wants to know how you know about us" "you guys are from a game called doom" "oh ok well doom slayer asks for us to stay here and in return we won't harm anyone unless they pose a threat to us or you and that ball thing" "well there's someone else living here RUSSIA" I yelled and I saw Russia open the basement door and he got surprised but then he didn't care so then I made breakfast after I fed my dogs and let them out I made some extra food incase someone was still hungry but then I made the food so then I yelled for all of them and we ate but I had to talk to doom slayer "hey doom slayer where are you gonna sleep" "doom slayer should sleep on the floor or something because doom slayer is 360 lbs" Vega said "ok I'll get doomslayer a blanket and pillow when the time comes" i said "ok" Vega said so then I decided to go shopping "ok Russia canda doomslayer Vega I'm gonna go shopping so I'll be back soon don't break anything" I said as I left *timeskip* I drove into my driveway and then opened the garage and drove in there and closed the garage door and I went to go get doomslayer to help me because I had lots of bags as I planned to go to the house tomorrow but doom slayer helped me bring them in after 2 trips and then we packed and then everyone went to sleep
(Next chapter won't come out after a while because I'm gonna try and make it 1000 or 2000 words word count 430 words)
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